Chapter 185: Humans, Right?  

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Chapter 185: Humans, Right?  



Beyond was an enhancer, just like his father. The ability he created is quite simple and has little to no limitations.

He creates bubbles, they can be either a bit elastic and absorbent or solid. They can either shrink or expand and nothing inside can leave unless Beyond allowed it.

Nothing that enters can leave but for something to enter is a bit complicated and takes time as opening the bubbles is quite hard. That's why Beyond preferred Yasuo use his portal ability.

And here, a weakness of the ability becomes quite apparent, teleportation abilities. Except Beyond didn't really intend for it to work that way, so such a weakness mattered not to him.

The bubbles' main functions are how they expand and shrink, possibly infinitely as long as Beyond can meet the requirement and he can use them as massive weapons of destruction.


He can also use them as small weapons of great destruction by using their shrinking function. In fact, he can also create sonic bombs using them albeit nowhere as strong as the ones he can create with Nataly's help.

And so, that explains the following scene of Beyond standing on a golden bubble that's floating in the middle of the air static.

His arms high up the air as he focused his Aura through them to the colossal golden sphere that's slightly shrinking as time passed on until it could shrink no more.

What was left is a massive golden sphere with a diameter of 30 meters. He shrank the sphere to its absolute limits, a sphere filled with sound waves that remained just as strong as the day they were released all due to his ability.

One can only wonder how much of a destructive weapon the sphere is, well, one doesn't have to wonder for long because Yasuo could be seen standing far below on the ground.

With his eyes closed, he was focusing on creating a massive portal large enough for the sphere to pass through then he opened his eyes looking at the dark portal above him hiding the bright sun above.


The bright golden sphere that Beyond just released to the portal at a speed surpassing the speed of sound, like it has little to no weight.

Beyond them lightly jumped and fell down on the same bubble, an elastic bubble that returned the force he applied by several times sending him high in the air. He created another bubble before he starts to fall down and did the same thing to jump even further into the sky until he created a solid bubble which he stood upon.

He then created another one next to him which Yasuo who just appeared from a portal stood upon only to hear Beyond's loud laugher and obvious sarcasm mumbling his next words, "HAHAHAHAHah HAHAHAhahaha, This is so much fun, the dark continent... Hahahaaha."

He seemed like a crazed old man proud of what he's achieving as a wide grin overshadowed his face and he uttered the simple words with a tone of enjoyment, "K BOMB!!!!"

From the depths of the plant, miles below the ground where the massive golden appeared from a portal, a portal that disappeared directly after leaving the massive golden asteroid heading towards the ground fall below.

The massive explosion was that of the sphere colliding with the ground at the speed of sound and almost instantaneously creating a massive crater and sending debris and trees flying all around.

The space on the last floor is massive, extremely massive, a large forest with Brion creatures dragging themselves all around. Some knocking on the trees with their round heads acting just as eerie as always.

One strange Brion falling from high in the air as he just appeared through a portal. the Brion that remained on the second floor, how can Yasuo forget about it?

The last explosion was trigger by Beyond's words. Not just the compressed sound waves with the sphere but also the compressed air that reached its melting point.

The inside of the sphere is so hot it will evaporate anything inside and the pressure is so high it will crush even steel, The sound waves were screaming in pain needing to be freed dearly.

They were freed alright. The static destruction within was released free to do whatever it desires. The golden sphere disappeared instantly making the destruction within even more devastating.

The following catastrophe looked instantaneous because not even the rocky barriers did anything to stop the sound waves or the following pressure.

The ancient stones were frail against such a force and the floors above came crushing down, every was broken down and crushed under the astronomical pressure.

The sound even went as far as reaching Yasuo and Beyond, and was even heard by the people at the camp miles away. An ear-piercing sound even to them let alone how it sounded miles below the ground from its source.

"Poor creatures, such a fragile lifeform with such a weakness." Not a trace of sympathy was apparent on Beyond's face, mockery is what was apparent as he asked, "Humans, right?"

As if understanding the strange question, Yasuo answered with a smile of entertainment on his face, "Yeah, humans."

This expedition was no mere expedition, it's a conquest. Humans learned from their previous losses and prepared, prepared well to conquer the dark lands.

They did what they do best and thought of ways to make what was once impossible possible and turn gods into ants.

This wasn't just special to beyond's team, No, every team all over the dark continent was prepared for what's to come though things weren't as easy as Beyond had it.

The dark continent however is big, way too big so there is bound to be some variable that'll get in their way, the unknown they have yet to face or prepare for.

Beyond brought a few things from his side pack. A few test tubes filled with blood as per Yasuo's request and their deal.

Beyond didn't really have a problem persuading the other team members of obliging to Yasuo's request and due to several apparent reasons, he didn't see a problem also giving his own blood to Yasuo.

He was convinced Yasuo wanted to just research them or something similar and it's extremely unlikely he would want them for something sinister... Because does he need such underhanded methods?

Even Ging didn't mind, the only one to refuse was Pariston, the ever gloomy and bored Pariston that became extremely quiet for the past month.

The expedition was such a disappointment to him, even living was disappointing at this point because he noticed what Yasuo wants to do. He wants him to lose interest in life by not allowing him to feel any excitement or happiness and that's all Pariston lives for... It's working.

"I'll explore the ruins a bit before leaving so good luck in whatever future endeavors you're planning," Yasuo said ready to leave as he got most of what he's really here for.

Beyond raised his brows in surprise, "You'll not take care of Pariston before leaving? I thought you would." Beyond was keeping a close eye on each member of the team and he of course noticed Pariston's behavior.

He knew of Pariston's possible goals way before this but didn't do anything about it because he was extremely useful though now, there isn't much use of him anymore.

"Later." That is all Yasuo said before disappearing into his abyss-like portal. His next destination is very close by, in the depths of the labyrinth miles below the ground.

He appeared in the catastrophic forest, it still looks green with several trees still standing but most are scattered everywhere. The crater became much bigger after the second explosion.

Yasuo closed his eyes for a second sensing everything around ready to use his full capabilities to explore the place.

He slowly opened his now scarlet eyes as an exquisite purple armor appeared all over his body protecting him completely. Only then did he teleported to the ground of the floor.

This time using space control. He crouched next to one of the dead brions and created an amplification domain around it. The dust every brion body and the whole forest is releasing didn't manage to reach him at all.

Mud, a muddy blue fluid inside the creature's round head. The fluid that acted as the blood of the creature moving inside its veins slowly though now, it's still... The creature is dead.

The human body is just that, a human body of a once living human and the intruder is the round smooth head.

An innocent parasite that gives birth to other parasites through the dust it spreads once it notices a viable host for its children. Just a creature that wants to live and wants its children to live.

A strange creature consisting of simple muddy fluids and the brain is its round head. It's not in any way intelligent but it has instincts and limitations.

The muddy fluid inside its round head especially works in some strange way. It works through vibrations, small and almost unnoticeable vibrations that will need an extremely loud noise to disturb.

This is the brions' weakness, a big enough of a disturbance of its frequency result in death, the deadliest creature isn't so strong after all.

Zio, a plant that can cure all diseases and sicknesses. It's everywhere in the forest though most are partially destroyed but are still useable and Yasuo took some.

He also took other plants that look interesting while exploring the floor thoroughly, the rubbles of the higher floors did nothing to stop his domain.

As his feet touched the satiated and vibrant ground, he muttered looking below him, "The source should be below, deep into the ground..."

Then he disappeared diving deep into the ground going for miles under his space control and ignoring the rocky and muddy ground he's going through as if he's intangible.

He also noticed something previously, the ancient civilization that once lived upon this ground and built the labyrinth was trying to dig ever deeper because they also knew the source of this strangeness is deep below their feet.

He noticed an underground tunnel leading in the same direction he's heading to though it was cut off not far into the depths. They were unsuccessful either due to the calamities above or they just gave up.

They would've been unsuccessful anyway as Yasuo's goal was tens of miles below the furthest depth they reached, a hopeless endeavor.

Not for Yasuo as he floated in the middle of a massive vacant space, bright red lava passed through the dark ground. The space is extremely large and seems to surround the object spurting from the center.

Holes with no apparent end, Yasuo knows why such vacant holes exist in such a place. These are the holes left by colossal creatures that passed by here leaving a bright pathway deep underground.

Yasuo set his eyes upon that strange object in the center. A transparent cone-shaped object with some kind of static liquid inside. The most striking things however are the bright purple lines running all over the object, 'Perfect.' He thought.
