Chapter 668 The Battle of Ulduar Begins

  The affairs of Northrend have been preliminarily arranged, and Charlemagne is also planning to start his own actions.

  At the same time as receiving the news of the Lich King waking up, the earth spirit messengers sent by Tyr also arrived in Quel'Thalas, and the war on the Sky Wall finally came to an end, ending with the victory of the Wind Prince Sunderland.

This time, Sunderland learned his lesson and was not relentless. After capturing Al'Akir, he absorbed the essence of the wind element in his father's body without hesitation, and with the support of the Council of Four Winds, he officially became the king of the wind element. throne.

   Knowing that the Sky Wall has returned to peace, the wind elementals that had fled to Uldum have returned to the elemental world one after another, and the tol'vir are finally completely free.

   At the same time, Azadas also completely exhausted the energy of the Nalaksha engine, and produced a total of 15,000 original mogu.

When Charlemagne teleported to the outskirts of Uldaman, the massive tol'vir led by Tyr and the mogu under Azadas had all been helped by the teleportation spells of the Arcane Association mages that Charlemagne had borrowed from Sean. Next, arrived at the gate of the underground palace.


  Titan creations of different heights and shapes densely surround the wide square of the creator's ruins.

  The members of the Explorers' Association and the high elf mages who have not yet withdrawn stared blankly at this legion that seemed to come from mythology, unable to recover for a while.

   The three guardians of Raiden, Tire and Azadas stood at the forefront of the team, smiling confidently as they watched the army of Titan creations gathered in front of them.

  Ke'thun's heart was put into the Hall of Origin and handed over to four senior guardians to guard it. Elonaya was finally relieved from the heavy responsibility, and she stood behind the three guardians with an equally excited face.

Raiden stood up first and mobilized loudly to the titans, "Familiars of the Guardians, the time has come to counterattack Ulduar! We will regain the Forge of Will and the City of Titans from Yogg-Saron! "

"Loken, the once noble guardian of the titans, the king of wisdom, he first succumbed to the whispers of Yogg-Saron and became the culprit of the Ulduar Rebellion. Controlled by Yogg-Saron."


  Rayden shook his fist vigorously and shouted, "We must eradicate Loken and Yogg-Saron completely! Let Ulduar, the city of titans, restore Symmetra!"


  Led by Ossirian, the titans all responded loudly to Raiden's call, and the atmosphere at the scene was filled with excitement.

  Charlemagne clapped his hands, waking up the dazed elves and mages, "Okay, don't be dazed, I will provide the coordinates, and you will supply the magic power together, and open the large portal leading to Wyrmrest Temple."

   "Yes! His Royal Highness the Regent!"

  The portal opened by Charlemagne gradually expanded to allow Raiden and others to pass through under the function of dozens of elf mages.


  Charlemagne drew the magic power from the magic power circuit circulating in his body, and said to Raiden and the others with a smile, "Please, guardians, we can't maintain such a huge portal for too long."

   "Hmm! Sorry for the inconvenience, everyone."

  The Great Guardian Raiden took the lead and walked into the portal. The other side of the gate is near the Titan Road in the north of Wyrmrest Temple.

This road of Titans seems to have been built by the guardians and Titans in the past. The entire avenue, like an asphalt road, runs through Wyrmrest Temple, connecting to an ancient beach on an island in the south, and going directly to Ulduar in the north... That's how it should have been.

But the big explosion 10,000 years ago obviously also affected this originally regular road. At this time, the section of the road leading to Ulduar has already been broken, and it can no longer be seen before reaching the engine of the Creator intermittently. .

Charlemagne quickly narrowed the gate after the army of Titans successfully passed through the portal, and while the elf mages were sweating profusely, he gave them an order, "Thank you for your hard work, you should go back to Quel'Thalas first, and tell Sean, Domestically, stability is the main priority.”

   "Yes, please go slowly, Your Highness!"

  Charlemagne waved his hand freely, and then stepped through the portal that was only one person tall and came to Dragonbone Wilderness.

At this time, including Onyxia who had arrived ahead of schedule, except for Nozdormu who was still hovering in the timeline, the four guardian dragons all turned into dragon forms, squatting respectfully in place and bowing to the guardians .

  Tir, Azadas, and Elonaya looked at the majestic Wyrmrest Temple in front of them with some sighs. This temple for dragon gatherings was originally built by them.

  Rayden followed the Titan Road to the north with deep eyes. Ulduar, the city of Titans, was deep in the storm cliff ahead.

  Charlemagne stepped forward and interrupted the remembrance of several people. "According to the plan, Lyden, please stay near Wyrmrest Temple temporarily. I will first go to the Temple of Storms and the Temple of Winter to meet Thorim and Hodir."

Raiden nodded solemnly with his hands folded and said, "Thorim and Hodir will be handed over to you. You must convince them that if the families of Thorim and Hodir attack from the side, Loken's army will definitely be defeated." We're out of reach, we're going to take down the Creator Engine as fast as we can."

  The Creator Engine is the first key point in this Ulduar battle. As long as it can be taken here, Loken's almost endless steel army can be cut off.

   Furthermore, this violent equipment can even be converted into one's own use through the authority of Layden's Great Guardian, which is equivalent to obtaining a base on the front line that can continuously produce reinforcements.

  Charlemagne also knew that he had a great responsibility, so he nodded heavily. After bidding farewell to the Titan Guardian and the Guardian Dragons, he immediately rode Eragon towards the direction of the storm cliff.

  The steel army produced by Loken did not have many flying units, only some proto-dragon Vrykul cavalry wandering in the sky from time to time, not all of them were controlled by Loken, some female Vrykul knights even belonged to Thorim.

  When these Vrykul saw Charlemagne passing by, they just took a moment to glance at it from a distance. Although they were a little curious about Eragon's appearance, they didn't step forward to stop it.

   Fortunately, Mimiron has not been completely subdued by Loken. If there were Mimiron's endless flying vehicles, Charlemagne would not have the courage to let Eragon fly over directly.

   When passing Frost Castle from the air, Charlemagne saw Muradin mobilizing the ice dwarves that originally belonged to him below.

  Seeing Eragon's figure, Muradin smiled on the ground and gave a thumbs up in Charlemagne's direction.

  Charlemagne smiled lightly. He knew that Muradin couldn't see that far, so he didn't return his salute.

  Using the eagle eye technique to look at the Temple of Storms on the northern mountain of Frost Castle, Charlemagne murmured, "It seems that the ice dwarves are ready, and I have to speed up."
