He couldn't afford to rely completely on his own strength or on the governor's protection. This new piece of high tech equipment was going to come in handy.

Xzavier knew he couldn't afford to be found slacking. It could literally mean life or death. His altercation with Fachnan had taught him that here, ordinary duels could very quickly turn out to be something else.

With no time to lose, Xzavier activated the tutoring program in the system.

"Military system, engage coaching mode."

"Roger that Major Xzavier."

The system and Xzavier spent the next few hours trying out new moves and testing the limits of this new suit. He wasn't disappointed at all. Under the guidance of the systems' instructions, Xzavier kept working hard until he had perfected a couple of moves on his own. He found out that he could jump up to one hundred feet. But this required building up stamina in advance for up to three seconds.

But of he chose not to go too hard, without even trying, he could casually jump up to twenty feet at a single go. This was all too impressive for someone who only twenty four hours ago wasn't aware of such a body suit existing. And now, he could accomplish something anyone would have ruled out as an impossible task.


After conquering motion, Xzavier switched to offense mode. This was the part he was eager to explore. Xzavier balled his fists and faced the punching bag in the training. He swung and swung his arms in the way he had been trained. The system stepped in with a few nuggets of knowledge at this point.

"Major Xzavier, the system recommends to release the tension on your back, tilt your elbows, and swing more casually. The mechanism of the suit thrives on freedom to maneuver. You are no longer swinging with your own strength but with the combined strength of the suit's technology."

Xzavier took a minute to register the systems input. The system was right, he was punching like a mad bull, stifling the muscles in his back and tightening his nerves, making less room for the suit to take over.

So, he took closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he focused instead on the dummy on the training ground and visualized it as an enemy he wanted to neutralize. The suit immediately picked up on his aggression. And as Xzavier balled his fists and swung his arm to attack, the suit's offensive mechanism enhanced his punch.

Almost as if he could see his own arm move in slow motion, Xzavier felt an invisible force field of energy encase his entire arm. The feeling he got was almost like standing next to a hydroelectric dam. It was like a very present electromagnetic force had insulated his arm, and yet converted it into an electron rich power house. Xzavier was flabbergasted! Eventually, when Xzavier's fist made contact with the iron dummy, it stood no chance.With the ferocity of an industrial crane landing on a piece of wood, Xzavier's fist completely decimated the iron dummy with an explosive thud, leaving bits and pieces flying around everywhere. It was a lot more than Xzavier had anticipated! He knew that there was definitely going to be an enhancement in his strength, but he hadn't expected it to be like this! At most, he had hoped to make a dent on the iron dummy, but in the end, he ended up ending the figurine completely.

Unable to fully comprehend the mystery behind this, Xzavier simply stared in shock at the results. He looked at his fists, then at the back at the place where the dummy previously stood. Calling this 'incredible' wouldn't just cut it. After pulverizing the dummy in the training area, Xzavier discovered that he could swing and land a punch that could equal a force of ten newton's. Just like when he wanted to jump really high, Xzavier also had to wait at least three seconds. In essence, if he were to increase his aggression level, his punch could probably uproot a person's head from the neck in one clean sweep.


But that wasn't all. This new and improved upgrade also affected. His speed was another aspect that had been significantly improved.

"Perhaps the Major would like to test out the new levels available in the acceleration segment."

Remembering Fachnan's demonic speed, Xzavier enthusiastically delved headlong into this area. He had already gotten used to the suit by now, so he had no difficulty navigating this panel. He sprinted like a deer and felt like his own legs were a two hundred and Eighty horse powered engine. It was incredible.

"Where were you when I needed you twenty four hours ago!?"

Fachnan wouldn't have known what hit him.

Eager to explore the full extent of his new and improved physical stamina, Xzavier broke into a full round of exercise. He began to work out furiously. He did over a thousand push ups and discovered that at his present endurance level, he could probably take another ten thousand more without even coming close to the threshold of exhaustion. He tried pull ups on one of the bars and ended up breaking the workout bar with his overly tight grip.


He tried deep squats. He tried sit ups and all their variations. He virtually went through all his workout regiments and still didn't come close to exhaustion. He sweated a lot and his body suit absorbed the moisture and recycled in into a kind of cooling vapor to maintain a balanced homeostasis of his body temperature.

While Xzavier indulged his full bodily functions he wasn't aware that in a short while, he wasn't going to be alone anymore.

Unable to sleep at all, Adalia had taken after Xzavier. As she walked into the training ground, she walked in on Xzavier training furiously as though he had swallowed an entire drum of stimulants. All the way from where she stood at the entrance, she could feel the undeniable raw evidence of testosterone surging through the grounds of the training area.

The flames from her torch illuminated the poorly lit dojo. Chasing away the shadows, and relegating them to the back. Xzavier who had been intoxicated with his newly enhanced abilities only stopped when he noticed the sudden brightness of his previously dark room. He turned to glare at his intruder and found the slender-robust female figure standing unsurely at the entrance, grasping a burning torch with her right hand.

Xzavier jumped down from the iron bars suspended above the ground in the ceiling and landed on the ground with the finesse of a landing super hero. This was pretty fitting because that was exactly what Xzavier felt like.

Adalia wasn't even surprised. Xzavier had completely redefined her perception of the extraordinary. After getting this close to him, nothing he did ever surprised her again.

"Adalia, what are you doing up by this time?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Xzavier shrugged indifferently.

"It's never too late or too early to train..."

Adalia stared back at him like he didn't realize just how awfully strange this was.

"That's a joke right? Are we going to pretend like you weren't training on the ceiling? Normal people practice on the ground and in the day time!"

Xzavier lifted up his arms as if in surrender.

"Okay Adalia, you win this round."

Then in a more serious tone, he asked her;

"But why are you still up? Something bothering you?"

It had been a while since anyone asked her that and genuinely meant it. As a maid, the better part of her day was spent waiting on others. This left very little time for herself, and even less time for her to be doted on. Xzavier's concern wasn't borne of selfish or hidden reasons, he was genuine and Adalia appreciated that immensely. So, she repaid him by also reciprocating the warmth.

"Actually, yes. I went looking for you at your quarters but you weren't in. So I took a wild guess at where you might have gone, and voila, I was right!"

Xzavier wasn't fooled by her false warmth and flowery speech.

He took a long look at her and couldn't help but notice just how pretty her face looked under the golden orange glaze of the burning torch. With the flames so close to her face, she looked like an ivory, tanned goddess. Her face wasn't like one of those peculiar siren like females who were brazen in their attempts to be alluring.

Adalia's feminine charm was heavily influenced by her strong sensual aura which often always set aflame the loins many a male who were fortunate enough to catch a mere glimpse of her face. Her body was a whole other matter. When she walked, moved or even stood still, eyes would stare longingly at her. Sometimes, it was almost as if she was inviting mass ****.

Quaid was no fool. He recognized her beauty and hired her early for that reason.
