"What's going on? Isn't the German aircraft carrier and capital ship together?" Admiral Ernest King asked.

  Originally, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his own carrier-based aircraft fleet just sinking the German capital ship. But now, I immediately felt the problem.

  The US and British fleets seem to have an advantage in this naval battle and have achieved huge results. However, thinking about it now, it seems that there is a deep conspiracy of the Germans in it!

"Judging from the reaction of the carrier air group, the German capital ship and the aircraft carrier are not together. Our carrier air group only discovered the German capital ship formation, and then launched an attack. The German capital ship was not found. Aircraft carrier." Lieutenant General Halsey replied affirmatively.

   "Damn, this seems to be a trap. The Germans once again set a trap for our subordinates." Admiral Ernest King looked angry and remorseful. He was ashamed of being too happy to see through such a simple German trap.

   "Yes, General. The Germans are likely to sacrifice their capital ship formation to keep their aircraft carrier formation. This is undoubtedly very dangerous for us." Lieutenant General Halsey said.

   "Damn it!" Admiral Ernest King couldn't help cursing.


   "General, this is not the most dangerous. It is very likely that the German aircraft carrier formation has launched a counterattack. We must be prepared." Lieutenant General Halsey reminded.

   Admiral Ernest Jin was startled suddenly.

"Let the carrier-based fighter jets on our 'Independence-class' aircraft carrier be ready. Once the German carrier-based aircraft is found, take off and intercept it immediately! All ships have also entered the air defense combat mode, ready to deal with the German attack at any time!" Admiral Ernest King ordered.

   "Yes, General." Lieutenant General Halsey replied.

"In addition, the returning carrier-based aircraft should give priority to replenishing ammunition and fuel for the carrier-based fighter jets. If the Germans really dispatched carrier-based aircraft to attack us, they must also take off to fight." Admiral Ernest King Then ordered.

   "Yes, General." Lieutenant General Halsey nodded.


   It's just that the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the US and British fleets suffered too much loss. Once the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft really launched a counterattack. Whether they can resist it is very difficult to say.

  The first wave of carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British fleets has returned. But the huge fleet when it took off is not much left now. This is undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to the US and British navies. Of the 648 carrier-based aircraft, less than 150 returned. Among them, the number of fighter jets is only more than forty.

  Admiral Ernest King stood on the island of the USS Essex aircraft carrier, watching the return of carrier-based aircraft one after another, feeling very heavy.

  Although, their carrier-based air fleet achieved good results, sinking many warships of the German Navy. However, these are not what he wants. If all the capital ships that were sunk and severely damaged were replaced by aircraft carriers, maybe he would still be happy. But now, he couldn't laugh at all.

   "Damn Germans! May God bless us!" Admiral Ernest King couldn't help praying like God, praying for good luck to lead them. Otherwise, they might fail again this time. Once it fails again, the U.S. Navy and the British Navy may never have a chance again.

  On the "Ark Royal" aircraft carrier, Admiral John Tovey and Admiral Andrew Cunningham were also frowning, watching those carrier-based planes land. The loss of the first wave of carrier-based fleet was too great, which made them a little unacceptable.


"How could the loss be so large? A total of more than 600 carrier-based aircraft took off, and now there is only a little left? The loss exceeds 70%! Could it be that the Germans are really so strong?" John ? Admiral Tovey looked distressed.

  The strength of the British navy is not strong now. After losing so many carrier-based aircraft and pilots, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to replenish them. That's why he was very distressed by the heavy loss.

"The Germans dispatched a large number of carrier-based fighter jets to intercept. Moreover, their fleet's air defense firepower is very fierce, much stronger than our carrier-based air defense firepower. Therefore, our carrier-based air fleet will lose so much, right? !” Admiral Andrew Cunningham said.

   "How about our results? Two waves of carrier-based aircraft, with more than 1,200 carrier-based aircraft, should be able to wipe out the German fleet in one fell swoop." Admiral John Tovey asked. Originally, he was full of confidence in his own carrier-based aircraft fleet. But now, seeing such a large loss of one's own carrier-based aircraft fleet. This also made his confidence shake.

   "According to the information obtained, we have already sunk four German capital ships and severely damaged the remaining three. It should be said that the results of the battle are still very good." Admiral Andrew Cunningham said.

   Admiral John Tovey nodded. If the result is good, then he will be relieved.

   "General, the United States informed us to prepare the fleet for air defense operations. The carrier-based aircraft that landed should give priority to replenishing ammunition and fuel for the carrier-based fighter jets." A staff officer reported.

   "What's going on? Has something happened?" Admiral John Tovey was a little puzzled.

   Andrew Cunningham Admiral is also a little confused.

   "It's not right, there is a problem!" Admiral Andrew Cunningham immediately discovered the problem.

   "Yes, General. The United States is saying that our carrier-based aircraft group only attacked the capital ship formation of the German Navy, and did not find their aircraft carrier formation." The staff officer continued.

   "What? How did this happen? Why did you make such a mistake?" Admiral John Tovey and Admiral Andrew Cunningham both changed their faces drastically. They all know very well what that means.

"Damn it, are those carrier pilots idiots? Are their commanders idiots? They launched an attack when they saw the German capital ship. Don't they know that the biggest threat to us is the German aircraft carrier? Admiral John Tovey cursed.

"General, it is obvious that our carrier-based aircraft pilots and commanders have ignored this problem. However, this is a fatal mistake for us! A mistake that can affect the outcome of this naval battle .” Admiral Andrew Cunningham looked serious.

   It's just that it's only now that I wake up, it seems to be too late.
