Chapter 179: The Shore Of The Dark  


Chapter 179: The Shore Of The Dark  


"What are you really here for?" Questioned Ging who is standing next to Yasuo at the far front of the deck. A question he asked many times.

How could he not be suspicious? Yasuo has an army of subordinates and Nen users behind him and he was probably already preparing for the expedition to the dark continent, so why is he here with them? Does he need them?

"Just messing around and don't worry too much, I'll leave soon. Just focus on the other problem and enjoy yourself." Yasuo casually said used to those words by this point.


Ging just shook his head, 'Two dangerous humans that could endanger their whole species, I just don't really know who is more dangerous to us.

Pariston's desires are much more apparent but Yasuos is a bit vague. It's apparent he just wants to explore and research but to what degree does he desire that and what collateral damage could result from that... Too many variables.'

"You're right... You'll not kill him? Pariston?" Again questioned Ging after simply giving up on his earlier question.

"I will. I definitely will. I just want to make him pay a heavy price for trying to do something before he faces his death." Yasuo stated calmly with an expressionless face.

Ging was simply baffled hearing that as he looked at Yasuo in surprise. He didn't expect Yasuo to actually want to kill him because there wasn't even a faint sign of him wanting that.

'Just why didn't I ask that question before?' Thought Ging as he let out a sigh of relief. He was confident he can stop whatever Parsiton has up his sleeves but he wasn't sure if he can save everyone.


And he couldn't tell anyone else because of what Pariston said, something Ging expected. He said some consequences that can affect the known world if he wished so he was partially forced to play the game.

Of course, he was working on how to exploit any weaknesses Pariston have and destroy the game before it even started but hearing that made things easier. He just decided to enjoy his stay in the dark continent, a dream of his.

Across the trip which took a few months, Yasuo didn't change one bit. Not his Aura or his appearance changed. No matter how much stronger he becomes. To the outside, he will look like he never changes as his Aura is locked under his absolute control undetectable. No matter how much his genes adapted and evolved, his body doesn't look like it changed at all.

His signature silver bright eyes were still there but what's beneath them was hidden. The gills that were quite apparent when he swims in the depths of the sea were no longer there nor was any of his new organs apparent.

His control domain and control over his every gene allowed that to be possible. He has meticulous control over his body to the point he can dismember and modify himself however he wants but he prefers for that to happen naturally because it produces better results.

"The shore." Remarked Yasuo looking at the first signs of land they ever saw for months. The dark continent was within their vision. A dark desolate rocky shore with no apparent signals of life.


All that can be heard is the sound of the massive waves colliding with the equally massive rocks standing in their way as well as the sound of the guide moving through water undisturbed until it stopped.

Everyone was already on the deck as the guide stopped and Beyond started giving orders. "Mascher! Pekotero! Start the surveillance and see if there is any danger around."

He then turned to a certain group of people and added. "Support! Start the preparations and make sure to only leave 30% of the necessities."

He then looked at one of the team's main members who have long blond hair that hid one of his eyes and ordered.

"Lond! As already explained, you'll stay here with the others and use your ability to keep a direct line of contact with me and I will let you know if needed."

Lond nodded as most of the things were already planned. Most of the temp hunters in the team are only here because Beyond offered them a massive amount of money.

Some just wanted the money while the others need it for either people around them or for a dear personal needs. Most of them needed money except Muherr and his subordinates who were recruited by beyond without the need for money.

Mascher nodded and got to work, a fat man of average height. He has fair hair worn in a bowl cut. His head is rather egg-shaped, with round eyes, a small nose, and freckles. He has a double chin.

His outfit is comprised of a military jacket with a crew neck, a dark shirt underneath, pants with round dark spots at the height of the knee and light boots.

Pekotero also nodded and got to work, a person of short stature with a short length haircut. He has animal-like features in his face, wears a hat with bubbles, he was licking a lollipop before though he hid it away and crouched down.

He closed his eyes as started using his animal like nose to smell something in the air.

Mascher on the other hand assumed a combat stance signifying he is some kind of martial artist who specializes in close-range combat yet he was ordered to survey the surroundings.

The reason becomes apparent once three strange shadowy figures appeared behind him. They have no striking features, just a vacant humanoid dark form.

He has a single ability he focused on. It's mainly focused on direct combat, about many types of combat but he can also use it to do many things, its field of application is quite vast.

The shadows started running to the front of the deck then jumped down. The ship is floating in the middle of the guide's form and not even a speck of water is inside so the distance until they touch water is quite big.

That however doesn't seem to affect them nor do they seem to need oxygen because they continued swimming around surveying the area around. It wasn't long before two of the shadows headed out of the water. They swam towards the shore the climbed up the rocks and disappeared into the forest beyond while the last remained safeguarding the water around.

Pekotero on the other hand remained in his position just smelling whatever it is he was smelling. Then he stood up and remarked. "I couldn't smell any danger around."

Beyond nodded and waited for Mascher to finish scoring the area further away, the area that's not within Pekoteri's range. The reconnaissance process continued for a while until everyone finished their preparations.

Aside from the support members preparing the necessities they will bring with them, everyone else brought their own personal stuff and necessities leaving only ten members that will remain on the ship.

Yasuo brought just a simple black backpack with him as that's all he needs while most are carrying duffel bags in their hands.

It was around that point that Mascher's shadows disappeared from where they were and he stood up. "The area is secure and we have a clear path for a few miles."

"Let's set out!" Loudly declared Beyond before turning his head to Yasuo trying to ask something. However, Yasuo already acted as per the plan and created a portal on the deck of the ship.

A portal just large enough for a person to pass through with the destination portal being quite apparent on the top of the rocky ground of the cliff before them.

Everything seems to be already planned well as Pekotero walked through it first while starting to smell the air again.

A simple ability, and he would've otherwise been useless without it as that's the only ability he has and he valued it dearly. An ability that would shine in the dark continent especially.

He can just smell things that no one else could. He can smell danger and he can smell death. He can even smell when people are looking at him though he needs to be actively using the ability and smelling around to do so.

And even without it, one can argue his sense of smell is unrivaled but with it, he can even smell creatures' colors. It certainly didn't start that way but he focused solely on that ability giving it his undivided attention because he saw its value.

Every one of the main team is a specialist and their ability are mostly natural abilities that they gained due to their desires but they worked on them until they brought them to what they are this day.

He can even smell Yasuo's smell and he found it strange when deemed it a bit too normal. Just the faint smell of a happy person, a peaceful person that seems to be in a constant state of satiation or something similar.

His ability is actually something even Yasuo is finding a hard time mimicking, the hardest of all the abilities of the team and he saw most abilities of the team, he just needs a sample of blood of some to fully mimic some of the abilities.

And Beyond made sure most of their abilities remain a secret as that's something he already knew before recruiting them. And he told no one about their abilities.

The ones who knew anything about them only know a general description without anything useful while Beyond tried many tricks to know most of the temp hunters' abilities and get the ones that'll help.

However, Yasuo knows their abilities. He even fought them... In a future that didn't happen. His new genes allowed him to be able to mimic abilities without the need to get hit by them.

And that opened a new vast universe for him. A universe of abilities that weren't previously within the field of the ones he can mimic because he needed to come in contact with the abilities... What about the abilities that don't require contact?
