Chapter 759  

"Pardon me, Your Majesty but…" one of Balmung's court officials walked up to him and asked: "What is happening?"

"…" Balmung remained silent for a bit. He watched as his sister, his brother-in-law as well as their friends, walked out of the space vacuum like it was some flat ground. His mind whirred about numerous possibilities.

Balmung sighed as he thought of one. He then replied: "Tell everyone to watch carefully. Today, we might just happen to witness a miracle, an act of god per se. We should learn well from this."

"…!" The court official was rightfully shocked. However, they didn't dare to say anything.

They walked back into the crowd and softly passed on the words of the Emperor. It didn't take long before everyone stopped whatever their doing in order to watch the Legendary Six at work.

"Dad? Who's that man in gray robes?" Nina asked Luis, her voice was loud enough for others to hear.magic


Luis replied with: "That person doesn't have a name, at least nothing that I'm aware of. He isn't actually human in the first place, he's just taking that form. In truth, he is the consciousness of our world – Sentient World Spirit, as your brother described."

"Ah!" Nina was surprised. It wasn't just her, everyone else was just as surprised. They never thought that it was possible for their world to give birth to a consciousness but in hindsight, they should've known.

"He calls Big Bro 'Young Lord'." Tori brought up.

"Well, your brother did work hard to stop the world from dying." Luis stated, "Before he left, he did something to extend the world's longevity. That's not enough but it's still something, and that's probably why the world calls him that since he is their benefactor."

Luis' words enlightened many people. Once again, they are amazed by the actions of Raven. Only a few people knew about the true contributions he has on their world. He was immortalized because of his Legends but most people doesn't actually know just how much work he did in order to ensure their safety.

Now that this was revealed, many people felt nothing but respect and admiration for him.


Balmung sensed this and smiled wryly, he then muttered: "I should really get him to take my place."

"You're sister's going to slap you if she heard that." Old King Alexander chuckled in his seat, causing Elizabeth and Bianca to chuckle while Balmung pouted."What are they going to do now?" Nina asked her parents.

"None of knows, child." Luis replied, "How about we watch instead, yeah?"

"Okay." The twins nodded.

Everyone started looking at the Legendary Six – who appeared to be in a discussion. They are standing quite far from where the banquet was happening. Then they heard…

"…yeah, that should be fine." Raven nodded to them, "Go ahead. Let's get started."


Under their watchful eye, everyone except Raven moved. The next scene really stunned everyone.

First the saw Paul Gregory turning into a hulking mass. Every step he took was followed by the trembling of space and his expansion. Eventually, he turned into a gigantic black tortoise with snake -tail. He was so massive that he can probably carry their world into his back.

Paul let out a loud whine, causing the audience's blood to churn. An overbearing aura descended along with his transformation, causing their hairs to stand-up on each end. They then witnessed hoe the massive turtle started marching towards their world.

Next was Ellen – who turned into an equally massive flaming raptor. The moment her family saw her transformation, they all felt the thrumming of their bloodlines and the urge to worship the flaming raptor washed over their hearts. Ellen is no longer just a Vermillion Bird, she is a Phoenix. A true God Beast in a sense.

"A Snake-tailed Black Tortoise and a Phoenix." Balmung whistled in his seat, his words were heard by the people around. "Our world is blessed by the two God Beasts."

Ellen released a sonorous cry as she flew towards the east while Paul trudged at the west.

Next they saw Mark moving. Each step he took caused the space to tremble under him. He was releasing a dark fog which eventually turned into a massive cloud sparkling with all kinds of lightning. He flew towards the north.

Anne was next. Gracefully walking towards the south. Every step she took caused lotus flowers to bloom. She her peerless beauty was magnified by the flora and fauna blooming as she released her aura.

Everyone was captivated, the words of the Emperor were correct, they are indeed witnessing a miracle – an act of god. And it was not over.


Brilliant light flooded their vision. As it faded, it revealed Luna who transformed into her true appearance. Everyone's jaws were on the floor. Indeed, none of the were lying when they said that Luna was the fiercest out of them.

Dressed in a sleeveless white gown, Luna's golden hair shone like sunlight. She has a circlet filled with gemstone ornaments on her head, she also has almost five pairs of wings gently flapping behind her back. She was holding a sword made out of pure golden sunlight and was barefooted as she descended at the center of the world.

To the audience's eyes, Luna was a true goddess. Some people felt so emotional that they started crying. They didn't know why but the urge to worship Luna was born at the very depths of their hearts. They knew that this is a foreign influence which might be bad for their cultivation but at this point, they could hardly care about that.

They were woken up from their stupor when they suddenly heard all five of them making a commotion.

Paul stomped, causing the ground to shatter. He released a fluctuation which, those that sensed it, felt like gravity. Paul roared and geysers of water suddenly erupted around him. The amount he released could easily flood the entire world which made some people worried.

At the east, Ellen was perched on top of a tall tree with flaming leaves as if it was her next. She flapped her wings and let out piercing shriek, causing geysers of flame to erupt, forming volcanoes as well.At the North, Mark was terraforming the lands. A storm raged, different kinds of lightning cackled and struck the ground, leaving marks which filled with numerous law insights. The lightning and thunder strikes formed mountains and cliffs.

Meanwhile at the south, Anne sat down in a tree stump. She surrounded with birds and deer, fawning over her as nature thrived at her mere presence. Patches of green appeared and proliferated all over the south due to her influence.

At the center, Luna raised her right hand above her head. Her wings flapped behind her back as light coalesced in her palms. As time went on, it grew larger and larger but Luna doesn't even seem to be exhausted. The light grew large enough to surpass the size of their previous sun but instead of scalding the whole central area of the plane, it just released a soothing light.

Each of their actions were a marvel on its own. The audience were gobsmacked once more by the sheer display of power. Even their Emperor was mystified and captivated. It's truly an act of god – miracle.

When they said that they'll be giving their blessings to the world, none of the audience thought about this happening. It was truly a phenomenal act, one that they will never forget.

Still though, there's one person who hasn't moved yet, and all of their attention was focused on him.

Raven looked at his friends, doing their work. His attention returned to the guy next to him. He asked: "How do you feel?"

"Overwhelmed, Young Lord." The man spoke with some difficulty, "It feels like at any second now, I'm going to explode."

"Good. Let it happen." Raven ordered.

Everyone was shocked, even the consciousness of the world was stunned. While the audience thought that Raven went crazy, the man beside him simply nodded. He disappeared and all of sudden, a massive explosion occurred. The audience were horrified, they just saw their world exploding right in front of their faces, yet before they could say anything, Raven's voice echoed:


The world stopped, just as he ordered.


Another order was uttered and the world obeyed. The broken pieces of the world converged into a spherical shape.

Raven looked at a distance and said: "Come."

Every saw numerous stars flying towards them, stopping in front of him like obedient pets.


And break they did. The star he summoned shattered into pieces, their cores exploded but before they were truly destroyed, Raven uttered another order:


Everything stopped once again. Raven then pointed at the remains of their home and said: "Fuse."

The broken remains of their world as well as the stars fused into a single world, much to everyone's shock. Everyone was shaking in awe and fear. They never witnessed something so domineering, Raven's words were the law. Everything he says, goes.

But before they could adjust to everything, they heard Raven uttering another order:

