Chapter 178: Interesting Creatures  


Chapter 178: Interesting Creatures  


Yasuo turned his head and looked in a certain direction as his senses have picked a massive strange creature close by. A creature slowly swimming towards him with the sound it's making preceding it, a sound that made water in its way vibrate slightly. "A new one, and an interesting one at that..."

Yasuo just waited for the strange creature to enter his domain's range as he was able to sense it with his other sensorial abilities. It wasn't long before the massive creature arrived even with its extremely slow movement.

Yasuo looked at the strangely familiar creature as he started swimming towards it. Gulper Eel, a deep sea that is usually black or dark green in color and sometimes has a white line or groove on either side of the dorsal fin.


It's famous for its gigantic mouth that's much bigger than its body allowing it to consume creatures much bigger than its size. This one appeared to be a bit different.

Aside from its incredibly colossal size, a difference could be seen in its eyes. They're bright, extremely so. They look like two massive sources of light too obvious to miss in contrast to the other smaller creatures that have much fainter light.

It's bright white eyes seem to be looking at Yasuo directly as if the creature can see him. One of the few creatures that can see at these depths and it can see clearer than most creatures in the dark for a simple reason.

Its eyes are a flashlight that produces light illuminating all that's before it. It also seems to be able to shut it down and turn it on consciously.

That could also be a weakness as that light will also allow creatures it seen to see it. However for a predator such as this one, very few creatures can contend.

That is due to its massive size and gigantic mouth that has quite a special function. A suction force started acting upon all that's miles in front of it, the further from it, the weaker the force it, and the opposite is true.


That means that no creature could escape its grasp or its gigantic creepy mouth that has thousands of teeth, several rows of teeth, sharp deadly fangs that could shred anything they come in contact with.

Yasuo however remained static just observing the creature with his domain. The suction force coming from its mouth was utterly useless against him as he noted that within its body is a deadly trap.

Acids that could easily melt steel and a temperature that could burn whatever it sucked. These are only a few of its capabilities and Yasuo made sure to study the creature thoroughly and that got on the latter's nerves. It's not as intelligent as some of the creature he met but still most intelligent than most creatures, so Yasuo messing around with it not affected by all it has in store at all made it lose its mind as it desperately tried to eat the meal it deemed to be extremely delicious.

Yasuo however just continued to either swim around using his control domain or just teleport while studying the creature. The ability to produce light from his eyes was quite tempting and if he can produce light from anywhere in his body then that's even better.

Yasuo then went on to explore the depths more for a few more hours and with his domain, he was able to explore a significant portion of the depths.

He closed his eyes for a second looking through an Aeroeye thread. Then disappeared, and appeared on the surface again facing the warm sunlight which is in stark contrast to the cold chilly water of the depths.


He then continuously teleported in a certain direction towards a certain creature. The intelligent long dragon that was swimming with half of his body submerged into the water.

It was also moving around slowly not seeming to be in a hurry and the dragon didn't seem worried once Yasuo appeared seated above his enormous head.

"Hi, been a while." Casually said Yasuo, relaxing on the dragon's head without putting his guard up at all. However, Medusa who just appeared clinging to him seem to think otherwise as all the black snakes on her head were looking at the dragon cautiously.

They seem to be waiting for even a small sign for Medusa to act as she deemed the peaceful creature is too dangerous. Peaceful it was, it never ever tried to attack Yasuo nor did it even eat anything, any creature.

It was as if the dragon was always satiated, as if hunger isn't something it knows or just rarely eats. The dragon was extremely peaceful and unresponsive to the creatures moving around it.

It's the biggest creature Yasuo has seen so far. So big that while moving, it simply destroys any creature in its way but it never eats. Its manner of behavior was quite mild so Yasuo spent quite a lot of time around it.

He did try more extreme things in futures that didn't actually happen and he learned what he wanted and the dragon's strange abilities.

"You won't fly?" Wondered Yasuo and waited for the dragon to respond, it didn't. The dragon is not just a sea dragon, it has several wings everywhere on its body acting as fins.

Yasuo however judged that it's not what they're really for but the dragon seems to treat the massive Mobius lake as a bath tube refusing to leave.

Yasuo shrugged his shoulder. "How about you become my pet? I will definitely treat you well and probably won't experiment on you."

The massive dragon seems to have some kind of irregular movement for a moment before continuing on its way unresponsive.

"I will ask you again. How about you become her pet, she's quite gentle as you know so I'm sure you won't refuse."

The one he's talking about seems to hear his words because instantly Alluka appeared next to him also clinging to him ignoring Medusa as she was used to her at this point.

"Oni-chan you called me, right?" She looked around and figured out that she's again on the dragon's back like always. The dragon remained unresponsive leading Alluka to puff her cheeks in annoyance. "Bad dragon!! I can paint a dragon much bigger and cuter than you so stay alone forever." She didn't mind letting all of her emotions out because she really wanted a dragon for a pet.

Yasuo shrugged his shoulder as he's not that interested in having a pet so he was planning to give it to Alluka but the dragon doesn't seem to be interested.

It seems to be too proud to allow that to happen and it also seemed a bit fearful of him? Understandably so. After the two relaxed for a while on the dragon's head, Alluka teleported back while Yasuo started teleporting towards the guide.

The guide at this point was moving at a speed surpassing the speed of sound and he is constantly moving so its location is in constant change.

However, Yasuo knows exactly where it is or the direction where it is at least just like he always knows where the dragon is. And it wasn't long before he reached the guide and silently teleported to inside of his room detected by none.

And on the ground of his room is a small purple mark, a circle the same as the one Orilin left on Yasuo previously except in different colors. He worked quite hard on mimicking that ability as he found it too useful.

Orilin's ability which not only allows him to communicate with the people that have the mark and know their general location, it also allows Orilin to be the most valued member of the silver snake family.

If anyone with his mark is in endanger and is hurt, that'll trigger the real purpose of the ability and it will grant that person a portion of other marked people's Aura until the danger disappears.

Of course, there are limitations such as how many things he can mark at the same time and the fact that the other marked people need to be a bit close for the borrowing of Aura to happen, among other limitations.

But Yasuo wasn't interested in the main function. He was interested in communication and locating marked things so of course he only mimicked the parts he wanted as the main function is useless to him.

And he left the mark on a lot of things as the limit of the number of marks Orilin faces isn't something Yasuo faces. As long as he has enough Aura and he can handle the burden of so many burdens, a limit won't exist.

Yasuo sat down, drank his daily dose of blood then started focusing his Aura in front of him forming a purple bubble. He continued focusing on that bubble continuing his training, the process of mimicking an ability, Meruem's ability.

His progress in mimicking the ability has increased significantly. However, he still judged it will take him a few years to complete the process. A relatively long time but fitting of such an ability.

He continued the process for a while before switching to trying to mimic or enhance his other abilities. He has many abilities to mimic and the abilities he already mimicked can become much better if combined together depending on their similarity.

After several more of such processes, he stood up and looked at the palm of his left hand where a mark of a purple circle could be seen. A purple one instead of the yellow one Orilin left there.

Quite simply, Yasuo just deleted the previous mark and instead put his which is necessary for the ability to work. He brought his left hand to his ear as if answering a phone call.

And indeed, once he did so, the purple mark started shining in bright purple light. He said, "I'm here."

Then he waited for a bit before he used his space control to teleport Morena who just appeared in an empty room in the ship. Another room Yasuo left for himself specifically for Morena's ability to work.

Her teleportation ability which needs a closed room to work. However, if the room were to be opened, she won't be able to teleport to that room again. But, the room was never opened, Yasuo's control domain exploited the hole he saw in her ability.

He brought her closer as a night of passion started, a long passionate night he experiences every time he comes back from the strange dark yet bright depths...
