"General, the local fleet is really bold this time! They saved the aircraft carrier formation at the cost of losing the entire battleship formation. At the same time, they launched a counterattack at the right time and severely damaged the US and British fleets in one fell swoop. I have to admit that their plan It's too risky. If you are not careful, it may lead to the annihilation of the entire army." Lieutenant General Shremel, commander of the aircraft carrier formation of the Mediterranean Fleet, expressed emotion.

"Yes, it is indeed too bold. However, they are also very lucky. In other words, the Americans and the British are too stupid. They dispatched more than 1,200 carrier-based aircraft, but in the home fleet The carrier-based fighter jets intercepted heavy losses. Moreover, the target of the attack was placed on the capital ship formation of the local fleet, and no further search was made for the aircraft carrier formation. Otherwise, the local fleet should have suffered very heavy losses this time." Lieutenant General Cramer also said.

Admiral Herman Boehm nodded: "No matter what, the home fleet won this time. Moreover, it also created an opportunity for us to beat the dog in the water. We must not let this opportunity pass. "

"Yes, General. According to the telegram sent by the Home Fleet, the position of the American and British Fleet is about a thousand kilometers away from us. They should be sailing westward. We only need to turn slightly, so that after dawn, we can turn around The distance has been shortened to less than 400 kilometers. With the strength of our carrier-based aircraft group, if we launch an attack, it will be enough to further damage the US and British fleets." Lieutenant General Schlemmer said excitedly.

  Because of its relatively small strength, the Mediterranean Fleet has always played a supporting role, whether it was in the naval battle of the Azores or in the attack on Bermuda. This time, they had a chance to pick up a bargain, and of course they would not let it go.

"Well, the US and British fleets now only have 4 light aircraft carriers and 16 capital ships left. And their carrier fleet has also suffered heavy losses. If we launch an attack, they will definitely not be able to resist." Herman said Admiral Boehm.

   "General Schlemmel, how big is our carrier-based aircraft fleet?" Admiral Herman Boehm asked.


"General, we lost some carrier-based fighter jets during the interception operation in the Bermuda waters. However, the overall loss is not large. Now, our five aircraft carriers have a total of 106 carrier-based fighter jets left, 152 1 dive bomber and 152 torpedo attack planes. If they are dispatched in two waves, at least four rounds of attacks can be launched from morning to night. If the battle situation is optimistic, it is enough to further cause heavy damage to the US and British fleets." will say.

   Admiral Herman Boehm nodded: "Then let's do this! After dawn tomorrow, it's time for us to perform."

  October 20th, at six o'clock in the morning, it was just dawn.

  The Mediterranean Fleet of the German Navy took off more than ten seaplanes at one time. These seaplanes will go to the north, northwest and northeast of the fleet to search for the location of the US and British fleet.

  On the five aircraft carriers of the Mediterranean Fleet, the decks are already full of carrier-based aircraft ready to go. The carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets, dive bombers and torpedo attack planes have all been filled with fuel and ammunition, ready to attack at any time.

  At this moment, Admiral Ernest King's eyes are red like a rabbit on the flagship battleship 'Montana' of the US and British fleets. In the ashtray in front of him, the cigarette butts piled up like a hill.


   "Is there no news about the hunting formation yet?" Admiral Ernest King asked.

  He has been waiting all night, hoping to get good news from the hunting formation. But unfortunately, there is no news so far. This also made Admiral Ernest King's mood worse and worse.

   "General, there is no news so far." A staff officer reported.

   Obviously, the hunting formation failed this time. Perhaps they were not able to find the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation at all. Therefore, there will be no news. If the aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy has been found and the attack has been launched. Then, it will definitely be reported to the flagship. It is still silent so far, which can already explain the problem.

   "General Jin, it seems that our plan has failed. The hunting formation failed to find the Germans." Admiral John Tovey looked regretful.

   "Alas! It seems that God is not on our side. Order the fleet to speed up immediately and prepare to return." Admiral Ernest King ordered helplessly.


   When the counterattack plan fails to succeed, they can only preserve their strength as much as possible.

  John Tovey Admiral nodded, and then returned to the flagship of the Royal Navy.

   "General, the air search radar found several targets, and the analysis should be seaplanes." A staff officer suddenly reported.

   "What? Could it be that the Germans are chasing them again?" Admiral Ernest King was very nervous.

  With the current strength of the US and British fleets, if they are attacked by the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group, then they will really be powerless and can no longer resist.

   "Lieutenant General Halsey asked if it is necessary to take off fighter jets to shoot down the German seaplanes!"

   "Well, take off the fighter jets immediately and shoot down the German seaplanes, so that our position cannot be leaked." Admiral Ernest King ordered.

   Subsequently, several F4U fighter jets took off from the US Navy's "Independence-class" aircraft carrier and killed the German seaplane.

  Several seaplanes were undoubtedly shot down by F4U fighter jets of the US military. However, before they were shot down, they had already sent the telegram.

  The Mediterranean Fleet of the German Navy responded immediately after receiving the telegrams from these seaplanes. They can already roughly judge the position of the US and British fleets. Under such circumstances, Admiral Herman Boehm decisively ordered the carrier-based aircraft to attack!

   A few minutes later, the carrier-based aircraft began to take off from the aircraft carrier of the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet. One "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier, plus four "Deutschland-class" aircraft carriers. Although there are not as many carrier-based aircraft as the other two fleets, they are still very powerful.

  In the first wave of fleet, the Mediterranean Fleet took off 48 carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets, 66 dive bombers and 66 torpedo attack aircraft. The fleet of the second wave that is about to take off will also be of this size. The spare aircraft remained.
