"General, we shot down the German seaplane. However, before they were shot down, they sent a telegram. Our position may be exposed again." A staff officer reported.

   Admiral Ernest Jin's complexion became very ugly.

   "Asshole. Will the Germans still send carrier-based planes to attack us? After one night, the distance between us and them should be even further!" Admiral Ernest King couldn't help cursing.

   "General, what should we do now?"

   "Order the fleet to turn to the northwest. Also, prepare for air defense!" Admiral Ernest King ordered.

   "Yes, General."

  The order was quickly issued, and the US and British fleets became tense again. Many sailors had unconcealable panic on their faces. Yesterday's attack by the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group has already frightened many sailors of the US and British fleets. If the German navy makes another attack like this, how can they resist it?


"What's going on? Could it be that after a night of sailing and turning, you still haven't been able to get rid of the German navy? But our hunting formation obviously has no news! If the German navy follows us, our hunting formation will They will definitely be found." Admiral John Tovey couldn't help but frowned tightly.

   "Maybe what we have to face this time is not the German home fleet." Admiral Andrew Cunningham said.

   Admiral John Tovey's complexion suddenly became even uglier. He understood what Admiral Andrew Cunningham meant. That is what will be faced this time, and I am afraid it will be other fleets of the German Navy. After all, the German navy is not only the home fleet in the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet of the German Navy also have very powerful forces.

   Sure enough, in less than 20 minutes, the shrill air defense siren sounded shrill. The air search radar has discovered that a group of carrier-based aircraft is approaching them.

   "General, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft group is coming from the south, and the scale is not very large. There are about 150 carrier-based aircraft." A staff officer reported.

   "South? Is this the German home fleet, or another fleet?" Admiral Ernest King asked through gritted teeth.


  The officers could not give a definite answer.

   "No matter which fleet of the Germans. This time we must resist their attack! Order all ships and prepare for air defense operations." Admiral Ernest King ordered.

   Indeed, for the US and British fleets, the most important thing now is to resist the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet. Only in this way can we ensure our own safety. Otherwise, no matter how much you say, it is just empty talk.

   "Yes, General."

  The carrier-based aircraft force suffered heavy losses, and there are not many carrier-based aircraft left. Therefore, they did not take off carrier-based fighter jets to face the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet. After all, those pilots who survived are also very precious. Even, the value of these pilots is more precious than those lost carrier-based aircraft.

  In order to leave some seeds for the carrier-based aircraft forces of the US and British fleets, the pilots of those carrier-based aircraft have even been evacuated to other small and medium-sized warships in advance. The purpose is to ensure that these carrier-based aircraft pilots have a chance to survive after suffering heavy losses. Of course, this doesn't really make much sense anymore. After all, after the disastrous defeat of the US and British navies this time, they will never have hope again.


   "Boom boom boom!"

  The anti-aircraft firepower of the US and British fleets soon began to roar, and the 127mm anti-aircraft guns, as long-range anti-aircraft firepower, fired first.

  But the carrier-based aircraft group of the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet has dispersed and rushed to the remaining four "Independence-class" light aircraft carriers of the US Navy. Although the displacement of these light aircraft carriers is less than 20,000 tons, they are undoubtedly much smaller than those capital ships that easily cost tens of thousands of tons. However, the carrier-based aircraft pilots of the German Navy still regard these light aircraft carriers as their primary attack targets.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier and **** warships opened fire frantically, trying to use intensive anti-aircraft firepower to block the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group and ensure the safety of their aircraft carrier.

   But soon, they found that this is futile. The intensive anti-aircraft firepower can certainly shoot down some carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. But it actually has no effect on changing the outcome of the entire naval battle.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   Explosions sounded, and US warships began to be hit by German carrier-based aircraft.

   It was still the **** warship that was dealt with first, and finally the aircraft carrier at the core of the fleet.

  The remaining four light aircraft carriers of the U.S. Navy are USS 'Langley', USS 'Cabot', 'Bataan Peninsula' and 'San Jacinto'.

  Although the U.S. fleet has strengthened the protection of these four light aircraft carriers, they still failed to hold on in the face of the overwhelming blow from the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet, and they were shot and caught fire soon.

  Finally, in less than half an hour, the four light aircraft carriers were all sunk.

   So far, the US and British fleets have lost all their aircraft carriers in this naval battle. Although, they still have a lot of battleships left. However, the outcome of this naval battle cannot be changed.

  The carrier-based aircraft group of the Mediterranean Fleet of the German Navy, after sinking four light aircraft carriers, also began to attack the capital ship formation of the US and British fleets.

  The three "Montana-class" battleships were the largest in size, so they became the focus of attack by the German Navy's carrier-based air fleet. Although the "Montana-class" battleship has thick armor, it also has dense anti-aircraft firepower. However, under the siege of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet, the three "Montana-class" battleships still want to be in danger.

  For the "Montana-class" battleships, a single aviation armor-piercing shell and aviation torpedo will not cause any damage to it. But once too many bombs are shot, even these battleships with a displacement of more than 70,000 tons will not be able to hold on.

  The first wave of carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet, after dropping all the bombs, failed to sink the three "Montana-class" battleships of the US Navy. And the loss itself is not small.

  However, when the second wave of fleet was put into battle, the fate of the three "Montana-class" battleships of the US Navy was still doomed.
