
  A carrier-based FW-190 fighter jet took off from the aircraft carrier "Poseidon", the flagship of the German Navy's home fleet. The other seven aircraft carriers in the fleet are also taking off carrier aircraft.

  The carrier-based FW-190 fighter takes off first, followed by dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft.

  Although, in the battle to intercept the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the US and British navies, the German carrier-based fighter jets lost a lot. The pilots were also very tired. However, at this moment these pilots are still fighting.

On the eight aircraft carriers of the carrier formation of the German Navy's home fleet, 18 carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets, 18 dive bombers, and 18 or 12 torpedo attack aircraft took off (18 aircraft carriers took off from the "Main God-class" aircraft carrier, " Constellation class' aircraft carrier took off 12), the total number of these carrier-based aircraft reached 144 carrier-based FW-190 fighters, 144 dive bombers and 120 torpedo attack aircraft.

  The huge fleet sailed westward, directly attacking the US and British fleets.

  When the capital ship formation of the home fleet was attacked, they also released seaplanes to scout the position of the US and British fleets. Although several seaplanes were lost, the position of the US and British fleets was still reported to the flagship. Now, the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation has finally begun to fight back against the US and British fleets.


   "Your Excellency, the first wave of aircraft has already taken off. The second wave of aircraft will take off in half an hour." Lieutenant General Hans reported.

  Marshal Lütjens nodded: "I hope that the warriors can retaliate with a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, and hit the U.S. Navy and the British Navy in one fell swoop."

   "Your Excellency, we will definitely do it!" Lieutenant General Hans was full of confidence.

   All the carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British fleets went to attack the capital ship formation, and the aircraft carrier formation did not suffer any losses. This not only saved them, but also provided them with a good opportunity to fight back. It can be said that the capital ship formation sacrificed itself in order to win such an opportunity. Of course, the aircraft carrier formation must seize this opportunity and severely damage the US and British fleets in one fell swoop. Otherwise, I would be too sorry for the sacrifice of the capital ship formation.

  On the eight aircraft carriers, the ground crews are still busy. The carrier-based aircraft in the hangar is being lifted to the deck by an elevator. The fleet of the second wave is preparing for takeoff. The second wave fleet still has 96 carrier-based FW-190 fighters, 144 dive bombers and 120 torpedo attack aircraft. This wave of fleets will also take off soon, attacking the US and British fleets, and strive to severely damage the US and British fleets in one fell swoop.

   It can be said that in order to defeat the US and British fleets in one fell swoop, the carrier formation of the German Navy's home fleet has done its best. They didn't even keep the anti-aircraft fighter jets, and sent them all out, in order to secure the victory in one fell swoop.


  The capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet, the fierce battle is still going on. The second wave of carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets is still besieging the German capital ship formation. And the warships of the German battleship formation are also launching a heroic counterattack. Anti-aircraft guns of various calibers and large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns were still firing fiercely.

  The battleship is burning, sinking. The wreckage of battleships and sailors who fell into the water are everywhere on the sea.

  The capital ship formation of the local fleet suffered heavy losses under the attack of the carrier-based air fleet of the US and British fleets. However, they are still persisting. Because, with their own sacrifices, they gave the German navy a chance to turn defeat into victory.

   "General, the captain of the battlecruiser 'Wools' requested to abandon the ship. They couldn't hold on any longer. They were hit by 25 aerial bombs and 12 torpedoes successively." Rear Admiral Rudolph reported.

   Lieutenant General Gerke nodded, his heart seemed to be bleeding. He knew that after this battle, the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet was almost wiped out.

   "I hope our sacrifice can be exchanged for a victory!" Lieutenant General Gerke secretly said to himself in his heart.


   The sailors on the battlecruiser 'Wools' left the battleship in lifeboats. Soon, the battleship sank into the sea and became the third battleship lost by the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet in this battle.

  The battlecruiser 'Grand Kurfürst' is under siege. Most of the warships that escorted it have been damaged. Although the rest of the warships are still holding on, they are no longer able to withstand the attack of the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British fleets.

   "General, I'm afraid the 'Grand Kurfürst' won't be able to last much longer." Major General Rudolph said with grief on his face.

"The Americans and the British have also lost a lot of carrier-based aircraft. I am afraid that they will no longer be able to launch a large-scale offensive. And our counterattack will soon begin. In this battle, we will definitely Win the final victory." Lieutenant General Gerke is full of confidence in winning the final victory.

   "Sir, we are out of bombs and torpedoes."

   "Damn it, retreat! Accelerate the return, refill fuel and ammunition, and then launch an attack." The commander of the US and British Navy's carrier fleet ordered.

  Although, they have achieved very good results. However, if you count their own losses, such a result is obviously not enough.

  The second wave of the US-British fleet has a total of 612 carrier-based aircraft. But after the interception of the German carrier-based fighter jets and the attack of the German fleet's anti-aircraft firepower, there were less than two hundred left. Even including the rest of the first wave of aircraft, there are only 350 aircraft in total. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the carrier-based aircraft forces of the US and British fleets. Calculated in this way, their losses have already reached 70%.

   It can be said that after consuming so many carrier-based aircraft. It is already impossible for the US and British fleets to win this naval battle.

   On the "Essex-class" aircraft carrier, the flagship of the US and British fleets, Lieutenant General Halsey is reporting the results of the battle to Admiral Ernest King.

"General, our carrier-based aircraft has now sunk four capital ships of the German Navy, and more than 20 cruisers and destroyers have been sunk by us. The other three capital ships have also been severely damaged. It can be said that the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet has suffered a devastating blow." Lieutenant General Halsey reported.

   "Very good, as long as we work harder, we can completely kill them." Admiral Ernest King seemed very satisfied with the victory of the carrier air group.

"However, General, our carrier-based air fleet has suffered a great loss due to the interception of the German Navy's carrier-based fighter jets and the enemy's carrier-based air defense firepower. And, so far, we have not found the Germans aircraft carrier formation." Lieutenant General Halsey reminded.

   The smile on Admiral Ernest Jin's face froze immediately.
