Chapter 669 Storm King Thorim... King of the Green Hat?

  The Temple of Storms is located on a mountain in the southwest of Ulduar, just across from the Creator Engine from the Winter Temple in Hodir.

Thorim's Familia are a group of female vrykuls, known locally as the Brunhilda Valkyrie. The place where this group of Valkyrie live is just south of the Creator's Engine in the village of Sifrielda and Brunhi. Erda village.

  Hodir's family is a group of frost giants. Danny Finley, where they live, is just to the east of Brunhilda Village. The two sides fought a long and meaningless war in the ancient winter valley in the middle.

   When Charlemagne arrived at the foot of the mountain where the Temple of Storms was located, he soon saw a group of female Vrykul riding on the blue proto-dragons patrolling the Temple of Storms around the temple on the top of the mountain.

  When Charlemagne directed Eragon to gradually climb upwards, he was blocked by these blue-skinned female Vrykul without any surprise.



  The first team leader wearing a typical Nordic-style eye-covering helmet drove the Proto-Dragon to Charlemagne, and a team under her command had already surrounded Eragon.

   "Mortal, the temple of the great titan guardian Thorim is ahead. It is not a place for you to set foot on. Turn back quickly!"

Charlemagne smiled and took out the golden wrist armor that Raiden gave him, put it in front of him and said to the Valkyrie friendly, "I came here just because I knew it was Thorim's temple. Please give me this token Give it to the Storm King, I believe he will receive me."

  The leading Valkyrie captain had some doubts on her face, but she approached cautiously and took the wrist armor from Charlemagne's hand.

   "Wait here, I will go to report to Lord Thorim, don't play tricks, or my knight will shoot you down immediately!"

  Charlemagne spread his hands to indicate that he was not malicious, and sat on Eragon leisurely waiting for Thorim's response.


  After the captain left, Charlemagne took the time to look at the Creator Engine on the snowy field to the east while waiting.

  As expected, this wide plain is full of iron dwarves and iron vrykul that Loken likes to use, and it seems that there are tens of thousands of people.

  Charlemagne rubbed his chin and said, "Although the iron dwarves and iron vrykul are not as powerful as Anubisas in combat, they are powerful when facing the mogu, and this number... is a bit troublesome." '

   Just as Charlemagne was in a daze, a surprised shout suddenly came from the Temple of Storms above, "Impossible! Could this be... Frieda, quickly invite that mortal over here!"

Not long after, the female Vrykul called Frieda rode the proto-dragon back to Charlemagne and Eragon again. Needless to say, Charlemagne knew the other party's intentions, so he patted Yi Ragon, let it fly with the opponent.

Perhaps the mood of the Storm King Thorim affected the climate around the temple. At this time, thunderclouds were densely over the Temple of Storms. From time to time, dazzling blue and white thunder could be seen flashing out of the dark clouds, and the muffled sound of rolling thunder was also heard. into Charlemagne's ears.


When Charlemagne commanded Eragon to land on the broad platform of the temple, a giant who was about the same height as Raiden and Azadas was already walking towards him impatiently with a huge hammer in his hand. .

   "Flieda, take the other knights to retreat first, I have something important to ask this mortal!"

   At this time, the sledgehammer in Thorim's hand was still shining with a dazzling thunder. Charlemagne took the opportunity to look at the Storm King when the Valkyrie retreated.

  Compared to Raiden's scarce armor, Thorim's equipment is obviously much more complete, with a red shawl ribbon and blue armor inside. The most eye-catching is his shoulder armor, knee armor and belt.

  The blue arcane light shines from the orb inlaid on the armor, which seems to be powering the entire armor. One can tell that this seemingly light armor is not extraordinary.

   If there is anything out of place... there is only Thorim's long pink hair, and I always feel that it doesn't match such a mighty guy at all.

  Thorim looked down at Charlemagne after Frieda led the Valkyries away, and asked majestically, "Mortal, where did you get this wrist armor? How is the owner of the wrist armor?"

  Charlemagne raised his left arm and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Thorim, I think you still know this arm, right?"

  Thorim shrank his pupils, and said in disbelief, "This is Tyr's Silver Hand?! Why do you have so many guardian relics?"

   "The relic...?"

  Charlemagne shook his head helplessly. Leaving aside Tyr, indeed, in the eyes of the guardians, Raiden, who had been missing for tens of thousands of years, had already been regarded as dead.

   "Thorim, although you may find it hard to believe for a while, but...the owners of these two items are still alive, and they are now leading an army to station at Wyrmrest Temple."


  Thorim didn't care to continue to show off when he heard the surprising news, he hastily shrunk his body down to the size of Charlemagne, stepped forward quickly, grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

   "Are you sure you know what you are talking about? If I find out that you are lying...mortal, you should know the consequences!"

  The vector power on Charlemagne's body disappeared in a flash, and Thorim's hand that had been grabbing his shoulder was instantly bounced away. Seeing the surprised and vigilant look on the face of the Storm King, Charlemagne shrugged.

   "I don't need to lie to you. Anyway, I am also a demigod recognized by the star soul of Azeroth. I have been in contact with Raiden, Tyr, and Azadas for not a day or two."

   Then he looked meaningfully at the thoughtful Thorim, "It's you, Storm Lord Thorim, are you really unaware of Loken's actions?"

The expression on Thorim's face changed. The upright guardian couldn't hide his thoughts, nor could he hold his breath. He stared at Charlemagne and asked word by word, "So Say? My guess about Loken is right? He is the one who killed Sif?!"

   There was a trace of pity in Charlemagne's eyes. He couldn't bear to tell him about Thorim's green hair, so he simply nodded and followed his words.

   "Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, the result is probably as you said. Your wife Sif was killed by Loken himself, and no one else intervened."


Thorim's fist clenched suddenly, and the sound of stones colliding came from his hands. The Storm King said through gritted teeth, "Okay...very good! Although I had doubts before, I even secretly sent some people to investigate , but I didn’t expect that my respected and beloved elder brother is actually my wife-killing enemy!”

   It is the guardian after all. Although Thorim is more reckless than brainy, he also knows that he cannot defeat Loken in the Temple of Wisdom alone. The Storm King forced himself to calm down temporarily.

After taking a few breaths to calm down, Thorim looked up at Charlemagne and asked solemnly, "Mortal, since you said that Rai and Tyr brought an army, then your target should be Loken who obviously has a ghost in his heart." And Yogg-Saron who is gradually getting out of trouble?"

   "Exactly, I hope you can end the meaningless war with Hodir and help us from the side when we attack the Storm Peaks and Ulduar!"

  Thorim held Charlemagne's cooperative hand without hesitation, "No problem! I also have a debt to settle with Loken!"

   Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.
