Chapter 591 Don’t reason with female elves—by Charlemagne

   It has been several months since the end of the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj. It is now the end of the 25th year of the Dark Portal, and all races of Azeroth are busy licking their wounds and recuperating.

   Even the tense situation in Stranglethorn Valley and Hillsbrad has temporarily settled down.

   As for Stranglethorn Vale, Vol'jin's plan to win over the jungle troll tribe failed completely, neither Blood Scalp nor Skullsplit had any interest in his plan.

  In the final analysis, Darkspear itself is just a small clan of jungle trolls who escaped from Stranglethorn Vale. The bereaved dog came back from the mountains to show off his power. Of course, this would not be easily accepted by the big clan of jungle trolls.

  The wooing plan failed, and Vol'jin could only temporarily slow down his attack on Stranglethorn Vale, and sent Rokhan to sit in the Grom'gol camp to continue to confront the alliance's rebel camp at the junction of Duskwood and Stranglethorn Vale.

  The situation on Hillsbrad's side is more complicated. The joint army of the Forsaken and the Frostwolf orcs had already attacked the South Point guard tower at the junction of Hillsbrad and Silverpine Forest.


  But recently they were pulled back from the Western Plague by Lordaeron united with Southsea Town, Hillsbrad Farm and the Bronzebeard Dwarf troops from Mount Darrow, driving them back to the front line of Tarren Mill.

  The complete restoration of the Western Plaguelands has brought considerable changes to the situation in the northern part of the Eastern Continent. Both Lordaeron and the Wildhammer dwarves have gradually withdrawn their manpower from the northern battlefield.

In Lordaeron, the Argent Dawn Legion led by Tirion sits in Andorhal, and cooperates with Tyran in Hearthglen to restore the people's livelihood in the entire Western Plaguelands. The pine forest went south and came to station at Hillsbrad Farm.

  The same goes for the Wildhammer dwarves. Apart from sending a small number of troops to attack Kaer Darrow together with the Silver Dawn, the large army has retreated back to Chillwind Hill along the Darrowmere River.

   Now that Tarren Mill is surrounded by enemies on three sides, the situation is really not optimistic, so naturally they don't have the energy to continue to invade Silverpine Forest.

  Lordaeron officially began to enter the northern part of Silverpine Forest, and sent envoys to Greymane Wall to contact Gilneas again. Daelin also sent envoys from Boralus to visit them.


  However... Genn Greymane's stubbornness was beyond their imagination. Although the emissaries successfully met the aging King of Gilneas, their diplomatic activities did not achieve any results in the end.

  But this trip to Gilneas brought an unexpected intelligence to Kul Tiras and Lordaeron—a large number of werewolves appeared in Gilneas and the southern part of Silverpine Forest.

  Because of the monitoring of the secret channel, Charlemagne knows more about the werewolf rebellion than the Alliance. In his opinion, if Gilneas continues to be so isolated, sooner or later these wild werewolf viruses will become a country where wild beasts run rampant.

  At this time, Duke Theron had no time to pay attention to Gilneas' death. He frowned deeply after hearing the report from Valeera and Emeril.

   "Tell me, who is the Portal of Darkness and how did it open it? I remember that there have always been troops left behind in Fortress, right?"

Emeril nodded, and gradually told the whole story, "The troops of Watchfort had already discovered the changes in the Cursed Lands during the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj, but at that time the attention of all races in Azeroth It's all concentrated south of Kalimdor..."


"After the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj, I rushed to the Blasted Lands immediately with a few capable men, and after many investigations, I finally found some clues in a polluted forest in the southwest of the Blasted Lands, near Stranglethorn Vale. "

  Emeril took a breath, and then continued to say with a serious face, "I found a lot of demons in this rotting forest. I have been tracking down the leader of this group of demons for the past few months."

  Charlemagne nodded. Emeril had sent someone back to briefly report this information before, and it was precisely because of this that he was mentally prepared for the opening of the Dark Portal again.

   "So what? Have you found the leader of the demon?"

"I found it, but it was too late. By the time I realized it, the doomsday guard led by this group of demons had already contacted the demons on the side of the outer domain through unknown means, and the two sides worked together to reopen the door of darkness. "

  Charlemagne showed a thoughtful look on his face, 'Kazak... This mouse can really hide. '

  Many years after the end of World War II, he sent a secret agent to thoroughly search the entire cursed land, but at that time he did not find the whereabouts of the doomsday lord Kazak.

   Later, due to the frequent incidents in Azeroth, Charlemagne also gradually put this matter behind him, but Kazak unexpectedly jumped out at this time.


  Heaved a sigh of relief, Charlemagne raised his head and asked solemnly, "Emerel, have you told the Alliance and the Horde this news?"

   There is no need for him to worry about the oath, Emeril must have sent someone to Suramar to tell Queen Azshara, and the oath conference should be held again in the near future.

Emeril nodded, "I asked Gorest and Carrick Frosteye to go to the Alliance and the Horde to inform the news respectively. Now Fort Watch is on full alert, and the Horde's camp in the Swamp of Sorrows, Stonenard, is also on alert." Many scouts have been dispatched."

  Stonard was a stronghold established by Lord Hou when he fought guerrillas here. After Gouel took over the new tribe, he naturally brought this small town in the southeast of the eastern continent back into the control of the tribe.

Due to the neutrality of Karazhan and the idea of ​​monitoring the Dark Portal, neither the Alliance nor the Horde exchanged fire in the two lands that were originally separated from the Black Swamp. door of darkness.

   Sure enough, the next day King Kael'thas sent an envoy to inform Charlemagne to go to the Darnassus Oath Headquarters for a meeting to discuss the reopening of the Dark Portal.


  Charlemagne sighed, and under the service of Aurelia, he put on the light leather armor that he had been eating for several months.

  Cirvanas was sitting in front of the dressing table in the room, and Vereesa was combing her second sister's soft golden hair behind her.

   Regarding Charlemagne's emotion, the second lady sneered slightly, "Didn't you expect this day to come? Even the plan has been made in advance, why pretend to be deep?"

  Charlemagne turned his head speechlessly to look at Sylvanas, who was dismantling the situation, and Vereesa, who was gloating at his misfortune, "Is it okay for me to express some emotion now? I always feel that my status at home seems to have been lowered again..."


Cirvanas turned her head and snorted in dissatisfaction, leaving only the back of his head, Vereesa also wrinkled her little nose, "Who told you not to give us a title, mother gave you the last It’s an ultimatum, and I’ll give you another year at most.”


  Charlemagne scratched his head with a headache, 'what the hell...didn't she say before that she couldn't talk about marriage before the age of 500? '

  Of course, Charlemagne is not that stupid. He knows that it is the man's fault to reason with women no matter what... After all, he has practiced it many times.

  Charlemagne stepped down his shoulders helplessly, waved his hand and promised, "I know! I will definitely hold a grand wedding for you within a year, so that's fine..."

  Even Alleria twitched her brows this time, and her face was obviously a little bit unkind. "...Why are you speaking so reluctantly? Don't you think us mortals are worthy of you as a demigod?"

  The hairs all over Charlemagne's body stood up instinctively, and with a strong desire to survive, he immediately clasped his hands together and bowed his head to acknowledge his cowardice.

   "There is absolutely no such thing, please let the three of you go!"
