The governor didn't argue. He sat in an even more impressive oak chair overlaid with black cushions and silver handles. As he reclined on his throne like chair, he maintained a poker face. This was all too impressive because he was brilliantly the very fact that he was yearning for the news which Laddie was about to spill.

The old man was also eager to relay the news. So, after taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth and the words flowed freely in order of how it all went down. Laddie missed no detail. Using words, he painted a vividly descriptive picture everything that happened. He spoke with pride of how Xzavier had single handedly decimated the Anjou boy's servants.

Even though he didn't understand it himself, he tried his best to describe the mysterious way Xzavier had pierced Fachnan's palm without even trying to whip up an incantation. The old man also spoke of the strange armor that Xzavier had on during the altercation. He described it as a black vest, only more intricate and more fine tuned. Of course he didn't forget to mention that his children watched the whole thing. Especially Cadence who used the Princy name to shield Xzavier from any kind of legal infraction.

He spoke at great length, highlighting the Anjou boy's humiliation in front of the public. And how it had all seemed like this had been executed by the new mysterious henchman of the Princy family.

"…by the end of the day, the streets and every major hotspot in the city would be aflame with this news. I had to make sure you hear it from me first."

For a long time, the office was silent. Both parties didn't say a single word. Suspended in their individual enclosed spaces (that was their minds), Quaid and Laddie digested the facts of this new development and allowed it to marinate in their hearts.

After sometime, Quaid finally spoke up in calm voice.


"I have listened to everything you've just narrated. When I get home later in the day, we will discuss further on this."

Laddie nodded slightly and left, leaving Quaid sitting in his office. As soon as he was alone, the maniacal smile he had been suppressing all this while finally appeared on his face. He couldn't have planned this, and yet, fate had served him such a salacious meal. Quaid slumped back in his seat.

Back in the governor's mansion, Xzavier felt like he was walking on eggshells. Literally everyone treated him like he had wrestled an angel and won. The household staff who always treated him differently because of his reputation now treated him like he had a halo on his head. No one said anything. Cadence as usual was overly impressed with Xzavier's finesse. Awe was literally written all over his face. And every opportunity he got, he tried his best to sneak a peek at Xzavier.

Earlene who wasn't always on the same page with Xzavier found herself getting enamored by the coldness of the stranger. He was an enigma, he was a mystery, and he was still very much to learn about him. She was enthralled.As for the one who had been at the very center of it all, the one whom Xzavier had gone through great lengths to defend her honor, the one who had been with Xzavier from the very beginning, her heart was riddled with a plethora of thoughts. The events of that day made Adalia reflect deeply on her own existence. Before Xzavier, Adalia's life had been one straight, simple line.

But right from the very moment Xzavier walked into her life, he mixed things up with the authority of a deity and with the finesse of a demigod. Xzavier waltzed into her life brandishing a flaming torch that illuminated the walls of her hellishly boring existence. Like a dream, or a psychedelic induced hallucination, she had watched orcs get slaughtered before her very eyes, she had ridden his unique metal horse, she had dined at the same table with a noble, and now this.

As Adalia lay in bed thinking that night, she knew her life would never be the same again. Never.


She wasn't the only one who was in deep thought that night. As the moon lazily made its way to its Zenith in the dark night sky, Xzavier who had been wandering the halls of the estate made his way to his bedroom alone. Much like every other soul in Quaid's household, his mind was also fraught with what appeared to be an endless stream of thoughts. Sleep had eluded him completely.

The Major was well aware of the fact that he couldn't change their mindsets. He had realized this from the onset. The people of this time were set in their ways. They were like stubborn mules who clung tenaciously to their burden which in this case was the old ways. For them, it was an inescapable shadow. This was the only life that they knew. The same life that their ancestors had before them.

Xzavier inhaled deeply and the rich lush scent of the flowering trees that saturated the air like an invisible cloud, filled his lungs. Distracted from his own thoughts for a minute, Xzavier was grateful for the serene environment. The resilient trees thrived against all odds to flourish in and out of season. And like them, he knew that giving up was not an option. He was going to plant the seeds of his revolutionary ideals and introduce his own radical concepts until they were seen as the norm.

Of course, it was absurd to think that he could save everyone. That would just be a ridiculously optimistic plan. He simply had to do what he could, and hope that it would churn out something good.

His plans were honorable. But if he was truly going to be intentional about them, he was going to have to consider the practical aspect of it. Strategically speaking, this involved an all round, well grounded, structured wall of defense which was ultimately centered on physical combat.

Seeing that he was now in a human civilization and no longer in the jungle contending with orcs or goblins, killing had to be the last resort. But this hadn't worked out so well for him during his last altercation with Fachnan. Xzavier had hesitated, and doing so had almost gotten him killed. A new system or weapon had to be put in place to enable him neutralize his human adversaries without killing them.


Xzavier who had been pacing up and down in his room stopped dead in his tracks as soon as a new idea formed in his head. Not one to waste time, he immediately acted on it.

"Military system activate!"

The familiar, oddly comforting automated voice of the system came back to him again.

"System online. Awaiting requests."

"I want to exchange points for five dozen low-killing-power rubber bullets."

The plan was genius. This way, Xzavier could inflict the maximum amount of pain without actually taking a life. The system immediately credited him with the clips filled with rubber bullets. Having successfully purchased what he thought he needed, he became curious as to what his points balance were at this time.

"System, report a detailed account of all my kills and accomplishments so far."

"Affirmative. Please stand by Major."

Xzavier held his breath He didn't exactly know what to expect as it had been a while since he had been issued any direct missions from the system. So, he was a bit unsure of his general standing on the point system. After purring softly in the background for three seconds, the system replied Xzavier with its diagnostics.

"Number of basic orcs killed-236;

Number of level 6 orcs killes-1;

Number of orcs successfully displaced-219;

Total number of accrued points as of this moment-5,438;

Experience value – 1,117."

Xzavier was amused. These were some serious numbers. Immediately, he checked for any new upgrades that had been awarded to him, because of the way his points had sky rocketed through the roof. He drew up the panel and swiped and swiped.

Just as he had expected, there were now several unlocked items. Many of them were humongous in size. There was a leopard 2 A7 tank which was worth about 4,399 points. This particular equipment was the most powerful piece of military hardware he could redeem with his points. Of course he didn't need it. But it still felt good knowing that he had such a powerful tank at his beck and call should the need for it were to ever arise.

The next interesting available upgrade was a distinct piece of clothing listed as 'Custom fitting black suit.' This piece was unlike anything Xzavier had ever seen before. It wasn't just it's rarity that astounded Xzavier, it was also its very dicey price tag. With 1599 points, Xzavier knew that he could easily buy at least a couple hundred RPGs.

Xzavier's whole personality was hardwired to pick efficiency over finesse.
