Chapter 184: Answers And Conquest  


Chapter 184: Answers And Conquest  


What looked like white sand, that's what's on Yasuo's hand at the moment. The crouching Yasuo amidst the ruins and rubbles of what once was a great civilization.

"The god of choice huh... Nothing but mere dust amidst the passage of time." Yasuo remarked looking at once was one of the most horrifying entities in the world.

Time extinguished that fact as its power and duty were passed to another successor. "The successor is none other than Nanika... No, it's Alluka, and this what'll happen to her without outside interference."


Yasuo slowly stood up as the white soft sand flowed down from his hand. "The gruesome fate of those who inherit that godly power. Forever to remain within the clutches of two powers."

A smile surfaced on Yasuo's face as looked at the sand that was once a living statue of a God and uttered, "So who summoned the third force to interfere? Can you answer my question dyo epilogés?"

Time stopped as the dark purple crow on Yasuo's shoulder blinked. There was no afterward, because time started receding so fast until the scenery change completely.

Yasuo was standing in the same location, this time however, there was no sunlight that shone upon his pale face because it was blocked by the stable roof above his head.

The white exquisite building Zigg once stood before. Now Yasuo stands within it before the snowy statue that looked down on him.

The dying stature looked a bit more rugged than how Zigg described him signaling this is its state after the incident. However, it looks quite livelily with a wide grin on its two faces.


"I know not. You are an intruder, that I know but how you exist doesn't seem to be something I can ever know... Strange isn't it?" The wide grin isn't a good representative of its current tone, an emotionless tone.

Yasuo activated his Amplification domain observing the live statue closely while remarking, "I see, so either it's a coincidence, something that happened due to chance or something else is responsible."

The statue didn't affirm or deny, instead, he gave a question of his own, "You know I can force you into two the choices right now? The boundary of time isn't that much of an obstacle to me yet you're here."

Yasuo just shook his head, "Even if you did, it's useless. You're a flawed existence. You have weaknesses and limitations. Most importantly, your time was up."

The statue didn't respond leaving silence in the hall of the building until Yasuo asked, "What is its goal, and who is the enemy that led to the civilization's destruction?" The two strange faces of the statue formed a wide grin out of its rocky form. "You have a goal and you'll likely end the cycle... I want that to happen. It doesn't have a goal because it's dead, all that's left is a desire that created us. The enemy... I don't know."

Yasuo raised his eyes brows in wonder, "Oh you actually answered... Why..."


The stature slowly started to lift its head high as it looked down on Yasuo even more.

The fabric of reality seemed to be changing as its two faces started mixing together forming an ugly creepy face with a similarly creepy grin as it uttered the strange words in a calm yet arrogant tone.

"For I'm a God... I'm not to be missed with nor am I the plaything of a punny dead being."

The stature disintegrated into dust, into the snowy sand that was once on Yasuo's hands.

Yasuo again lightly shook his head. "The environment it has grown in shaped it to be a god, to the point the deep desire that birth it mattered not to it. In fact, it saw it as an intruder."

Before the roof above his head came crumbling down, Yasuo deactivated his Vision eye allowing the scene of him standing amid the crumbled building to return.

His ability not only allow him to see into the future but also to the past and at a much lower cost. And with his proficiency in the ability, he was able to make that cost even lower to the point he was able to see tens of years into the past.

'I already anticipated the source entity is dead and confirmed it a while ago but I still can't confirm anything about the hidden enemy or how am I here...'

Thought Yasuo as he closed his eyes ready to teleport somewhere. He thought back on the time he had met that strange entity when he was strong enough to survive gazing upon it.

When he went to the depths of the planet to face it and all he saw is an unmoving entity serving as the hot magmatic core of the plant, the strange entity that has never really died holding onto some kind of desire towards an unknown enemy.

As he continuously teleported, Yasuo lifted his left hand and brought his palm to his left ear. The palm which has a purple circle that shone in grace as he initiated a call giving a few simple orders.

"Be ready in two hours." Then he continued on his way teleporting miles each time and it didn't take him long to pass by the forest in which the Brions exist.

He continued along the coast until he reached a place he deems suitable as a temporary base east of lake Mobius.

A green plain next to a wide river that goes as far as the eyes can see and its source is shadowed by distance signaling for its length, possibly longer than anything seen in Yasuo's previous world.

Yasuo judged it's even more colossal than what anyone can imagine. This is the same river the expedition team passed through to reach the Brion forest specifically the second half of the forest as the river is isolating it completely.

And now, he passed hundreds of miles yet an end was never seen, in fact, the review doesn't seem to wanna end anytime soon.

Perhaps, Its end lies far deeper into the dark continent to the depths where the true World Tree stands shrouded in darkness.

Yasuo turned his attention to the surroundings and observed what lies far beyond the river, the wide river with an estimated width of several miles.

He observed the gigantic mushroom heads far away, having a mix of white and violet colors and he can feel numerous life signals in that direction, well he can feel them everywhere around him.

Some are so massive they're apparent from miles away. Yasuo cleaned up the area for a bit before sitting down on the ground in a mediative position. He created several Aeroeye threads then called, "Medusa, connect these threads to the Island at the exact where they're waiting to give me a clear vision to the place and make sure the passage taken is safe and that the threads won't be destroyed."

The obedient Medusa appeared with all the snakes on her head looking in a certain direction then almost instantly, the job requested was done and Yasuo's Aura pool became vacant.

After the ritual, Medusa no longer needed the condition of him being in danger to activate her ability making things much easier though the cost remained the same.

Yasuo held the thread in his hand as even without his Nen, it can still exist though he won't be able to see through them.

All that they are are Aeronen threads so he closed his eyes and waited for his Aura to regenerate and it didn't take long for that to happen.

His regeneration abilities are truly wonderous so his Aura was quite quick to regenerate and that says a lot considering how large his current Aura pool is.

Only then did he started feeding his Aura into the threads opening the eyes that are far away and he started looking through them.

He observed the army of people perfectly lined up to enter the portal that just appeared or started appearing as it continued to expand until it turned into a dark shadow standing upon the Island.

The portals he created were so massive They allowed for thousands of people to pass at a time. A source portal of similar size to the destination one.

They entered from the known world and appeared in the dark continent or as they perceived it, a vibrant and colorful place that made them take deep breathes tasting the ample energizing oxygen in the air.

Not all the members of the silver snake family were sent here, only about ten thousand people and the rest were left back in the known world to keep their hold there.

Morena, the first one to appear from the portal didn't shy out from clinging to Yasuo and encircling her arms around his neck then initiating a kiss of passion showing her love to him for all to see.

Though it wasn't long before she became the victim of his controlling hands and she gladly welcomed it as he brought her closer to his chest.

"Have you missed me? Disappearing on me for weeks now?" Morena mischievously asked afterward.

And all she got after that is a pinch in her cheeks as Yasuo amusedly remarked, "Stop messing around, let's leave this for later. Now, we have things to do."

Morena puffed her cheeks acting like a child simply to be mischievous. "Such a mood killer," Then she started looking around more closely and asked, "Is this where our new home going to be?"

"Nah, It's a beautiful place but not to my liking, I can find better. This will a temporary base and perhaps a secondary base down the line. You don't like it either?"

Morena shook her head answering, "It's one of the most wondrous places I've ever seen but it just feels a bit bland and dull. I expect much more from the dark continent."

Yasuo agreed and he has an idea for where he wants the base to be but it will take him time to clean it out so might as well start conquering the dark continent from here and go deeper later. "This will do for now."

Yasuo then observed the ten thousand people lined up devotedly waiting for orders. Orders he provided, once every one of them heard as if they were whispered in their ears. "Let our fast and easy conquest begin... It won't be a problem right."

The response was nothing short of a sonic bomb followed by an earthquake as each of them screamed their answers while lifting their right legs and hitting the ground beneath them with no hesitation, "No!!!!!"
