Chapter 589 Nothing to do (End)


When Charlemagne, Aurelia and the others returned to their rooms to pack their luggage, Mr. Bigworth, who was sitting on the window sill basking in the sun, swaggered over to him, and occupied his left shoulder again without any notice. .

  Before breaking into the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, Charlemagne temporarily handed the kitten to the logistics department of the military camp for care because he was afraid that the kitten would be harmed.

When Charlemagne came back triumphantly to retrieve Mr. Bigworth, Mr. Kitty had been clinging to him and was unwilling to leave. If it hadn’t been for the smell of alcohol in the room yesterday that had smoked him away, maybe this would be the one who woke him up in the morning. kitten.

  Charlemagne gently scratched the chin of the kitten that was handed over to him by Kel'Thuzad, and said with some emotion, "Will you ever return to your true master?"



  Mr. Bigglesworth, who was scratched comfortably, tilted his head and let out a suspicious cry when he heard Charlemagne's question.

  Although Kel'Thuzad is still striding forward on the path of pursuing his own truth, his approach has undoubtedly deviated from the right path, and the existence of Thaddeus is a proof.

  Although I feel sorry for this former Dalaran genius, but now he belongs to two camps. Once Charlemagne meets him, he will never be soft-hearted. At that time, this kitten...

  'Did you think of this before handing Mr. Bigworth to my care in advance? '

  Looking at the kitten with half-closed eyes and enjoying face in front of him, Charlemagne sighed softly in his heart. This kitten, which has undergone half-dead transformation, may spend a long time with him in the future.

  Charlemagne chuckled, and let Mr. Bigglesworth sit on his shoulders. "That's okay, I, the Ranger Lord, don't have animal companions. It's not bad to raise a kitten to pretend to be a Sanxiu hunter."


  As for Onyxia... This black dragon princess who has become increasingly clingy recently has always been regarded as a mount and a friend by him, not an animal companion.

  The armies of various ethnic groups began to return to the country one after another under the order of their leaders, and the three space battleships had already embarked on the return route ahead of schedule.

  King Kael'thas took the lead to return to Quel'Thalas with Solanlian, Von der Lore and others. By the way, Charlemagne sent Liadrin and Lor'themar back together.

   That little guy, Lilas, didn't follow him on the expedition this time. No one was looking at him. He didn't know if there was any fuss in the country during this time, so he simply asked Lor'themar to go back and see the situation.

   Lor'themar was reluctant to discipline Rillas again, but at least now Rillas has matured a lot after formal ranger training... although he still sometimes goes to the house.

  The three Aurelia sisters will also bring Valera back together. The work of the territory cannot be left under the management of the master for a long time. As the future wife of the lord, Aurelia has always been responsible for this job.


   And Cirvanas and Vereesa have to go back to count the losses of the ranger troops this time and sort out the battle achievements. I am afraid that they will not have time to follow him around the world in a short time.

  As for Tyrande, um...the conflict between her and Malfurion still hasn't reached a conclusion, but judging by Malfurion's sluggish and sad expression, I'm afraid the final verdict is not far away...

  Watching Queen Azshara finally teleport away, Charlemagne breathed a sigh of relief, "Phew... a big problem is finally settled."

   "Yes, but master, I'm afraid you won't be free for the time being. These Anubis and tol'vir still need you to deliver them to your door."

   The speaker was Onyxia who was left behind by Charlemagne as a mount as always. Since there is no magic node in Uldaman, it is really inconvenient to fly over from Ironforge every time.

  Considering this, Malygos promised him that he would adjust the magic power node after returning to settle Arygos this time, so as not to waste a lot of time flying every time.

  ‘Arygos… It’s best to find an opportunity for the three of Tyre to conduct a thorough inspection on them. '

  Charlemagne has always felt a little uneasy because of the inexplicable surrender of Arygos in the future. Although the blue dragon prince seemed normal last time, who knows when it will explode.

   Due to subsequent plans, Charlemagne left Anubisas and the tol'vir army in Silithus, and only brought Ossirian and Moam together in front of Ironforge.

   But it was enough to scare many dwarf civilians and merchants of various races who had not participated in the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj.

   Fortunately, Charlemagne quickly moved Moam and Ossirian. Anubisath's footsteps were very large, and he quickly disappeared before the eyes of the stunned people of all ethnic groups.

  However, everyone knows that with their ass, this stunning appearance may leave a lot of topics among the people. The bard should be very happy to have a new theme to sing about...

   When Charlemagne led the two titan-made leaders into the depths of Uldaman under the gaze of the Explorers' Association, even Tire and Azadas were dumbfounded for a while.


It took a while for Tyre to come back to his senses, looked at Ossirian and Moam who were half kneeling on the ground in front of them, shook his head with emotion and said, "Although I heard you talk about the plan before, I didn't expect it to succeed so smoothly. "

  Elonnaya said eagerly, "Isn't this just right? With this group of troops, we will be more confident in counterattacking Ulduar."

  Azadas also let out a hearty laugh, "That's right! And since Ke'thun is dead, our future actions should not be subject to ubiquitous surveillance."

  Charlemagne shrugged his shoulders and said gloatingly, "It's too early to be happy. There are still a considerable number of Titan creations sleeping in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, but you need guardians with high authority to complete the restart yourself."

   "When you are ready, send someone to Quel'Thalas to inform me that the implementation of the next plan will inevitably require you to do it yourself."

Years of getting along has made the three of Tire completely trust Charlemagne. Hearing his follow-up plan, Tire, Elonaya and Azadas all brightened their eyes. They have indeed seen the counterattack on Ulduar. I hope that this day will not be too far away.

   "Ah, yes!"

Charlemagne took out the arcane box that Malygos used to hold C'Thun's heart from the magic backpack, "This is the heart of C'Thun, and the five dragon kings have teamed up to seal it. I plan to temporarily Leave it to you for safekeeping, and then..."

Tire nodded knowingly, took the small silver box from Charlemagne, and solemnly assured him, "Don't worry, Alonaya will keep it in person when Azadas and I go out to Ahn'Qiraj. , nothing will go wrong."

Charlemagne smiled relievedly, waved his hand lightly and said, "Then I will trouble you, and Malygos should find time to come here later. When adjusting the magic net nodes, I will let you check the three locked in The thousand-year-old prince and princess of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj."

  Charlemagne did not tell the three of Tyre his worries. If Arygos really had a problem, he would not be able to escape the inspection of the King of Order. When the results came out, the truth would naturally come to light.

  Charlemagne, who had nothing to do, said goodbye to the three of them at last, and took Onyxia back to Quel'Thalas after a few months away.


  Charlemagne looked at the familiar golden deep forest in front of him, took a deep breath, and the breath of his hometown immediately passed into his nose.

  Seeing his three girlfriends waiting in front of the office building, Charlemagne greeted them with a bright smile on his face.

   Thank you book friend "BlackHarvest" for your support.
