“Jin… Tired?”

“Hmmm? No, I’m fine.”

Two figures sat under the moonlit sky, completely untethered by the world surrounding them. As if they were the only two people in the world, the two children lay side-by-side, watching the stars’ movement as the world passed them by.

The younger of the two turned around to face his friend, who had her knees cupped together in a kneeling position. Like an older sister, the girl attempted to draw the boy’s head towards her lap, seemingly wishing to ease the boy’s fatigue through her own bodily warmth.

“Rosalyn, aren’t you tired? You’ve been watching us from morning till night.”

“Watching Jin… Not tired…”

“You’re joking,” the boy helplessly smiled. “I don’t think I even saw you sleep once! You’re awake when I go to bed and awake when I wake up. Shouldn’t Vampires love to sleep?”


“Sleeping… Not fun.”

“Not fun? What do you mean?”

“Sleeping… Scary…”

“Oh? Are you afraid of the dark?”

“Dark? Yes… Maybe… Darkness is… scary.”

The green-haired girl cusped her hands on her elbows and drew herself in. Like a frozen teddy bear, the prepubescent girl shivered with her eyes closed; god knows what thoughts were running through her mind. Seeing her reaction, the young boy opened his jaw and could not form words for the first few seconds. However, he quickly collected himself and said:


“Come to think of it, even though you’re the oldest of the four, you’re still an eleven-year-old child.”

Ignoring the fact that the boy was actually one year younger than the girl, he moved behind the shivering child and embraced her with his loving arms.

The sudden warmth of skin flushed the young girl’s pale complexion entirely as her Lapis eyes flickered with a mixture of joy and satisfaction. Purring like a cat, the girl nuzzled her face deeper into the young boy’s chest and took pleasure in his firm embrace.

“Jin… Warm…”

“Go to sleep, Rosalyn. I’ll keep you safe.”

“Rosa… Call me… Rosa…”


“Haha, you sure like to be spoiled.” The boy brushed the young girl’s rich green hair and chuckled in bliss. “Alright, Rosa. Go to sleep. I’ll wake you up when the time comes.”“Stay with me… Forever?”

The boy was taken aback for a moment, but just one look into the girl’s earnest, Lapis eyes was all it took for his brain faculties to melt. Leaning into her neck, the boy softly whispered with a firm resolve.

“Of course, I will! I will be with you forever, Rosa!”

“Jin… We will be together… Forever…”

With the boy’s words echoing within her mind, the green-haired child finally relaxed her whole body as her consciousness slipped into the Garden of Hypnos without a single care in the world. She entrusted everything to the boy, and the boy accepted it with a joyful smile.

Falling asleep in each other’s arms, the two children seemed like a pair of mandarin ducks that stuck to each other by the hip. It was a sweet and delightful picture of two innocent children blossoming their feelings into something more than just a childhood romance.

It was…



I woke up with her name drifting out the corner of my mouth.

Caught in a state of drowsiness, I was barely able to decide if I was awake or asleep. Whether the light that permeated my eyelids was reality or a figment of my imagination. My head was feeling heavy, and I could barely feel anything from my body. It felt like I was caught in a simulation with my mind and body being separated.

However, with what little consciousness I retained, I opened my eyes to survey the surroundings.

The first thing I noticed was the overabundance of green in the room. Inlaid upon the earthy roots were numerous accessories, such as lamps, shelves and even an incense burner. Although I called it a room, it was more of a simple cottage that was dug deep within a large tree. My guess was I had been brought to an Elf’s loft, one that was hidden in the trees with no windows to see the outside.

As my consciousness returned in droves, I could map out my surroundings more clearly. I wasn’t in prison or a medical bay; I was in someone’s private room. And judging by the soft bed that covered my back, it seemed like a pretty luxurious abode.

I swivelled my head about, trying to wake myself up from the stupor I was caught in. However, the first thing that I felt was a tight restriction on my four limbs. Mainly, my wrist and ankles were locked up, and each time I attempted to move, a searing pain sent electric shocks all around my nervous system, paralysing my movements instantly.

What little strength I had was sucked out at that moment, and I could no longer move any of my limbs. Fortunately, I was able to retain my consciousness which allowed me to figure out the cause of my bindings.

Four thick, spiky vines, each bulkier than my own thighs, were wrapped around my limbs. They looked like four deadly serpents coiled around me, and at any second, they would be happy to devour me. But before I could comprehend how those vines could keep me restrained, I noticed something off about my body.

I was naked.

No, I was completely laid bare for the world to see. And not just that, my member was oddly erect and as hard as diamonds. Not to mention, there was a familiar moistness that covered that thick shaft.

This wasn’t regular morning wood.

The blood on my manhood as well as the distinct aroma of virginity being lost… The soreness from my bottom half… And that all too familiar smell of a man and woman coiled together in blissful lust.

I had done the deed with someone… While I was asleep, no less!

Never in my life would I have imagined that I would be raped!

And… I didn’t need to wait long to figure out the identity of my assailant.“Jin… Awake?”

A sweet, lazy voice sounded from the corner of the room. Even though the voice wasn’t something I’d heard in a long time, I knew with absolute certainty who that woman was.

Slowly, I pivoted my head to the right, and then…

I was greeted by a peerless beauty.

Draped in nothing but a bath towel, the stunning lady was nothing short of breathtaking. Her exotic appearance was something I’d never seen before. Big round eyes that hid two brightly coloured Lapis Moons twinkled in pure magnificence, seemingly making the woman far more unnatural than she really was.

Her wafer-thin eyebrows covered her large eyes, and her diamond-shaped face made her look like something out of a plastic surgeon’s face. Glistening, velvety green hair fell from her head and down to her thighs, hinting that she wasn’t one to cut her ever-flowing hair. Yet, even though her hair could match Rapunzel’s, it didn’t seem unkempt in the slightest.

No, it was so well-groomed that it seemed like a waterfall of emeralds was dripping down her hair. Also, it didn’t help that she was doused with water after coming out of the shower.

Even though she wasn’t as tall as Ysabelle, the woman was easily above 1.8 metres in height. Her long silky legs were just as peachy as her exceedingly suckable neck, and her ample bosom was enough to make anyone drool.

And that thick, dewy fragrance ripped out from the first coming of Autumn…

How could I put it?

It seemed like the personification of Mother Nature herself had manifested before my very eyes.

If not for the fact that I was restrained, I would have been tempted to rush to her side and give her a firm hug.

Speaking of which…

“Rosa? That’s you, right?”

“Jin… You recognise me?”

A hint of surprise was prevalent in the young woman’s eyes. But that change was exceedingly slight. Rosa was an expressionless person, and she was often in a sleepy and moody state. So, that change of emotions was quite subtle. It didn’t take long for her emotionless face to return as she answered her own question.

“Fool… Jin won’t forget me… Of course…”

I had so many questions.

Where was I? Why did she restrain me? What were these vines that seemingly sucked my energy, leaving me tired and unable to resist? What did she do with the rest of the girls? Why am I completely naked, and what were the bloodstains on my crotch?

There were just too many questions to ask, but the first words that came out of my mouth were…

“Rosa… Long time no see.”


The expressionless girl didn’t move a single inch, but I could somehow feel the elation that coursed through her soul. Her heavy emotions were transmitted through our link, and somehow, I could feel all her bottled-up feelings gushing into me.

Yearning… Happiness… And most agonisingly… Loneliness.

Our small reunion was fifteen years in the making, and Rosa dreaded every second of those fifteen years.

And now that we are reunited…

“Jin… We will be… Together forever…”
