"This… is so beautiful."

The girls who were traveling between realms for the first time muttered in excitement as they entered the blue entrance.

Beyond the entrance, they couldn't see any realm. The only thing visible on the other side was a curtain of darkness.

Their eyes widened as Kai chuckled lightly

After entering the curtain of darkness, the other sided finally became visible. As they slowly came in front of a beautiful blue-green planet, they could only look at it in awe.

"Are those stars?' Yui asked as she pointed at the stars that were spread all around them.

"Stars are beacons of yang energy and that is why they glow like that. But the yang energy they


contain is too pure for a cultivator to absorb. Even when I was at my full power, I couldn't absorb the energy without burning my body." Kai explained as their gaze fell on the realm.

In the center, they could see two giant continents side by side. They couldn't see the rest of the planet as they suddenly vanished from their place.

"Well, that was anti-climatic." Mariel muttered as they looked around themselves.

They were standing on bare dry land with a clouded gray sky. Nothing was visible for many kilometers. Mariel turned to look at Kai who had a dark expression on his face.

"Why here?" He muttered to himself as though he was in a daze.

His head suddenly whipped towards the north as his eyes widened. The others looked at him with confusion as the land suddenly started to shake. From the far north, they could see something advancing towards them.


As it came a little closer, they were able to see black tendrils full of dark energy advancing towards them. The tendrils destroyed everything in their path as the land succumbed to their numbers

"That's the last person who I wanted to meet before regaining my strength." Kai whispered as his wings tore from his clothes.

He bit his finger and created a barrier of Eden around him and his girls. But the barrier was much larger than the last barrier and was spread out in a 500-meter radius. But the white barrier soon began to crack as one of the tendrils destroyed its walls.

'She is already strong enough to break the barrier of Eden.' Kai thought as his wings folded back. He couldn't save them from that dark power with his current strength.So as last resort' Kai removed the pendant around his neck and dropped it on the ground.

He then bit one finger of his right hand and one of his left hand as black and golden blood started to drip from his fingers. The two different types of blood mixed together as they fell on the pendant.

The pendant suddenly started to glow and turned blood red and surrounded the group in a red aura. One by one, the pendant slowly swallowed them until only Kai was left standing alone.


The tendrils were barely 100 meters away as Kai's hand started glowing with white fire. He threw it at the tendrils and they suddenly stopped. The fire slowly started to spread but suddenly, more tendrils appeared and completely swallowed the fire.

Kai sighed before his figure started to shimmer. With a flash of white light, he vanished and entered the pendant. The tendrils stopped once again as though they didn't know what to do any morebefore they vanished in a swirl of dark energy.


"Weird. Their auras suddenly vanished." In a dark room, a man with waist-length white hair was sitting on a throne made from skulls. Nobody knew if the skulls were real or not but judging from the man's aura, they certainly looked as though they were real.magic

The man also had a noticeable X-shaped scar between his eyes that seemed to run from his eyebrows to the underside of his eyes. He stood up from his throne and moved towards the walls of the room.

He had intimidating golden eyes that lingered on another throne beside him. This one was taller than his own throne and was made from a dark gleaming material that seemed to shine without any light.

His eyes then curiously strayed towards the area beyond the glass wall. Beyond the glass, dark clouds were gathered in the sky and thunderstruck every few minutes. On the land, numerous old-fashioned stone houses were lined in a circular pattern around a black palace that was also made from stone.

The man turned his gaze away from the glass as the door to the room was opened with a groaning sound of metal. A beautiful woman with silky purple hair entered the room with a deep frown.

"What happened, Esmeralda?" The man asked in a deadly voice as the woman named Esmeralda bowed to him.

"I tried using my necromancy powers to search for them but it is as though they vanished from the face of the realm." Esmeralda replied in a sour tone as the man turned away to look beyond the glass.

"What about the queen of darkness?" The man asked as Esmeralda fell silent. It was as though she didn't want to answer his question.

"She… is angry at not being able to kill them and taste their blood." Esmeralda whispered quietly as the man sighed.

The clouds rumbled louder than before as it started to rain. But the rain wasn't normal. The drops were black in color and fell at the speed of hail. As the rain pattered on the ground, the man could see a woman rise in the air.

Esmeralda visibly shivered as both she and the man stared at the woman outside. Her hair were dark black and reached down to her waist. Her skin was moon white pale and shimmered in the dark surroundings. They couldn't see her eyes but both of them knew that they were bluish-black.If someone stared into them, they would likely see a bottomless dark abyss in them. It didn't look as though the rain was bothering the woman as she raised her right arm.

The people on the streets started screaming as though they were seeing Death in front of them. But they wouldn't have screamed if they had seen Death since he was not what everyone expected him to be.

But even though the woman was certainly not Death, the people still screamed and trampled over each other to escape to sheltered places.

The woman laughed like a maniac and a dark shadow launched out from her right hand. It went towards the group and grabbed a random person as his voice suddenly faded.

He opened his mouth and tried to scream but no sound came out. He shut his eyes as a tear trickled down his cheek and the woman brought him in front of her.

She then touched his face with her hand and dark cracks started to appear on his face. They started from his cheeks and spread throughout his body.

The man burst apart as blood and gore fell on the ground below. The few people who were still there since they couldn't move because of fear, screamed as blood dropped on them.

The woman them swept down and grabbed one of them by his throat. She crushed his head on the ground as black tendrils wrapped around his body and killed him.

One man was apparently brave enough, or stupid enough, to attack her with a sword. He however managed to Stan her in the stomach easily as his eyes widened.

The area where the woman was stabbed started to absorb the sword before it vanished completely.

Dark tendrils then swirled around the woman and swallowed every single person that was around the woman.

The man and Esmeralda continued to watch this and when people started to die, both of them smiled like lunatics.

"She kills them in one blow. There's no fun in that." Esmeralda said as she licked her lips and took out her glasses from her clothes.

She cleaned them with the hem of her clothes before she put them on. They highlighted her pink eyes as the man turned towards her with an evil smile on his face.

"You are right about that. But the most interesting thing is that you two are the only females on this continent which is a wonder." The man said as Esmeralda's smile widened.

"It's because you were the one who brought us here brother." Esmeralda said as the man laughed.

"You are right about that too." The man said as both of them looked out again.

The woman looked as though she was satisfied with her killing as she brushed the dust off her clothes and rose in the sky.

She started heading towards the palace as the man and Esmeralda turned towards the door to wait for her.

"After all, the kingdom of death finally has the spirit of death as their ruler." The man said with a mysterious smile as the rain didn't stop.

But when it touched the blood on the ground, it started melting the foundations of the place where killing people is as common as breathing.
