Considering his situation, a hundred RPGs wouldn't do him any good. Xzavier kept failing to realize that the battle ground had now shifted, this wasn't the jungle. As if the System picked up on his deliberation, it proceeded to give an in depth explanation of this particular item;

"Major, please be advised, the Custom fitting black suit provides a whole set of advantages. From increasing the strength, and enhancing the resistance of the wearer, it can also boost its own functions in other aspects.

"The custom fitted black suit also provides the user with invulnerability to any kind of physical attacks, including punches, jabs or hits."

As Xzavier listened to the breakdown of the black suit's functions, he tried his best to remember if he had seen it before at any point in the past. Once again, the Military System came through with another prime piece of information;

"Major please note, the weapons and equipment installed in this system surpasses the current level of human technology. The system would like you to know that there are a large number of high-tech military grade weapons and hardware beyond the present level of human technological advancement."

Xzavier was astonished by that last bit of revelation! Hearing this ignited a flame of excitement and rage at the same time.

"Why wasn't I informed about this earlier on?"


The system answered him flatly.

"The system responds to requests and questions Major. It would be illogical to spew data that hadn't been requested for."

Xzavier concurred. He chided himself for not being flexible with his thoughts earlier on. He realized in retrospect that this was a system after all. He was foolish to expect it to be all chatty with a human.As a soldier and a member of the special forces unit, Xzavier had both seen and handled a decent amount of military hardware. But there was no getting enough. One of the few things that truly got Xzavier excited was new gear. The distinct musk of fresh, brand new hardware got him more excited than a ride in the most luxurious automobile.

So, with a devouring look in his eyes, Xzavier hungrily eyed the custom fitting black suit, sizing it up like it was a precious stone or a collectors item. His longing for this strange new tech couldn't be denied. Xzavier suppressed his ever present need to purchase weapons of destruction and instead went with his latest craving. With the way Xzavier was acting, one would've thought that he was trying to buy a gulfstream or a limited edition Mars Rover.

Ignoring the price tag, Xzavier finally caved.

"Military system! I Major Xzavier Mace hereby lay claim to the custom fitting black suit!"


If the system had any sense of humor, it would have probably replied Xzavier sarcastically, telling him to dial down the theatrics a little. He was acting like he was a medieval knight on a quest who had just stumbled on the infamous King Arthur's sword. And was about to claim it for himself.

But unfortunately, the military system wasn't built like that. So Xzavier was spared the snide commentary of a sarcastic second party. It replied him promptly as usual.

"Request received Major. Stand by to redeem your gear."

Xzavier watched as a whooping 1599 points was deducted from his points balance. But that brief painful moment disappeared when within a second, the system clothed Xzavier with the magnificent new body armor/combat enhancer/punch deflector. Indeed, the multi-purpose suit was worth it. Xzavier knew this as soon as he felt its powerful intricately woven fibers land on his skin.

Xzavier wore his new 'custom black fitting suit' proudly. He stretched his joints and expanded himself to see if there was any defect. To his delight, he found none whatsoever. It was impeccable, and its quintessential design, together with its great ambience made it look all the more exquisite. Xzavier felt like school boy who had just gotten his dream costume.

"So, this is what being a superhero feels like huh?"


He mumbled to himself excitedly.

Xzavier walked around some more in his new gear. After examining it to his satisfaction, Xzavier proceeded to the next stage.

"Time to see what this bad boy can do..."

With that, Xzavier crept out of his room with the stealth of a thief and made his way towards the only place that he knew he would not be bothered at a time like this- the training ground. As Xzavier stole away towards the training ground, he couldn't help but be aware of the ominous silence that had engulfed the governor's mansion. Asides from the overbearing darkness outside, the silence was one thing that pointed at the fact that it truly was nighttime already.

Anyone who was awake at a time like this was probably more disturbed and even more occupied than Xzavier. However, fortunately for Xzavier, he found himself to be well and truly alone. The training ground in particular was located quite a good distance away from Xzavier's own quarters. It was situated at the edge of the right wing of the estate, adjacent to the servants' quarters.

Any guest of the governor would've had the need to be wary while creeping about at night like this. But Xzavier had actually found favor in the sight of the governor. He didn't need a permission slip or a hallpass. Quaid, (being the gracious host that he was) had given Xzavier top level clearance to access anywhere he wanted in the estate, of course with the exception of his own private quarters. By default, this top level clearance also came with an invisible badge of authority. So, Xzavier couldn't really be bothered about being seen or discovered as he hovered around the estate at an ungodly hour like this.

Xzavier soon arrived at his destination. The emptiness and silence in the training ground seemed to taunt him. The whole space was empty and devoid of any kind of life whatsoever. This was actually good for Xzavier because he wasn't really a big fan of distractions. Especially when it came to training.

The training ground was the designated space for practicing magic. Quaid was so invested in the all round flourishing of his children's abilities that he had this place designed and built, just so his kids could have the freedom and right atmosphere to hone their skills. Though it was a bit dark and poorly lit, Xzavier could make out the brief over view of the entire space. It was built in the form of a sparring ring or a dojo. As of this moment, it was the perfect place for the testing of his suit.

Xzavier steered his attention away from the training ground to the primary reason why he was here in the first place.

The custom black fitting suit had devoured a lot of his points. But this sacrifice wasn't merely an impulse buy, on another level, it was actually a very tactical purchase. Xzavier was not ignorant of his own weaknesses. In this Isekai, all manner of strange tech were lurking around, waiting at every turn to turn on him and expose his weakness. As someone who was prone to be trouble, Xzavier couldn't afford to be without protection.

A perfect example of the kind of trouble Xzavier was trying to protect himself from was the Fachnan kind. The former student of the old mage was a completely different breed. As a henchman for one of the most powerful families in Victoria city, Fachnan possessed a remarkable degree of strength and speed. Xzavier wasn't too proud or too blind to admit that Fachnan's skills were impressive. In fact, they definitely surpassed his.

If Xzavier hadn't been prudent enough to switch tactics by quickly whipping out his bulletproof vest and shooting Fachnan, he would have ended up in the humiliating position of roadside beef skewing on a grill. Xzavier shuddered just at the thought of it. He also remembered Fachnan's stunning speed. Xzavier had been so unprepared for that that he barely ended up setting up a defensive stance by blocking with his arms across his chest in an 'X' position. Even that had barely stopped the incredible force of the blow.

Xzavier tried not to wince as he remembered with vivid detail the crushing impact of Fachnan's punch on his arms. It had indeed been a shocking and horrendous experience. With all of this from only a single attack, Xzavier aptly concluded that Fachnan's speed and strength weren't necessarily the most impressive in this Isekai. There were likely to be more surprises with even more impressive characters ahead. So, Xzavier had to be well prepared or suffer the challenge of being the weaker and less prepared opponent.

And of course, there was also the issue of the tales flyin around of his exploits in the jungle. Now that he had also taken a bold step by going after the Anjou boy, Xzavier knew that the mighty men of the city would want to take a shot at him to measure their own abilities. Like sharks drawn to blood, Xzavier knew he was probably going to have a lot on his hands.
