The room exploded with blinding light as Kai looked at the woman in front of him. Plain brown hair that reached down to her waist and deep ocean blue eyes.

Two pure white wings appeared from her back and covered a good half of the room.

A bright smile covered her face as Kai stepped forward with shaking hands and tried to hold her. But his hands passed through the mist as her image shook a little.

He stepped back with wide eyes as her image was restored. She shook her head with the same smile as she gestured at the room.

"Do you remember the theory about the harem being attached to your soul? You were right about that." She said as Kai's eyes widened even further.

"I am just the representation of my soul that is still tied to yours. That is why you can see me and speak with me. The others also wanted to communicate with you, but since I am the only one who has the powers for this, I am the only one who can communicate with you." The woman explained as Kai nodded.

"Aizza, I sensed Hela's before coming here." Kai slowly said as the woman, Aizza, looked at him sadly.


"I know that Kai. She is probably turned into a killing machine by now and who knows what will happen if someone doesn't get her back." Aizza said as Kai nodded.

Aizza was the spirit of life and Hela was the person who had summoned those tendrils earlier. She was also the spirit of death.

Hela and Aizza were the two spirits that Kai had freed from a seal in the spirit realm and it was because of that incident that he had met the elemental rulers.

Even though he hadn't talked to them during that time, they had had still thanked him by giving him the blessing of life and death which in turn led to him meeting Death's sister and her twin.His life was an intricate pattern in which every incident had led to a greater incident. But freeing the spirits of Life and Death certainly had been one of the most dangerous things he had ever done.

"But no one except you can subdue her and since you are still not reincarnated, I don't know what to do." Kai said in frustration but Aizza smiled at him.

"Hela is the complete opposite of me but we still loved each other as though we were family. After you freed us, we explored the world to obtain our revenge on those who had sealed us but in the end, we found out that many of them had died or changed. Death, especially, has completely changed from the Death we used to remember. Even the elemental rulers had changed from what they used to be.


It was because of you that they changed Kai. It was then that we showed our interest in you. We followed you to see what was so special about you but when we found out that the creators were keeping an eye on you, we thought that you were like us. After that, we finally interacted with you and then, you conquered us. Remember Kai, you conquered both me and Hela. If you do everything you can, you can definitely bring the old Hela back." Aizza said in a sweet voice as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Kai.

Her arms flickered as they touched Kai's body but she didn't let go as he stared into her eyes. Aizza had always been the calm kind-hearted person and even after her imprisonment, she had still retained that trait.

But now as he stared into her eyes, Kai caught a trace of sorrow in them. Perhaps she was thinking was he had thought numerous times.

Will the creators ever let them go?

"My time with you is about to come to an end, Kai. Remember to visit the land of life and please defeat Amon. Also please find the tablet of samsara." Aizza said quickly as she stepped forward and kissed him.

Even though he didn't feel her lips, he still closed his eyes as she vanished. The mist started to surround the entire room as the room returned back to its balanced form.


"The creators and Death. His sister and her twin. The spirit of life and the spirit of death. No matter where I look, things are always in balance. And no matter how much anyone tries to break free of this balance, they always fail. After all, I am like them." Kai muttered as the room slowly started to fade from his vision.He appeared on the glass pathway again but this time, he couldn't see the right side exit. He sighed and started walking towards the left side. As he reached the storage, he looked around with sad eyes as certain things caught his gaze.

A closet so dusty that it might have been millenniums old. A picture was set on top of the closet and Kai went forward and picked it up.

The picture was faded beyond imagination but Kai could make out the shapes of two people standing with smiling faces. He brushed the dust off the picture with his hands and the picture turned into a new picture.

A man and a woman were standing with their hands intertwined and they were smiling. The man was in good shape though wasn't too bulky. His eyes were completely red without any white in them and his arms contained many scars. But the most catching thing about him was his shiny purple-black hair.

The woman on the other hand didn't have any scars but was extremely beautiful with silky white hair. Even though she was smiling, her eyes were on alert as though she was expecting someone to attack her.

One of her hands was intertwined with the man's hand while the other one was wrapped around her belly which was extremely round. Anyone could tell that this woman was pregnant and was about to give birth in a few days.

Though the couple were smiling, their bodies were alert. Kai smiled at this as he set the picture back on the closet. He wiped his eyes and continued moving forward. After a while, he saw another thing and stopped moving to stare at it.

It was a poster that was hovering in the air. It was faded at the ends but Kai could clearly make out the words written on it.

"The harem overlord is looking for a new partner. Anyone who would win this contest would get the chance to meet the current Harem overlord and talk to her. And if she likes you, you might get the chance to cultivate with her. Don't miss this golden opportunity!" Kai read the contents of the poster with a smile and moved on.

There were many things in this place that contained good memories of Kai's past but he couldn't look at them without remembering the bad ones. His gaze lunged at a pair of robes that was lying on the ground.

He went towards it and picked it from the ground as brushed the dust off it. His lips curled up into a smile as he stared at the robes. They were red in color and had a heart symbol near the chest area on them. The edges were done with a golden color while the rest of it was designed with various patterns.

The robes looked as though they belonged to a royal family but they actually had belonged to a particular sect. A sect Kai had joined in his early days. The sect had been a home to him for many years before he had outgrown their standards and left it.

But that sect them had some disputes and shift in level of powers and had been disbanded and Kai had then promised that he would never join a sect again, lest that one faced the same fate.

But he had broken that promise when he had joined the blue moon sect though this time he had left the sect with weapons and high-level cultivators to defend it. And other than that, Asahi and the Zian family would protect it for a long time. But even after all that, he couldn't help but remember what had happened in the past

Thinking about this, Kai could no longer stare at his past as he dropped the robes and walked away to meet his present.
