Chapter 760  

"Rise." He said.magic

And rise it certainly did.

Everyone can feel themselves rising up along with the landmass beneath them. They watched in pure awe as every word that Raven uttered became the law itself.

The feeling of rising up continued for a while before Raven uttered: "Stop."

He raised his hand once more and ordered: "Come."

Another set of starts came flying towards them, turning into streaks of light which fused with their world.


Raven snapped his fingers and they started rising once more. Nobody said a word, not even his wife nor his friends, they just watched as Raven continued doing his work, not even bothering to ask him what exactly he was doing.

They've know Raven for a while now and understand that he knows what he's doing.

Raven stopped the rise once more. He didn't call for more stars, instead he looked at his surroundings and muttered: "I guess this is a good place."

He then turned towards their still broken world and said: "Prepare yourself."

"Yes, Young Lord." The voice of the consciousness echoed within their heads.

A scepter appeared on Raven's hand. The moment he lifted it, Raven released a strong brilliance that eclipsed the sun itself. His strong brilliance, people could still see what Raven was doing, and for the first time since his return, Raven revealed his true appearance.


Wearing a long crimson robes with golden edges, Raven stood in front, exposing his godly appearance for everyone. His long aqua-marine colored hair fell like a waterfall on his back, he held a scepter and wore a majestic crown that put the Emperor's Crown to shame.

People can see a vague silhouette of a throne behind him, it was illusory but it's there.

Raven slowly weaved the scepter and silver streaks suddenly appeared in the air. A soft jingle – a melodious hymn of a bell filled with endlessly profound insights, chimed in their heads, causing some people fall into a trance.The streaks of light behaved in his presence, Raven the began connecting one line over the other. The people who's watching his movements were puzzled but also entranced, it felt like they were on the verge of discovering something but its completely eluding them.

His wife and friends were the only ones who could understand what he's doing. Still, knowing it doesn't really make it any less than surprising. If anything, Raven's actions just became more incredible since they understood what he's trying to do.

"Incredible." Anne whispered.

"Indeed." Mark nodded beside her. "I always knew that he's insane but…"


"This is just unprecedented." Paul finished Mark's sentence for him.

"Geez. It's not like we were slacking off, I mean I'd say that we worked pretty damn hard during the times we're by ourselves, but this guy just likes making us look bad." Ellen stated with a pout.

"This isn't a competition, Ellie." Luna laughed, "He's doing it for our world and its citizens."

"I know, I know." Ellen nodded.

Raven was replicating the Starry Skies of the Spiritual World. Heck, it'd be more appropriate to say that he is a making the Starry Skies of the Grand Ancestral Plan.

Once constellation after another, all represent different existences and facets of the world. Different laws, history, origins, etc. Everything was displayed in a very detailed manner. Raven drew each one with an astounding clarity as if he had memorized their structure through and through.

It didn't take long before the broken world was filled with numerous constellations. By the time he drew the last constellation, it turned into a streak of light that fused with the home world.

Raven then created a massive rune, the likes of which that nobody seen before, it was painted gold and silver, radiating a vast and noble aura that pacified everyone's soul.

Next, Raven painted the Sun and the Moon which revolved and rotated around the world. Once he was done creating the Heavenly Bodies, Raven began mending the world.


Raven stressed the word out. With a flash of blinding light, all constellations fused with the world and began mending together. Raven could feel the world was aching but there's nothing he can do. It's a necessary evil to spur the evolution of this world.

Either way, it's not like Raven would sit idly by when the world was threatened. He will prevent its destruction of course but this is something that needs to happen. The world has to bleed.

Under everyone's stunned gazes, the world suddenly expanded. It shook fiercely as if it's going to be destroyed at any given moment. Everyone can feel the rumbling of the world and it's making them anxious, however Raven looked relaxed. That's how they knew that he's got this.

The rumbling went on for hours, making everyone tensed-up until all of sudden, a large explosion occurred. The world exploded into bits and pieces, the audiences weren't harmed since they were protected by the rune but still the rumbling and the explosion caused their hearts to sink.

Raven hardly reacted though. Everyone else might think that the world has exploded by in truth, it hasn't,

When the light fades, everyone was shocked to see a massive plain floating in front of Raven. Their world still looked pretty much the same, if anything it looks bigger – like fifteen times bigger than before.

This shouldn't come as a surprise, after all Raven did use their world with dozens of weaker and lower plains. And once again, this doesn't stop there.

The new world has two suns and moons. One was created by Luna and the other three was created by him. With how large the world has gotten, it'll take some time before the sun made a complete revolution, he added an additional sun and moon in order to maintain the regular cycle period.The new world was beautiful, it was more habitable than the last one, larger and richer in resources.

Once the evolution was mearing its end, Raven narrowed his eyes and looked up. He then saw dark clouds forming on top of their world, bringing forth a ferocious aura that intended to destroy their home.

"How very daring of you, Heavenly Laws." Raven snorted, "Who gave you the right to place my home under your sanction?"

Raven pointed his scepter at the dark clouds. The horrifying killing intent descended, causing everyone's hairs to stand up on both ends. This killing intent was coming from the dark clouds and the audience who weren't used to this, nearly collapsed due to the trepidation they felt.



To everyone's absolute shock, Raven's roar caused the dark clouds to flinch. The Heavenly Laws were incensed by the blatant disrespect but Raven couldn't care less.

"Fuck off!!" He roared once more. "Try to hurt a single soul or stone in my presence and you will face my wrath! If you don't want me to erase you from the face of the earth then FUCK OFF!! NOW!!"

Raven slammed his scepter beside him and released a pulse that dissipated the dark clouds.

The killing intent slowly evaporated but everyone could still feel someone or something hissing at them. Raven narrowed his eyes as his scepter began glowing dangerously.

With his voice coated in poisonous ice, he asked: "Still not fucking off? Are you really trying my patience?"

Just like that, the hissing stopped and the threat was gone. Raven snorted while the rest of the audience heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hot damn, Brother!" Paul chuckled, still in his turtle form. "You scared the living shit out of the Heavenly Laws. So god damn manly!"

"Geez, not even my Master can do something like that." Mark commented, "You are something else."

Everyone was reeling in shock. Most of them were alienated by their topic but they could somehow interpret their meaning. Raven did something incredible just now, they don't understand it right now but eventually they will.

Raven ignored the looks their giving him, he instead paid attention to the world and said: "Complete your evolution. Don't be afraid, we're here."

"Thank you, Young Lord."

Raven just nodded and waited until the world finished it's evolution. The landmass were still shifting, the rivers and oceans were expanding and the creatures were evolving. The spiritual energy were still adjusting and this process will take sometime, fortunately the difficult part is over now.

Their home world has received their blessings and could now finish the evolution without fearing the retaliation of the Heavenly Laws.

Raven guarded the process and kept a close eye on it. Time passed and all of a sudden, the world released a strong brilliance.

A majestic aura was released. Those who were born from this world felt it the most, they just instinctively knew that evolution was over.

It rained on the whole plane. The rain wasn't any ordinary rain either, it was an Origin energy rain, something will nurture the land itself. Once the brilliance disappeared and the rain stopped, everyone saw the gorgeous appearance of their new world.

Raven smiled, so did the rest. With a soft beckon of his hand, the rune which was carrying the empire descended into the land. Everyone could immediately feel the difference on their surroundings.

Still, the miracles aren't over yet.
