Chapter 180: Into The Dark We Go  

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Chapter 180: Into The Dark We Go  



And that opened a new vast universe for him. A universe of abilities that weren't previously within the field of the ones he can mimic because he needed to come in contact with the abilities... What about the abilities that don't require contact?

Well, he couldn't mimic such abilities. He couldn't mimic abilities such as Peketero and many abilities he couldn't come in contact with.

His new genes changed that as all he needs now is to observe and learn how their Nen behaves when using the ability and get a sample of their blood ignoring the contact condition.

And he observed how their abilities work. He looked into the future many times and did some interesting things that allowed him to observe them using their abilities.

He can of course remember whatever it is he sees in the future and he controls what he does in those futures. So he remembered how their Nen behaved clearly saving himself the trouble.


He just needed to get their blood samples and he got most. Of course, he still has to train the abilities until he becomes fully able to mimic them, some are much easier than others.

Yasuo walked the last through the portal before it closed behind him. The team in front of him already took the agreed upon formation.

Quite a simple formation, suitable to make the best out of the members' abilities. Mascher in the middle under protection from all sides as he summoned his three shadows again.

Two of his shadows were surrounding Pekotero while the other one was running all around the team. Pekotero was at the far front using his ability to make sure the way is safe with the shadows keeping him protected just in case. Beyond stood behind him and Marione stood behind the latter and in front of Mascher. Golem was standing behind the latter, a simple mechanical robot though who inside remains unknown.

He conjured a few complex firearms in the hands of his subordinates who are also surrounding the group and cautiously keeping their eyes up for any movement.

Muherr on the other hand was walking at the far rear surrounded by his own subordinates. He seems to be just watching the formation from behind and making sure it's perfect by his standards.


The rest of the group were in various positions to make the formation as stable as possible while Yasuo stood not far behind Muherr with Ging and Pariston.

The atmosphere was certainly tense. Expressions of solemnity, some with eagerness but they all shared one thing, cautiousness.

They have set foot on the dark continent, the land of calamities so henceforth, they won't let their guards down for even a second as death's clutches are already looking down upon them ready to harvest whatever it can at moment's noticed.

Footsteps... They started heading straight into the dense jungle, their feet stepping on the green moist undergrowth that only becomes denser and denser the further they go in.

Yet, not a single creature was detected for miles from the shore, the jungle was silent and desolate. Curly took it upon himself to explain why.

He slightly lifted his swirl-tinted glasses and started explaining. "We don't know how much exactly but we know that sea life near the dark continent is much more dangerous than most creatures in the continent especially deep sea once.

It was said that most of them are indestructible as their skin was refined through generations under extreme pressure to become how it is today. So it's highly likely that most creatures of the land are scared of going anywhere near the sea.

The only reason we're alive is because of the guide. Everyone that ever tried to go without it was never seen again, The sea devoured them. As far as I know, no one has ever survived the trip without the guide.

So the shore could be considered a forbidden zone for the land creatures as if the creatures of the deep sensed them anywhere close, they'll go up to devour them. Of course, this is just a theory of mine but the land and the sea don't seem to get along."

Curly possess vast knowledge about ancient language and modern and ancient geography.

He is loquacious, and constantly eager to share and increase his knowledge and was a respectable professor of Varvard university so usually when he talks, everyone listens carefully and his theory was taken to heart.

No matter, they remained cautious as this is the land of the unpredictable. The tall trees were a barrier they faced to see what lies ahead and above, the sheet of leaves made sure of that.

Beyond also took note of that and the solution is quite simple. Mascher's third shadow that's surveying the area climbs the tallest trees from time to time to look around and what the shadow can see, Mascher can also see.

Mascher can see only trees as far as the eyes can see with no end, an extremely dense forest with no end. However, there is something that signals the forest has an end.

Something almost completely hidden by the dense waves of fog and clouds, gloomy and snowy alike. A colossal mountain or at least what looks like the tip of it.

The fact that he can see it from such a vast immeasurable distance is a testament to its unbelievable size, a magnificent work of natural art.

And even with the information Mascher already, he still couldn't help but be astonished at the size of everything around him especially the mountain's.

Everyone felt the same even without having the chance to spot the mountain yet. Beyond must've noticed his expression because he started explaining directly after. "Everything in the dark continent and near is massive and dangerous and things only become bigger the deeper we go in. I'm sure you saw the massive mountain, right?"

Once Mascher nodded, Beyond continued, "That's just one of many, we call it the mountain range of bright death. You saw just the smaller of the mountains with the others hidden behind it further away.

The bright death is what it was called in the book written by Don Freecss simply because hidden within is an active volcano, more active than anything ever seen. Within fifty miles around the mountains is a wasteland. An area very few creatures live in.

Mountains, one bigger than the last and more dangerous. That's an area we have yet to explore but it appears Don explored it quite a bit."

They continued deeper and deeper into the forest and it took a few miles before they caught signs of life within, nothing too dangerous.

Just some small creatures that were taken care of easily by Mascher's shadows only if necessary, else, they just ignore them and continue on their way under Beyond and Curly's directions.

Curly prepared and studies well for the trip. He already knew a lot before the expedition started but he learned more because he's here mainly because he wants to explore the continent, to harvest whatever knowledge lies there.

Of course, he also wanted the money. He wasn't that knowledgeable about the dark continent until he talked with Ging and learned quite a lot then once Beyond joined them on the ship, he handed him Don's book and he had read it several times.

Beyond will also inquire with Ging from time to time to make sure they're on the right way. Only at that point did Usamen asked curiously.

"You didn't tell us our destination, so where are we going? Also, the forest doesn't appear to be any more dangerous than the ones in the known world, what's this about?"

Beyond was the one to answer. "The first we're in is strangely one of the safest places in the dark continent. It's dangerous to Nen users but it shouldn't be a problem for us at all. The forest doesn't have as many creatures as one may think.

One can even say it's incredibly desolate for its size. However, the danger lies deep within the forest in the ruins of the ancient labyrinthine. That is our destination."

That is all Beyond had to say and he didn't seem even a bit tense as his feet squashed the undergrowth beneath not was he scared of the said danger, he prepared for what lies there.

They walked and walked until the sun started going down, nightfall is near. Yet they didn't stop, they continued walking without rest and when they need to eat, they just do so while walking.

Until the nightfall of the second day, only then did they set up a small camp. Even then, they only slept for a little as they had to leave half of them awake to protect the sleeping ones before switching.

And they set out at the first signs of dawn. The hunters however didn't need much sleep, they were able to easily handle such circumstances.

Slowly as they walked deeper and deeper into the forest, they started facing more dangerous creatures. To them, they were a tad bit weak as they saw them as food.

Orange hair hidden beneath a white chef hat and white chef clothes, four simple tattoos beneath his left eye, and one tattoo right of his right eye is none other than the team's chef who took that responsibility.

He is the one that studies the creature they face and deems whether they're safe to consume.

He does so simply by tasting the strange dangerous creatures raw with an expression of satisfaction always apparent on his face.

He eats the ones he deems are dangerous without being affected by them and he cooks them to the others using a simple white pot he conjures...
