Chapter 590 The Disappearing Noble

  Eternalsong Forest is still as serene and quiet as ever, and the slow-paced life of the high elves makes the atmosphere of Quellssi particularly leisurely.

  Since the War of Scourge, the country ruled by the Sunstrider royal family has not suffered direct war for many years, and the people gradually got rid of the pain of the past and started their new lives again.

  But the changes brought about by the flapping of a butterfly's wings have gradually penetrated into all aspects of the elves.

   Today's high elves are much better mentally than when they were just eating and waiting to die. All professions have a rising path and hope, and the vitality of the whole society has finally been stimulated.

  However, there are inevitably some shadows behind this thriving bright society.

  King Kael'thas frowned in his palace library, kneeling on one knee in front of him was a thief wearing night leather armor.


   "Willeys, have you found their whereabouts?"

  The thief bowed his head and replied, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, the Marquis of Chenguang and his entire family seem to have disappeared out of thin air. We haven't been able to find any clues. The same situation also occurs in the families of Earl Huobi and Marquis Rizhi..."


Kael'thas rubbed the center of his brows irritably, and patted the table in front of him dissatisfied, "What the **** are these nobles planning? Quel'Thalas, as their base camp, disappeared as soon as they said it disappeared, even a little There are no traces left!"

Hearing Kael'thas' stern tone, Welles said with a face of shame, "I'm very sorry! They should have fled while we were marching against Ahn'Qiraj, and there should be their people in the country responsible for responding and erasing the traces." ..."

  Villes and Thalorian, as the royal guards who had served the Sun King for two generations, this time Kael'thas personally led the expedition to Ahn'Qiraj, of course the two of them also followed.


However, Welles was deliberately lowering his sense of existence, while Thalorian stood beside Kael'thas with a cold expression and said nothing. Encountered cold eyes, let alone others...

This time the battle against Ahn'Qiraj took away most of the country's troops, and even the thieves from Welles followed. As a result, these nobles took the opportunity to disappear collectively, which made Kael'thas Vaguely felt some kind of bad omen.

   "Don't spread this matter for the time being, downplay the impact of the disappearance of the nobles, and at the same time step up sending people to track down their whereabouts. The nobles in the country should also pay close attention. I have a bad feeling."


   Coincidentally, Charlemagne also listened to Onyxia's report with a look of astonishment.

   "Disappeared? The whole family together? Or several families?"


  Charlemagne's three consecutive questions fully proved his surprise. He even thought that Onyxia was joking with him.

  The Black Dragon Princess nodded solemnly and said, "During our expedition to Ahn'Qiraj, my dragonman guards didn't even notice when they disappeared. There was no warning in advance. One day, the whole family suddenly disappeared."

"This is impossible…"

  Charlemagne frowned. He judged the same as Kael'thas. These nobles who had been suppressed for a long time came out again to cause trouble. There was probably some major conspiracy.

   "There must be some signs in advance, but our attention was all focused on foreign countries, and we failed to notice..."

   Speaking of this, Charlemagne suddenly froze, "Wait! I remember you said before that those nobles often gathered at a duke called... what name?"

   "Duke Sunset."

  Charlemagne rested his chin in one hand and thought, "Could they have made plans since then, and prepared to evacuate in secret with the help of the Duke of Sunset?"

  Onyxia rolled her eyes, thought for a while, and nodded solemnly, "I'm afraid that's the case. Now Duke Higurashi is still eating, drinking and having fun every day as if nothing happened...I always feel that they have a big plan."

   "Tsk... Wouldn't it be good to just be your privileged class honestly? If you have to run out to make troubles, do you have to do everything yourself to die before you are reconciled!?"

Charlemagne kicked the table in displeasure, and then raised his head and said to Onyxia, "Let's leave this matter alone for the time being, the nobles who fled. The Sun King should have already got a report to track it down. Watch it to death." Duke Higurashi, I have a hunch that this guy is the center of the incident."



  Onyxia got up to arrange the monitoring of the dragon people, Charlemagne exhaled lightly, leaned on the back of the chair and rubbed between his eyebrows irritably.

  At this time, only Aurelia was left in the Duke's office, and the elder sister of Windrunner walked to him with a distressed face and asked, "Is the problem serious?"

  Charlemagne smiled wryly, "For the time being, it doesn't seem to have caused any serious consequences, but these nobles must have plans, I'm afraid they will take risks in order to regain their rights."

  Since the Anastrian era, Charlemagne has been cooperating with the two Sun Kings to reduce the rights of these nobles.

The next two acts of killing the nobles made the nobles lose face even more. Although they were not forced to a dead end, King Kael'thas's attitude towards these nobles was already very serious because of Duke Fire Crown's death. Obvious.

   Alleria frowned and asked, "What kind of person is this Duke Higurashi...I don't seem to have heard his name during the two previous noble disturbances."

Charlemagne shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't know too well, I only know that he has a respected status among the nobles, but it is because of this that it is terrible, if... he is because of the two previous keen perceptions that the noble faction cannot succeed. Hibernate, wait until the Duke of Fire Crown dies to come out to take over the power, then this person may have a serious conspiracy."

  Charlemagne had asked Onyxia before that the Duke of Firecrown was one of the leaders of the three nobles, and the other two were the current Duke of Sunset, and the other... was Solanlian's family, the family of the Duke of Morningweave.

   Now that Solanlian's position is relatively stable, the Morningwin family has long moved closer to the Parliament and the Sun King, and brought along some nobles who were unwilling to make trouble.

  The other dissatisfied aristocratic forces are almost all controlled by the Duke of Sunset. It can be said that the Duke of Sunset has basically become a time bomb buried in Quel'Thalas.

  But he didn't make any movements at all, and enjoyed life happily all day long. Even the Sun King Kael'thas probably didn't pay attention to him for the time being, but it was precisely this kind of person who was the most terrifying.

Alleria saw her boyfriend's frown that was wrinkled into a Sichuan shape, and reached out to try to smooth it out, and comforted her gently, "Since Onyxia sent someone to watch, we don't need to spend too much energy on it. Here."

   "His Majesty Kael'thas is not mediocre either. He will definitely let Villes do his best to track down the clues of those fleeing nobles. Let's wait for the results."

  Charlemagne loosened his brows following Aurelia's movements, and sighed softly, "That's right, leave the domestic affairs to His Majesty, I still..."

"Oh no!"


   Under the surprised gazes of Charlemagne and Aurelia, Valeera dragged the helpless Immorel through the door and rushed in.

   "Charlemagne! Sister Immorel said that the door of darkness has been reopened!"

   "What?!" Alleria yelled in surprise, and Charlemagne's pupils shrank at the same time.

   "Is it finally here..."
