[Hello, my valuable readers. I’m writing this message to request a one-week break from writing this story. I’m sorry to do this, especially in the middle of a book, but I have a minor surgical operation and need to take some time off to recover. From 10th October to 16th October, there won’t be any releases for ‘My Vampire Little Sister.’ Chapters will continue on 17th October.

Once again, I apologise for doing this so suddenly, but I’ll see you soon! Hope you enjoy the chapter!]

Rosalyn had trapped me.

I don’t know how or why she did it, but the fact remains that I was covered in restrictive vines. My body was heavily fatigued, and I could barely keep my eyes straight. The most shocking thing of it all, I could feel my magic power being sucked away with every passing second, rendering me incapable of using magic.

With my physical and magical state severely compromised, all I could do was lay down flat as Rosalyn did as she pleased.

I repeatedly attempted to free myself from the restraints or to at least get to the bottom of Rosalyn’s behaviour. However, none of my actions bore any fruit.

Every time I tried to break free, the vines moved as if they had a mind of their own. Through some mysterious means, my magic power was being sucked at an exponential rate. My physical state was no better, as I was perpetually in a drugged state, making it impossible for me to brute force my way out.


It was like I was being controlled by a computer. There was just enough magic power for me to survive, but anything else was stripped clean away from me.

As for Rosalyn herself, she was no help.

Other than feeding me the bare minimum of her blood, she never once answered my questions. It didn’t help that she possessed an expressionless face, which would give any poker player a run for their money.

She would often repeat the same words over and over.

‘We’ll be together forever,’ or ‘Outside… Dangerous…’

I had no clue why she was behaving this way or why she trapped me for no good reason, which was why I could only accept my fate as the imprisoned.


But that didn’t mean I was going to do nothing.

While my strength was readily sucked away, my mind gradually became clearer. I could retain much of my consciousness, even though Rosalyn’s vines were sucking much of my magic power away. In due time, I realised something vital.

Rosalyn wasn’t present by my side twenty-four hours a day.

Yes, for twelve hours straight, the girl would spend much of her time with me. Be it staring at my face as if I was the most precious art piece in the world, or feeding me her own blood, or… Well, some other R18 activities.

Rosalyn would, at most, spend twelve hours or half a day with me.

For the other twelve hours, the girl would disappear after putting me in a trance-like state. I didn’t know what she was doing in those twelve hours, and I didn’t have the mental capability to track her movements. And it didn’t help that my magic power was being drained at a faster and faster rate.


I couldn’t even tell how many days had passed since I started living this way.

There wasn’t any sunlight to show the night’s passing, nor were there any clocks to show the dates. In fact, the only reason why I knew twelve hours would pass was because I counted the minutes mentally.

It reminded me of the time when I was disabled and practically a vegetable on a hospital bed. This time, however, I was drugged and physically drained to prevent my escape.The reunion with Rosalyn had turned into a mental hell, something that was beyond my wildest imagination. Though oddly enough, I couldn’t find it in me to hate the girl who put me in this place.

Was it the connection we shared? Was it our souls preventing any sort of hatred from forming? Or was it our past relationship overwriting the emotions of hatred? I couldn’t tell.

The only solace I’d got were the dreams that came to me during these perilous times.

Dreams of one boy and four girls. No, at this point, I should call a spade a spade. The memories of my past had been slowly unravelling before my eyes. Perhaps it was due to my current connection with my four lovers. The memories that had been sealed when I injured my soul slowly returned.

The days we’d spent as children training together in the wilderness. The precious moments we shared when we were young and naive. And most importantly… The feelings we shared as young, infatuated children.

They were all resonating within my heart.

Oddly enough, I hadn’t returned Rosalyn’s soul yet. From what Irina had explained to me, the best way to return her soul was to be connected in mind, body and soul.

Both our souls had long been connected, and our bodies were intertwined like snakes for days on end. Yet, her soul still persists within mine, locking the last fragments of my memories and preventing my Vampire Aspect from fully manifesting itself.

Which meant… The only reason why I have yet to return Rosalyn’s soul… Was due to our minds not being on the same wavelength.

I still didn’t understand Rosalyn, even after staying with her for a few days now. I didn’t even know why she kidnapped and imprisoned me, let alone understand her mental state!

It was truly the worst predicament I’d experienced ever since turning into a Vampire. Though, there was one change in my life…

“Sora… Are you there?”

“I’m always here, Jin!”

Still in a drowsy state, I murmured some words into blank space like a sick person from an asylum. However, unlike those people who spoke with plain emptiness, a cheerful voice replied to my heavy words.

An elf, no, to be more exact, a flying elf-like fairy, appeared out of nowhere. She was in a white elven robe that looked luxurious for a mere fairy, and her four translucent butterfly wings glistened with an emerald hue. Though I wasn’t able to accurately measure her size, the fairy seemed to be a little larger than fifteen centimetres. Which was odd, given that she had an exceedingly loud voice for something her size.

“Sora… Can’t you do anything about these restraints?”

“Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Sorry, can’t help you there! I’m not a physical thing, remember?”

The fairy stuck her tongue out as she placed her hand on my forehead. However, rather than feeling the warm touch of a living creature, all I felt was coolness as her hand passed through my skin as if it didn’t exist.

“You sure are useless… You know that?”

“Hey! Although it’s the truth, that isn’t nice to hear!”

The fairy placed her hands on her waist and pouted like an adorable teddy bear.

Come to think of it, we had quite a similar conversation the first time we met. It all happened a few days back when I’d first noticed that Rosalyn would disappear for half a day at a time. During those twelve hours when I was alone, I willed myself back into consciousness, hoping to find a method of escape.

Magic didn’t work, and neither did I have the physical strength to break free. The only thing that kept my sanity alive was the willpower I’d honed after spending fifteen years as a cripple.

However, despite my best attempts, Rosalyn’s bindings were far too mysterious. Its ability to drain magic power was something I’d never experienced before, and the physical restraints were strong enough to bind a thousand elephants together if need be. Not to mention, she had fed me this drug that kept me paralysed throughout.

I felt like I was in a trance most of the time. And just when I’d thought I’d lost my mind…Sora mysteriously appeared.

She called herself a Spirit, a being that apparently was the personification of every living creature. Spirit, soul, ego… They went by many names. But, the Elves and those who live in the Elven Forest know them all by one name.


According to Sora, most Spirits were mindless blobs of life energy, doing nothing but simply existing. They were ever-present and could appear at any given time. Fields of grass, barren deserts, deep underneath the ocean… As long as life was present, Spirits would be as well. And in some rare cases, Spirits could gain sentience capable of matching a regular human.

As for Sora…

“How are you feeling, Jin? Still tired?”

“What do you think?”

I scolded the ignorant fairy for stating the obvious. Not pleased by my tone, Sora blew air into her cheeks and stomped her feet in the air.

“I wouldn’t know! I’m not you!”

“Anyone could tell just by my expressions…”

“You can’t expect me to know! The only person I’ve been around is Rosa, and you can’t actually call her vibrant and full of expressions…”

Sora rolled her eyes and mentally chided the absent beauty. In her words, Sora was Rosalyn’s contractor and the Spirit in charge of protecting and guarding her. In simpler terms, Sora was just Rosalyn’s maid or butler that did her chores while the girl was busy.

And this time… Her chore was keeping an eye on me while the girl was away.

“You know… This is the first time anyone else has ever seen me. Other than Rosa, of course!”

“That’s surprising… Didn’t you say you’ve been living here for thousands of years? I’m sure you’ve seen one or two Elves running around.”

“Yes, I see them all the time! But they can’t see me! I was practically living alone until Rosa contracted me…” The fairy seemed distraught as her wings stopped flapping and her head bowed down in sadness. However, it didn’t take long for her to recover.

“That’s why I was happy that someone else could see me too! I now have two friends instead of one!”

Hoh… So Sora is a Spirit that not even the Elves can see, huh? For her to contract with such a high-grade Spirit… Come to think of it, why was Rosalyn living in the Elven Forest rather than the Shadowgarden Headquarters?

“Jin… Are you feeling sad?” Noticing my silence, the kind-hearted fairy floated towards my face and attempted to cheer me up. “Please don’t blame Rosa for this, okay? She has her own difficulties… If you endure it for a few more years, I’m sure she’ll let you free.”

“And how many years would that be?”

“Hmmmm… Maybe give and take a thousand?”

Yeah… I definitely can’t wait that long. This air-headed fairy… Does she think that a thousand years passes by in a flash?! No, I need to be proactive if I want to escape this hell.

“Hey… Sora, we’re friends now, right?”

“Of course!”

“And friends tell each other everything, right?”

“Do they? If you say so, I’ll believe you!”

“Alright then…”

With what little strength I could muster, I put on a sinister smile as I whispered:

“Tell me everything you know about Rosa…”
