Chapter 667 The Northern Expedition Begins

The situation developed as Charlemagne expected. When Tyrande angrily took Shandris to Silverpine Forest, the Alliance and the Horde were not frightened by the natural disaster's attack on the floating city. The provocation was high-spirited.

The Alliance army quickly assembled, and Kul Tiras provided a huge fleet. The fleet set off from the Whispering Coast of Lordaeron, the Wetland Menethil Harbor, and the Stormwind Harbor respectively, aiming at the Alliance expeditionary force in the Howling Fjord. Camp - Dagger Bay town of Wagarde.

  Except for Queen Calia of Lordaeron who had to take a step back, Daelin, Varian, Magni, and Gelbin all attacked.

Queen Calia is busy trying to win over the King of Gilneas who finally got in touch—Jean Greymane, but she sent her two main armies, the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade, led by Saidan Dathrohan and Tirion Fording led and participated in the Northern Expedition respectively.

Gilneas is also very interesting. As soon as he walked out from behind the collapsed wall, Duke of Gilneas—Darius Crocker quickly organized a Gray Wolf Expeditionary Army that wanted revenge in name to join the alliance. The ranks of the army.

   This army of sane werewolves also includes Darius' daughter, Alsace's ex(?) girlfriend, Rhona Crowley.


Charlemagne couldn't help shaking his head and laughing when he heard the news, "Although I knew that Darius and Jean were at odds before, they still chose to act separately under the circumstances of the national crisis... It seems that their conflict has intensified to a certain extent Already."

Immorel, who had just rushed back to report the latest situation, nodded, handed out a parchment and said, "I have written the specific situation here. In short, Duke Crowley's territory was confiscated, and I also , insulted the king and was imprisoned by Jean."

  Charlemagne shrugged, opened the parchment and began to read.

  The territory of the Crowley family has always been outside the Wall of Greymane, and Pyrewood Village is also part of the Crowley territory.

  Jean's tough closed-door policy at the time greatly damaged the interests of Darius. Darius, who was a soldier, couldn't stand this kind of anger. He confronted Jean face-to-face fiercely during an aristocratic meeting and was imprisoned.

   At this point, the tension between the two parties became deeper and deeper. Genn, who had long been resentful towards Terenas, learned of the relationship between Darius' daughter Lorna and Prince Alsace, and began to target the Crowley family even more.


  Charlemagne rubbed his chin in surprise, 'This is really... The series of changes that occurred because Jaina was sent to Quel'Thalas to study had such a profound impact. '

  ‘Jin and Darius, who were supposed to work together in the Werewolf Rebellion, completely parted ways. This is something I couldn’t predict…’

   Now that Gilneas has produced a secret medicine to keep werewolves sane under the research of the Royal Apothecary, the Gilneans infected by a large number of werewolf viruses finally have a glimmer of hope.

Charlemagne lightly tapped the tabletop and ordered to Emeril, "Continue to pay attention to Gilneas and Shadowfang Castle. Gilneas needs the help of the Luna Scythe to master the ability to freely switch between human form and werewolf form. .”

   "Perhaps... we can take the opportunity to gain the gratitude of Gilneas, and we should be able to get some help when necessary in the future."

  Charlemagne also wanted to win Gilneas into the ancient oath, but it was a pity that Jin refused without hesitation.


   Even if this guy became a werewolf, he was as stubborn as ever. He always believed that he was a human being, so when Queen Calia followed up with an olive branch, he agreed to the invitation to return to the alliance.

Although Charlemagne was somewhat regretful about this, he did not persistently want to bring Gilneas over. Originally, Gilneas was surrounded by the Alliance. Compared with the oath, the Alliance valued Gilneas' joining more. .

  Charlemagne held a brief meeting with the leaders of the vowed countries, and finally gave up the act of competing with the alliance for allies.

  However, the great effect of the Luna Scythe on werewolves still has a high chance of winning the friendship of Gilneas. Moreover, the relationship between the Alliance and the Oath is still relatively friendly, and there is no need for Gilneas and the Alliance to become deadlocked.

The matters concerning Gilneas and the Luna Scythe have been entrusted by Charlemagne to Tyrande who is going to Silverpine Forest. I think this ten thousand year old politician should know what he should do... The premise is to restrain her elf-specific arrogance Bad temper.

   When the Alliance fleet set off for the Howling Fjord, the tribe that Charlemagne had been fooling around for a long time finally took action.

  After taking the Un'Goro crater initially, Goyle decided to launch the Northern Expedition against Northrend as a warchief in order to alleviate the increasingly fierce internal conflicts.

  The shipbuilding technology of the Horde is far behind that of the Alliance, and most of them use ore to find goblins in exchange for vehicles.

  Transported by the surface fleet and the goblin airship, the tribe's army set off from the Fistblade Bay in the east of Orgrimmar, and headed straight for the Borean Tundra using the chart provided by Charlemagne.

  Charlemagne did not mean to deceive Goil and the tribe. The Borean tundra does have a lot of land suitable for farming and grazing, but the aborigines here are not vegetarian either.

  First of all, it is Coldarra in the northwest corner of the Borean Tundra. After Charlemagne arranged the tribe here, he has notified Malygos to let the blue dragon monitor the tribe's movements.

At the same time, there are distant relatives of the tauren living in the eastern part of the Borean tundra, the yak people. These aloof yak people originally did not want to intervene in the disputes in Northrend, but the Lich King issued an order to Kel'Thuzad. Humans are tragically regarded as one of the high-quality sources of natural disasters.

  A stronghold of natural disasters, the holy city of Enqila originally belonging to the Nerubians happened to be blocked between the two major villages of the Yaks—Icemist Village and Yak Village.

  After being attacked by natural disasters, in order to protect themselves, the Yak people can only ask other forces for help.

  Although the dragons provided assistance to a limited extent, their habit of not interfering in mortal affairs still persisted. The sparse air strikes by the giant dragons could not really solve the survival problem of the yak people.

   After all, once the undead spiderman sees the dragon coming, he will immediately hide in the ground, and after the dragon leaves, he will come out of the ground again to attack the yakmen.

  The desperate Yak people could only send a team of envoys to go northward along the vast snowfield of Dragonbone Wilderness, and finally came to the city of Sandara, where the ancient oath belongs, to ask for help.

Hmm... To put it simply, the yak people have also joined the ancient oath now. Although the oath is still in the training period, Kane and Ulan enthusiastically sent Hamuul and Barre to lead an army respectively to pass through Shanda. Lacheng set out to support these distant relatives.

Although the tribe will occupy the core land of the Borean tundra reserved for them by Charlemagne, but... in fact, as long as they land in Northrend, every move of the tribe will be under the supervision of Charlemagne, let alone the undead Nerub People are bound to attack them too.

Charlemagne has already received the news that this time Goel really set off with Garrosh himself, it seems that he wants to use this Northern Expedition to cultivate his prestige and ability... Unfortunately, the current Goel doesn't know that he will raise Garrosh. A white-eyed wolf emerged.

   Thanks to the book friend "Eating Lao Wu's stick" for the reward and support.
