"Where are we?" Was the first thing all of them asked at the same time.

All the girls were currently standing in a dark place that seemed endless. But after a minute, everything around them lit up. It was as though someone had lit up a light in a darkened room.

The first thing they saw was a closet. Sahara was the most daring one as she stepped forward to open the closet. Inside the closet, they saw thousands of clothes. But the surprising thing was that all of them were the same.

Be it the shirt, pants, jacket, or anything, they were the same. Upon close inspection, they found out that the clothes were the same clothes worn by Kai and Sahara closed the door with a sigh.

"Even in an infinite storage, he still keeps his clothes in the perfect order. Damn that clean freak." Sahara commented as they moved away from the closet.

"Is he really a clean freak?" Nezuko asked curiously as Yui nodded to show that she was curious as well.

All the girls from Kai's original harem chuckled at her question as they thought about the various incidents in which Kai had acted like a clean freak. It was a surprise that someone like him actually became a dual cultivator.


"I remember one time when he visited my palace in the spirit world. When he saw how messy my room was, he personally decided to clean it until it was spotless." Mariel shared as the others nodded.

"That brings me to the topic, what exactly is a spirit?" Riang asked as Mariel and Levina thought about it for a moment.

"A spirit can be anything though, in older times, most of the spirits were usually humans who had become too emotional. But humans lost that ability after some time and it was then that spirits started to rise from nature." Mariel explained.

"When Mariel, me, and the other spirits met for the first time, the spirits were being hunted down since they dropped a spirit core on their death which could help someone advance in their cultivation. We gathered all the spirits we could find and brought them together in a special realm that was created by us. We were the first elemental spirits and the other spirits stated dividing onto types after they saw us." Levina said as she looked back on her past.

"After that, spirits started to rise from nature and there were so many that someone had to take charge. Since we were the oldest and most powerful, we became the rulers. At first, some of the spirits didn't listen to us but then we found a new way to make them obey our orders. We formed a blood pact with our respective special realm and each of us got a crown.

Anyone wearing that crown could make all other spirits obey them. It also allowed us to the abilities of infinite regeneration and complete immortality in our own realms. After that, no one could disobey us but we didn't abuse our powers and thus managed to remain as the elemental rulers for thousands of years." Mariel finished as they saw a shelf in front of them.


The shelf had many columns full of different spatial pouches and space rings and had headings written on every shelf column. Some had '100' written below them while some had '1000', '5000', '10000' and so on.magic

"No wonder he has the exact number of spirit stones." Sahara commented again as they started walking forward.

"Does this mean that we are under his pendant?" Watanabe asked as Risea nodded.

"Um, what's that?" Kiana who had been silent for so long asked as the girls saw a heap of pouches thrown on top of each other lying a few feet away from them."Alchemy ingredients." Risea said before anyone could examine the contents of the pouch.

"How are you so sure?" Sahara asked as she picked up a pouch and checked its contents.

"It's cause I gave him the idea of keeping all alchemy ingredients near each other in special pouches to make sure that you had all ingredients." Risea explained as Sahara picked up many pouches.


"All of them contain the same ingredients." She announced as she handed one of the pouches to Risea.

"They are the ingredients for a True Mind pill." Risea said as she dropped the pouch back on top of the pile

They then continued their exploration before they came in front of a box the size of a very large watermelon except it was square. But before they could open it, they heard Kai's voice.

"I finally found you. This pendant is so large that I got lost." Kai said as he appeared from their north.

Sahara stepped back from the box as the others went forward and surrounded Kai. But she and Risea didn't move forward and stood there as they examined Kai.

He looked normal but on closer examination, they saw that his air were swept to the right side by his own hands which was surprising since Kai preferred a natural hairstyle. Other than that, the corners of his jacket looked as though they were wrinkled by the wind.

[ I will tell you about that later on. ] Kai said to them using his spiritual sense.

Risea and Sahara exchanged a look as they were confused about the thing Kai wanted to tell them. What was it that he couldn't tell the others but only them?

Perhaps it was a dangerous world-shaking revelation. But in the end, only he knew.


'Where am I?' Was the first thing Kai thought as he appeared inside a glass pathway.

The glass pathway surrounded Kai in a rectangular shop and he could see what was on both sides of it. On the left, he could see the storage of his pendant where he stored items and the girls were also there.

However, on the right side, he could only see a white area that was covered with white and gray mist. Instead of going to the left side, Kai started walking towards the right side as he his memories played in his mind.

"This will happen at some point in your lifetime so listen carefully. When you will enter the pendant, you might get dropped in a glass pathway that will lead to two places. One will be the storage. The other will be the entrance to your soul. So when this happens, always go and see your soul." The person had said as Kai continued walking.Along with the words, bitter memories filled his mind as he clenched his fist. As he reached the end of the pathway, he stared into the mist with glowing eyes.

He couldn't see anything past it so he decided to take a step inside. As soon as he entered it, the pathway and everything behind it vanished.

Kai was left alone in a mist-covered area that seemed endless as he roamed around with alert eyes.

But no matter which direction he chose, the mist didn't vanish and nothing new appeared. He couldn't figure out what to do next as he stood at one point.

'What if this is my soul?' A sudden thought entered his mind as he stared at the mist with examining eyes.

What he thought was plain white and gray mist was actually more complicated. On closer examination, he could see a little black in the mist.

,m Souls were divided between good and black and most people had one side that dominated the other.

But what if someone, somehow managed to create a balance between the two?

The result would be gray since that's what you get if you mix white and black. The mist suddenly started to clear before it completely vanished.

Kai stood in a half black and half white room as his eyes focused on the middle of the place.

Even though the room was divided into two colors, in the middle, the color was grey. The black and white were completely merged in perfect harmony and covered the middle of the room with a vibrant aura.

Kai realized that he was standing on top of the line and he moved on the white area. His wings suddenly appeared from his behind and his eyes changed.

Seeing this, he stepped into the black area and his demon wings and demon eyes appeared. Seeing this, Kai tried a little experiment.

He planted one foot on the white area and the other one on the black area. One of his black wings vanished and was instead replaced with a white one.

One of his eyes also shimmered and changed to angel eye as he sighed and stepped on the grayline.

His appearance turned back to normal as he started looking for an exit. But the room was an enclosed square and nothing was in it.

But as he was about to try to teleport out of the room, a warm glow suddenly surrounded the entire place and the white stretched across the entire room.

"Aizza.[1]" Kai slowly said as his eyes widened.

With a whooshing sound, a woman appeared in front of him and the entire room went berserk.

[1] Literally means life.
