Chapter 761  

The atmosphere of the Grand Ancestral Plane has completely changed.

The spiritual energy was thick – viscous even, it was a bit chaotic since it's a mixture of many kinds of energy but it was bearable. Due to the sharp increase of the Spiritual Energy's volume and density, many people could feel their bottlenecks loosening up.

It was absurd. They knew that the world is the same, their familiarity with it never faded but at the same time, everything's different. Those who were aware about the existence of Laws can sense them better right now. In fact, just by standing where they currently are, they could feel their law insights increasing.

Their home just became bigger, a least twenty times bigger than before. The empire is occupying a pitiful amount of land which is a bit embarrassing for an empire but what can they do? They just witnessed the world changing before them.

Still, Raven wasn't quite done yet.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Everyone felt the ground rumbling but failed to see what actually was going on. Once the rumbling stopped, Raven said:


"There's a wall surrounding the Empire 10 million kilometers away from here." He stated, "You guys will decide what you're going to do within that space, the wall is mainly for protection since the Demonic Beasts here are way stronger than you all can handle."

Raven snapped his fingers again and the palace magically fixed itself. A dome enclosed the entirety of the Empire after he's done.

"I also made a formation that will isolate the Empire for now for protection. You guys should focus on making yourselves stronger. Right now, this world is no longer a Lower Plane, it's a Empyrean World. We won't be meddling too much with the worldly affairs. We will only step in if the Empire is facing a serious peril, the rest are to be handled by you people." He announced."In addition to that, this world is now officially recognized as part of the Divine Realm itself. Though the same rules apply, outsiders are banned from entering this place, the only one who can leave and return are people who were born here."

"There will also be a scheduled Law Discussion. Every single one of us will have one session per year which will last for seven days. This is to help and guide you the path you want to take. This session is free for everybody, I will tolerate no discrimination so don't blame me for turning you to dust if I caught you doing it."

"Finally, here's a detailed map of the world. Everything you needed to know about the new things added to this world is labeled here. Like I said, we won't be interfering with the affairs of the Empire. Plan on what you want to do. That would be all from us. Are there any questions?"

Raven looked at the crowd and saw that some of them are still reeling from shock. The silence went on for a bit, Raven gave them ample time to think and raise their concerns but nobody spoke so he said:


"Alright. Since nobody has any questions, we will be excusing ourselves." After saying this, the legendary six just vanished from where they stood.

It took the audience quite some time before they managed to wake up from their stupor. If it weren't for Luis clearing his throat to get their attention to wake them up. Once everyone returned to reality, they began the true conference.

The while the council discussed how the Empire will work, the Legendary Six are currently at the heart of the world.

Compared to the bleak and rather limited space of the previous one, this place is more expansive now. The six are currently standing on top of a swirling galaxy, the consciousness of the world is currently in there and had fallen into a deep slumber.

"Our home has evolved." Mark let out a sigh, "It's an Empyrean World now. There's six of us here so most likely, the council isn't going to pester us. What are we going to do? Any plans?"


"Oh, don't about those geezers." Luna snorted, "Once they find out that I'm born here, they'd probably leave us alone."

"Agreed." Anne nodded, "I mean, Luna is their youngest candidate, they will trust her and put her as this world retainer on top of us. They are of no concern to us."

"That might be true but…" Paul scratched his head and continued: "I just can't bring myself to trust them. No offense, Luna."

"None taken. Actually, feel free to diss those geezers more, no need to hold back. They won't be able to touch you guys anyways, those guys are cowards."

"I don't have any positive feelings about them either." Ellen stated, "I've heard rumors about them, not a single one was a good thing. I'm a little skeptical about their intentions so I wouldn't want them to touch this land at all."

"They are a bunch of shameless scum, yes." Raven added, "However, they are bound by duty. Push comes to shove, they'll pull their own weight. There's really no need to be on-guard against them, after all a simple mention of our backgrounds can deter them.""That's right." Luna nodded. "Plus, there are other pressing matters at hand."

All of them followed Luna's line of sight and saw the core of the world.

"The world has finished evolving jut now." Raven stated, "But it isn't enough yet. Its condition is just stabilizing but due to me infusing other planes and worlds to it, it's probably experiencing some serious identity crisis."

"We can't let the other persona's to take over." He continued, "If that happens, this new world will be far more dangerous that it already is. I'm going to help stabilize its condition. You guys should leave your marks here, something that will allow you to instantly return here once you sensed the world in danger of if you fee like it."

The others nodded while Raven focused on his work. He didn't really have to do anything hard, just a few simple runes are enough to make sure that this world is at the right direction.

And of course, Raven wouldn't be Raven if he didn't leave something extra for contingencies. Just in case somethings happens, he wanted to be prepared. Honestly, being ten steps ahead isn't a bad thing. Prevention is better than cure after all.

Once they were done here, Raven basically just let the others do whatever they wanted to do.

The Emperor and his subordinates will probably be having some difficulties sleeping with how much work they needed to finish. With all the changes that are happening in their world, it's only natural for them to feel excitement and anticipation. Raven could even tell that the Emperor himself wanted to explore their new world as well.

Like he said though, they are on their own. Raven and the rest won't be participating in their mortal affairs. They are only here to spend time with their families and have a short break from their work. Unless their world is threatened, they won't step-in. They'll remain as bystanders.

Raven and Luna took the skies. Riding the clouds and enjoying the view from above. Had Raven wanted to, he build the empire here but he didn't, he decided to trust the decisions of the people. They era has passed, it wouldn't be wise to interfere too much.

The changes of their world was astounding. It didn't just expand in size, it evolved in many ways than one. There were a lot of secret realms and pocket dimensions around, every single one was filled with resources waiting to be harvested. Of course, they are laced with dangers but that's normal. After all, nothing's free in this world.

Due to Raven's actions, the Heavenly Laws of the Divine Realm could only, begrudgingly, accept defeat. It acknowledged the world despite its inconsistencies. And since the Grand Ancestral Plane is sealed from the outsiders, it is safe for the most part.

An Empyrean World with six Empyrean retainers – well, Raven's technically not an Empyrean but it doesn't really make any difference, it's not like he'll be stuck in his bottleneck forever anyways.

If Raven really wanted to push it, he could've actually turned this world into a Divine World. The reason why he didn't is mostly because it was risky. That being said, it's not completely oft the table…once he transcended that is.

Right now though, he just wanted to relax. As both him and Luna rode the clouds, they felt a little bit…adventurous.

Well, doing 'it' in the sky and out in the open was something they've never tried before. It's not like someone will interrupt them or anything so…why not?

It was a pleasant experience for the both of them. They might not admit it vocally but…they wouldn't mind doing it in this setting more often.

Both of them wanted kids for sure but they're not in a hurry. This is something that shouldn't be hurried anyways. They have to take their time since they have time.

Hopefully, they can succeed using the natural way.
