Chapter 183: An Absolute Force With A Weakness?  

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Chapter 183: An Absolute Force With A Weakness?  



Yasuo was the last one remaining in the hall as he watched what will happen with curiosity apparent in his eyes. He watched as the golden sphere appeared from a portal behind the creature's round head then.

The golden sphere is Beyond's interesting ability, an ability not to be expected from someone like him. All he did previously is to trape that deafening sound Nataly released with the sphere.

Then he compressed the sphere to its current size and that also affected the air and sound waves within compressing them creating what could be called a true sound bomb.

An extremely high-pitched sound compressed, a prisoner inside the sphere. The sound that didn't get to shine when Nataly released it as it was solely focused on the sphere.

Now however, the sound showed potential and destructive abilities that could put most offensive abilities to shame. The sound bomb looked instantaneous not giving the slow botanic weapon a chance to react.


Within miles from the explosion location, nothing was really safe. The buildings were shaking, some in rubbles more than how they already were.

Dust everywhere as the sonic bomb expanded ignoring whatever obstacles in its way and affecting miles around it though the further from the source the weaker.

If Nataly didn't warn the team repeatedly, they would've definitely suffered some serious damage and even death was a possibility, in fact, most of them would've ended up dead if they didn't take the necessary precautions.

Even when they did, most of them found themselves dazed as blood flowed down their ears. Their brains were buzzing unable to comprehend what they just heard.

The lowest pitch perceivable by humans and the loudest as well to the point that the labyrinth came down crumbling around itself getting the expedition team out of their stupor and forcing them to retreat further.

Yasuo observed how the botanic creature behaved after the sound and surprisingly, it was just frozen until the creature fell to the ground possibly dead.


The portal Beyond and Ging went through just in case to avoid the percussions of the bomb leads to the surface not far from the labyrinth. The portal disappeared directly after. They weren't worried about Yasuo staying there as he wouldn't stay there just to die but they were waiting in anticipation to see how effective their method is.

"Why did you invite him to the team knowing how dangerous he is?" Curiously asked Ging, to which Beyond just smiled. "A whim, I just felt like he won't be a danger to me and it sounded interesting."

Ging just shook his head while heading into the portal that just appeared before them. For Ging, the expedition so far was quite strange and not what he expected, 'Perhaps it will feel more like an adventure if I explore alone.'

They walked into the portal appearing in the same place they left from. Yasuo was still standing there unharmed, he seems to be just observing the dead Brion that strangely look unharmed as well.

Beyond observed the surroundings and noticed that the hall strangely is mostly intact even though the sonic bomb exploded inside and he expected it to be in rubbles. He naturally turned his gleaming eyes to Yasuo deeming it's probably his doing.

Ging frowned and closed his eyes as he suddenly detected something, something that brought chills to his spine.

Beyond's sensorial ability isn't as good as his so he didn't sense the incoming danger but he noticed Ging's change in expression.

Ging looked at Yasuo still frowning and asked, "Can you sense them as well?"

Yasuo nodded as he started walking back, "This will be quite troublesome, more troublesome than you thought. I can sense many of them, so many."

A scowl couldn't help but surfaced on Beyond's face knowing what that means. And indeed, not long after that as they stood next to the portal ready to retreat at any signs of danger, they saw a horrifying scene.

The scene of several Brion lifeforms walking from the door at the end of the hallway, they walked slowly though their speed slowly increased until they started running towards the group of three.

Roughly ten of them and let it be known that only one was responsible for eliminating most of the members of the previous expedition.

Beyond let out a sigh as he walked into the portal that instantly closed behind him as the other two already left.

All that was left is the tens of botanic weapons running at the speed of some of the best athletes ever see in mankind's history yet they still don't look anywhere as dangerous as they were said to be.

Until one notices the forest they leave behind, a forest that grows in seconds and moves following them.

The simple trees they gave birth to were becoming longer and longer with the sole purpose of following them and doing what they desire.

A desire that seems to be extinguished once they reached the ground the intruders were standing upon.

The Brions stood there motionless in various poses, some with their hands up in the air and same pointing to other directions, some crouched to the ground and froze for quite a while.

Then they stood up and started slowly walking back, strangely dragging their feet alongside them as if they lost control over it.

And it could be noticed that their behavior massively changed at that point as they looked much like Zombies, having trouble moving normally in contrast to their perfect movement before.

They left leaving only one botanic creature in the room, one that stood at the center of the room for a few seconds before heading towards the metallic door to the left of the hall.

Just like its predecessor, all it did is rest its head gently on the door for a few seconds before knocking on the door gently with its head one time. A process that can get repeated for eternity provided the required circumstances are ever-existing as well.


Miles from the ruins, at the team's previous camp, Beyond was seated on a large branch of one of the numerous vibrant massive trees in the forest.

His expression was unnaturally calm as he stroked his long black beard lightly, contemplating what his next course of action will be and the same could be said for Ging as well.

He knows what the creatures can do and their full capabilities, why the previous expedition here lead to so few survivors. If the Brion so much as touched you, it's certain death.

And the same happens if touched by the things it gives birth to though they die quite quickly but the Brion can endlessly create more so it matters not.

"If it's really like that then your plans will take much more time than you probably predicted. If anything that dies at the Brions' hands becomes one of them then..." Ging directly states his concerns.

"Hundreds... Possibly thousands." Continued Beyond in his place in a calm tone not seeming as bothered by the horrifying implications of what he just said.

"Thousands," Remarked Yasuo who is lying down on another branch with his eyes closed, "Definitely thousands, I saw it myself."

By this point, a few hours have passed since the incident, since they left and came back to the camp with the rest of the team, and so did Pariston who looked quite bored, too bored, and uninterested, quiet.

And Yasuo left for about an hour previously and only came back recently for the meeting.

He added, "I was able to teleport to the last floor and It's extremely dangerous. The environment there is to their absolute advantage, a large forest on a vast floor, the place is a bit strange and special though I couldn't stay there for long as it became too dangerous even for me."

Beyond stroked his beard as a wide smile surface on his face, his eyes glittering as he asked Yasuoin anticipation, "Can you??"

Yasuo nodded knowing what he's insinuating, "Yeah, I can. But again I will not be able to stay there for long and I will not go there many times as I noticed something.

When they noticed an 'intruder' and they somehow always notice them, they start producing some kind of dust, let's call the botanic dust, and that dust is probably the main reason why any creature that comes in contact with them dies.

I'm not sure why the scientists back at the IPA didn't notice it unless it dies after a certain time span. Nevertheless, this means we'll have to use that method one more time lest the circumstances become even more dangerous."

Ging narrowed his eyes picking something from his words, "Does that mean that even though the one we killed is dead, it still produces that dust?"

Yasuo nodded, "Yeah, and at extreme quantities as well though from what I observed, the more time passes the less it produces so it's probably how they decompose."

"Hahahahaha," Beyond simply couldn't hold back his laugher, the dark continent that seemed to once be an unreachable goal now became their plaything as they came back more prepared than ever.

"We can do that. Nataly, we'll have a lot of work to do for the next month." He remarked and Nataly nodded not seeming to mind.

Beyond then looked at Yasuo and calmly asked, "Is there something that you want from this? I honestly didn't expect you'll accept my invitation after I thoroughly investigated you yet you did which I'm thankful for as you made things much easier.

So what is that you want? I will fulfill as long as it's not too troublesome."

Yasuo slowly opened his eyes and stood up stably on the tree branch, "A month huh. I will tell you what I want when we explore what lies beneath the labyrinth. Until then I will explore the surroundings on my own and I will come back in less than a month."

He didn't give anyone a chance to respond as he teleported through a portal directly after heading to his next destination. Another ancient ruin, the one he's heading to however is special, the ruins where an alleged God exists.
