Chapter 186: The Thing Deep Below Us?  

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Chapter 186: The Thing Deep Below Us?  


Yasuo set his eyes upon that strange object in the center. A transparent cone-shaped object with some kind of static liquid inside. The most striking things however are the bright purple lines running all over the object, 'Perfect.' He thought.


Violet lines, the signature mark of his violet rose ability though it's quite apparent those lines were there for a while, more than five seconds which is the limit of his violet rose.

The only natural conclusion is his delayed rose which is a part of the ability though it can last infinitely as long as he's alive and can handle the continuous consumption.

If his Aura pool was to be fully expended then it'll remain existing but won't be spreading anymore, the purple lines will remain unmoving until his Aura becomes available.

Yasuo didn't touch it, instead, he turned his attention to something his domain picked. He then directly teleported to the side of the flaring holes all around.

He lightly touched the rocky wall before him only for it to disintegrate in his hands into nothing but mere sand. What lied beyond is what at first look appeared to be a massive dark rock.

Yasuo however knows betters, a dead creature. What he's looking at is the dry skin of a dead creature, what looks like a colossal serpent.


Not just that, he can see several of such creatures all around surrounding the transparent object, hidden behind the muddy and hark rocks that acted as the curtain that slowly shadowed the creatures through generations.

This isn't Yasuo's first time seeing such creatures as this wasn't the first time he headed to the depths of the planet.

When he was strong enough to ignore their threat and the creature that lies at the core, he saw them, he saw even more dangerous creatures deeper in the massive planet, living ones.

Not a sign of life was noticed anywhere close to the transparent object. Another creature or a part of the creature at least, a part spurting from the depths of the planet and sucked the life of anything that went near.

Yasuo smiled after completing his observation, 'Thankfully I prepared else all I would've faced there is death. And I saw into the future... All I saw is death until I was strong enough.' Yasuo lightly lifted his right hand in which a tube appeared filled with some kind of dark blue liquid. "I worked so hard to make you and I guess it's time. Z sequence 10253, do what you were made for... Under my complete control of course."

Then the blue liquid within the tube was teleported directly from inside to the insides of the white transparent object before him spreading within the muddy white liquid inside and painting it in its color.


Yasuo didn't wait to see what'll happen nor was he interested in seeing the results, he directly started teleporting away back to the surface where the warm sunlight can again shine upon his pale face.

He stood above the ground and lifted his hand in which another test tube appeared, an empty one that soon became filled with a red liquid, the blood of Pariston who is miles away.

'He definitely noticed and I'm sure he's extremely angry and depressed by this point.' Thought Yasuo with amusement apparent in his eyes, 'Anyway, my collection has been completed so I'm done here... For now.'

He then headed back to the new base of the silver snake, a large walled village next to the river. Across the past month, Morena's loyal subordinates were working quite hard on building what could be called a temporary base.

The materials were transported through Yasuo's portal then they started their work and they finished it in just about two weeks with the help of Yasuo as well as Morena.

Both have an arsenal of abilities and some are useful in such fields. After which, about six thousand of their henchmen were left in the settlement and the rest spread around exploring the surroundings.

Each was given a job suitable for their talents or abilities if they have any. The exploration unit was being led by Orilin who joined them again after Yasuo teleported him to the settlement with his subordinates.

Yasuo regularly brought new batches of henchmen from the new world increasing their numbers, a process they plan on continuing until most of the family is here.

They will switch their headquarters from the Island to the dark continent and leave the Island as a secondary base. And for that, Yasuo was working on another project he just finished not long ago.

Inside the settlement lies a giant half-moon structure made of metal. Some kind of strange patterns were engraved all over it bringing a sense of elegance and mysteriousness to the structure.

The half-moon structure was closed by a similarly engrave metallic platform below it, they were tightly connected to each other allowing the structure to proudly stand upon the settlement.

"Will it really work? How? Even with how much you explained it to me, I'm still puzzled about how such a thing is possible."

Morena who is standing next to Yasuo couldn't help but wonder observing the work of art before her, this is the second one she had seen, the other one Yasuo delivered back to the Island.

With unwavering confidence, Yasuo answered calmly as he walked closer to the structure. "It will work though only you, Orilin and Cashew will be able to activate it but it will definitely work."

Yasuo didn't explain any further, instead, he started feeding his gentle calm Aura into the structure. That seems to trigger something as the patterns on it started lighting up getting brighter and brighter the more they devoured.

Yasuo's extremely refined and compressed Aura allowed him to activate the platform in no more than a minute where others would take hours.

A portal is what appeared within the half-moon structure. The same as the portals Yasuo creates appearing filling the semicircle on the platform.

Yasuo then held the stunned Morena's small hand and guided her into the portal while explaining.

"It will take you more time to activate it but it will always work as long as the fuel was available and it can be opened from either side."

They walked through it appearing right next to the headquarters in the Island where Yasuo built another platform. Both of them are the source and the destination but all the rules of Yasuo's portals ability are also applied to them because that ability is what gave birth to such a work of art.

Even with her trust and belief in Yasuo and his abilities, Morena was still thoroughly left speechless with the prospect of such creation, if he creates more of them or other architects with different functionalities then...

"You really like to make the impossible possible." Remarked Morena as she leaned into his chest relaxing in his embrace.

"Accelerate the moving process, in fact, get some now while the portal is opened. It should stay active for about an hour though you can shut it down at any point by simply focusing your Aura on it with that intent."

Ordered Yasuo while caressing her silky hair and continued, "I'll be away for a few hours, okay?"

Morena nodded enjoying his gentle touch, "Just don't be late. I missed you, you know?"

Yasuo was a bit amused knowing what she means so he just gently kissed her forehead saying, "I'll be right on time so don't worry."


Yasuo didn't go too far, he went to the mushroom forest close by beyond the river though closed by in the dark continent means a few hundred miles.

He sat down on the tallest mushroom he found ignoring all the dangerous creatures around. He closed his eyes and focused on his own body, on his genes that are working on evolving all the time.

A change could be noticed on them, a change that wasn't there or was hidden. Some kind of strange patterns appearing as if engraved on his genetic structure.

Those patterns also appear engraved on all of his organs though they're so small they're completely unnoticeable to anyone else.

The patterns appear to be working as some kind of gears turning continuously and accelerating his constant evolution and changing his genetic structure constantly or evolving alongside him.

"It took more than I predicted." Remarked Yasuo after observing them for a while. The patterns are the result of his research, the result of the silver liquid he gave to Meruem to drink.

And the result was satisfying, they started spreading to his every gene and only finished that process recently. Patterns that will evolve alongside him and gain new functions as they evolve.

Patterns in his every cell and gene and their basic functions are simply ridiculous, one of them is strengthening his body, the same inscriptions he inscribes on things to make them harder to destroy.

Now, his already strong body has become much stronger. Its primary function however is quite simple, amplification. Amplifying the evolution process and making it faster as well as amplifying every function of his genes.

"Next is," Suddenly several test tubes appeared hovering in the air in front of him. He started drinking the dark red blood one by one leaving the most important one to last.

The last test tube which has a bit of Ging's blood, he slowly drank it allowing his genes to gain a valuable addition that'll push their functionality and power to a much higher level, after all, Ging can also mimic other people's abilities.

He remained static in his place for a few hours until he adapted completely to the new blood and the evolution process continued again.

Yasuo then slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to his left looking in a certain direction, 'Should I visit them today? Perhaps until tomorrow, I'll go with Morena and take it as a small vocation.' He thought before disappearing into the void of space.
