Bloodborne Mansion. Bloodborne Throne Hall.

Eyghon’s defeat had lit up a spark under all of the planet’s inhabitants. Decades of peace had dulled their senses, and many had forgotten the threat that the Demon Lords possessed. Their immense size and unbeatable magic power were something that no mere mortal could match up against.

The damage that a Demon Lord could do was completely incalculable, and should they invade in droves, the planet might be doomed before one could even blink.

Yet, at the same time, there was a shining ray of light.

One boy, no, one Vampire, was capable of bringing death to that lofty Demon Lord. At the tender age of twenty-five, he became a hero and a household name. People sang his name in hymns, and many analysed every single footage that they had.

But most of all… His actions had inspired millions.

If one person could kill a Demon Lord, why couldn’t the rest of them do the same?


The undefeatable myth of the Outer Demon Lords had been broken, and every single organisation in the world had been mobilised. It didn’t matter if they were Human, Werewolf, Vampire, Merfolk or Elves. They were all inspired by the young boy to change their benign ways.

Though, some organisations were inspired in the wrong way…

“High Elder, the preparations have been completed.”


A tall figure draped in blood red cloak sat atop the Bloodborne Throne with a lethargic demeanour. It seemed like the man had been working for hundreds of days without sleep, and judging by his worn attire, it sure felt that way. Waving his arms, the High Elder got to his feet and carefully inspected the Throne Hall one final time.

In the past, the Bloodborne House would use this chamber to welcome their guests and, in some cases, host banquets to all who were faithful to their lineage. In their heyday, the Throne Hall would be decorated with the finest jewels and the best possible luxuries man could offer. Dyes that were as expensive as gold. Marble that were as rare as asteroids. Silk that were as valuable as human flesh.


The Bloodborne Mansion was once considered a palace of luxury that no entity could ever hope to match.

However, as their power dwindled, the Bloodborne Mansion lost much of its valuables. Through loans that were defaulted or reparations for their past wrongdoings, the Bloodborne House was now a shell of their previous selves.

But that didn’t matter to the High Priest one bit.

The debt that the world had to the Bloodborne House… It would be paid in full. Once the Progenitor was resurrected, the entire planet would grovel at their feet. The Vampires that once shunned them would soon beg for their forgiveness. The Ten Guardian Houses would cease to exist and unite them into one House. The original Vampire House.

The Bloodborne House.

“How beautiful…”


Walking down the glistering hallway, the High Elder admired the scene that welcomed him. The pillars of gold of the Throne Hall had been replaced by mountains of corpses. The gilded floor that reflected all forms of light was now drenched in a river of blood. Live sacrifices were being tortured and maimed, all for their fresh, magical blood.

Cries of humans had become music to the High Elder’s ears as he strutted his way to the final destination. Pleas for help, wails of pain… They mattered nought to the de-facto Bloodborne leader.All that mattered to him… was the structure that lay before his eyes.

A pure, black ebony coffin.

The casket was large enough to fit two fully grown adults at over three metres tall. It was decorated with magical gems and golden flowers, making it as lavish as a Pharaoh’s sarcophagus. But it wasn’t just a plain casket.

Laid at the head of the coffin was an artificial tree made out of the blood of a million victims. Crimson leaves fell softly upon the casket, disappearing the moment they touched the firm hardwood. A blood fruit grew at the top of the tree, condensing all of the magic it obtained into one singular point.

The Bloodborne House had been carefully seeding this tree, hoping to imitate the World Tree that the Progenitor was born from. And for the most part, they succeeded.

Using the Blood Tree, they managed to recreate the Progenitor’s body chemistry naturally by sacrificing an Elf that was from the Bloodborne Ancestor’s family tree. Adding in the blood essence of a million victims and the original heart of the Progenitor, the Bloodborne House was almost ready to resurrect their Eternal Patriarch.

They were just short of one final ingredient…

“Have we prepared the Warp Gate?”

“Yes,” the servant replied whilst on his knees. “We are ready to transfer to the Elven Forest at any time.”

“Good… We just need to call for Father’s soul now… And as much as I hate to admit it, we need the power of the World Tree.”

The High Elder was unable to hold back his disgust and scowled.

The Progenitor was originally an Elf who renounced the Elven way of life in favour of his own eternal life. While the Elves sought to protect the World Tree and even turned into trees themselves once their lifespan was up, the Bloodborne Ancestor rejected that notion.

He believed that he could create a perfect race, one that was eternally unchained and could use magic beyond anyone’s imagination. And through his numerous years of experimentation, the Progenitor succeeded.

Dracula Bloodborne, also known as the First Vampire, was an Elf who paved his own path. And while his motives were commendable and created a whole new race, he couldn’t deny his roots.

The soul of the Progenitor had dissipated away during his death, and the only way to revive it was through the help of the World Tree. Or, if it was reincarnated…

“Horatio, are you there?”

“Of course,” a handsome young man walked over from his position and gave the High Elder a firm bow. “Why have you summoned me? I’m still busy managing the army.”

“Have you managed to locate Jin Valter?” The High Elder ignored Horatio’s response and shot back with his own question.

“Hoho? Haven’t you heard?”

“Heard what?”

“Jin Valter, he… He’s already at the Elven Forest.”


The High Elder’s brow unconsciously moved. This time, he was genuinely stunned. He’d always thought that the boy would remain in the safety of the Blackburn House or, at the very least, seek refuge in one of the many Guardian Houses that now supported his cause. And yet… His target was conveniently at the location he was going to.

“Yes,” Horatio did all he could to hide his laughter. “Apparently, his final lover is training within the Elven Forest. So, he went to reunite with her.”

“Why… No, it doesn’t matter. Haha, fate is truly on our side. If he’s at the Elven Forest, it simplifies our operation.”The High Elder lips curled into a smile. How couldn’t he? The plan he’d been preparing for over a thousand years was finally coming to fruition. Everything was falling into place. The battle force was assembled, the coffin holding his Father had been completed, and the last remaining pieces he needed were all in the same place.

It felt like the Progenitor’s revival was destined to happen, perhaps an inevitability.

Speaking of which… There were some who couldn’t wait for one second more.

“Ahhhh, my beloved husband… Wait for us! We’ll be reviving you soon!”

A red-haired woman knelt down before the casket, tears falling down her cheeks as her face crumbled in ecstasy. Next to her, two similar-looking women were tearing up as well as they reached towards the coffin with yearning expressions.

“Second Consort! Eight Consort! Please stay your hands! If you touch the coffin, you might get absorbed into the ritual!”

“Fuck off! Are you saying that we can’t touch our husband?! He’s in front of us! Right in front of us!”

The blue-haired woman yelled back and almost snapped the servant’s neck. Fortunately, before her razor-sharp claws could dig themselves into the servant, a hand grabbed onto the woman’s wrist, preventing any sort of bloodshed.

“Eight Consort, please calm yourself.” The High Elder spoke respectfully, but there was a coldness within his voice. “We’re this close to reviving Father… Are you going to mess it up for your selfish emotions?”

“Tsk, fine!”

The woman snapped her hands free from the High Elder and reverted her gaze back to the lonesome casket. She wanted nothing more than to open the hood and embrace the husband she so sorely missed, but alas… She was so near, yet too far.

“Fifth Consort, I need you to sober up as well. You’re the spearhead of this operation; I can’t let you continue crying as we face the Elves.”

“… Worry not; I’ll do anything to get my husband back! Even if Sirius came again to stop me, I will make sure to bury him alongside any who dare to stop us.” The red-haired woman’s tearful expression soon turned into one of pure resolve.

Evidently, the defeat at the Moonreaver Dimension was still eating at her. As someone of the same generation as Matriarch Innocence, the Fifth Consort still couldn’t wrap her head around how a mere child of the Moonreaver House could match her strength.

To her, bringing her husband back was of paramount importance. Therefore, even if it costs her life, the Fifth Consort would do everything in her power to ensure that the ritual takes place smoothly.

“Julien, while resurrecting your Father is important, you have to take care of yourself. When was the last time you had some sleep?”


Contrary to the other two consorts, the yellow-haired woman gave the High Elder a worrying frown.

“I’m fine,” the High Elder shook his head in response. “What about you? I didn’t wish to include you, but… As the Second Consort, you will be the most important piece in our operation. Have you prepared yourself?”

“Son…” Fire entered the woman’s eyes as she listened to the High Elder’s words. Fuming from her nostrils, the woman replied with pure resolve. “I have been ready since the day Dracula died!”


The High Elder took one step back and stood over everything he’d built for centuries. The entire Bloodborne army filled with elite Shadowfiends that had been training since their birth. They’d kept numerous ancient Vampires a secret, including the Second, Fifth and Eight Consort, who were legends in the Vampire world. And finally, the coffin housing the hope of the Bloodborne House…

They had all been gathered together.

Which means there was one remaining puzzle to be filled.

“Horatio Bloodborne!”


The Bloodborne Prince knelt solemnly on the ground, awaiting the High Elder’s order. Trembling with excitement, he knew that the Bloodborne House would rise again should he complete this task and, therefore… He beamed in pure happiness as the High Elder’s words boomed throughout the vast Throne Hall.

“Bring me Jin Valter.”
