Fierce battles are still taking place in this sea area. The German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group is besieging the US Navy's 2nd aircraft carrier formation. Although the U.S. air defense forces are still fighting back tenaciously, as more and more warships are sunk, the U.S. air defense firepower is gradually sparse. At the same time, the originally dense air defense firepower network began to become full of loopholes.

"Very good, warriors, continue to attack. The American aircraft carrier will appear in front of us soon. After killing their outer **** warships, focus on sinking their aircraft carrier!" The German carrier-based aircraft commander ordered road.

   "Yes, sir!" The German pilots were like a rainbow.

  The situation on the battlefield seems to be developing in favor of the German carrier-based aircraft fleet. From the beginning of the attack to the present, the **** warships of the US Navy's 2nd aircraft carrier formation have been sunk by the German carrier-based aircraft fleet. Whether it is a cruiser or a destroyer, under the siege of the German carrier-based aircraft group, there is only one way to be sunk.

  Although, the counterattack of the anti-aircraft firepower of the US fleet also shot down many carrier-based aircraft of the German army. But overall, the German carrier-based aircraft fleet still has the absolute upper hand.

   "General, our loss is too great." On the USS Franklin, a general said to Lieutenant General Fletcher.

Lieutenant General Fletcher nodded: "The combat effectiveness of our carrier-based aircraft is not as good as that of the Germans. Whether it is the performance of the carrier-based aircraft or the quality of the pilots, there is a big gap with the Germans. The air defense firepower of the fleet also needs further improvement. Reinforced. Plus, the sailors are inexperienced."


"Yes, General. I heard that each aircraft carrier battle group of the German Navy has a dedicated large anti-aircraft cruiser. Maybe we can also use this idea to deploy as many anti-aircraft cruisers as possible on a large cruiser." Anti-aircraft weapons, serving as the main air defense battleship of the fleet." said the general.

   "This is a good suggestion. After we have finished fighting this battle, we can raise this point with the Admiralty." Lieutenant General Fletcher said.

  However, the prerequisite is that they have to survive this fierce battle. Otherwise, once the U.S. Navy loses ugly in this battle, even if they start building large air defense cruisers, it may not have any effect. Because, the Germans will not give them any more chances.

   "Good job, warriors, attack the aircraft carrier to the east!" The German carrier-based aircraft commander issued an order.

   Their target is the US Navy's "Randolph" aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier is on the fringes of the formation, and its escorts are almost done. Except for a light cruiser and a destroyer, only the USS Randolph was left fighting alone.

  Although the 127mm anti-aircraft guns, 40mm anti-aircraft guns, 20mm anti-aircraft guns and 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine guns on the "Randolph" aircraft carrier are all firing desperately. However, this has been unable to prevent the German carrier-based aircraft from smashing and throwing it on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier.


   "Woo! Woo!"

  Accompanied by a mournful roar, eight German dive bombers attacked the aircraft carrier 'Randolph'.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The anti-aircraft fire on the aircraft carrier USS Randolph opened fire violently, trying to shoot down these German dive bombers. However, those dive bombers bravely walked through the rain of bullets. It dropped the bomb when it dived from a high altitude until it was only 500 meters away from the sea.

  Heavy aerial bombs slammed into the aircraft carrier 'Randolph', and German dive bombers changed out of the dive course and began to climb, preparing for the second attack.

  However, a dive bomber was hit by anti-aircraft fire during the process and fell headlong into the sea.


  Among the eight aerial bombs dropped this time, four of them hit the target.

  The deck of the USS Randolph was blasted with several large holes, and the bomb exploded in the aircraft carrier hangar. Not only some spare planes were blown up, but also a raging fire was ignited.

  In an instant, the "Randolph" aircraft carrier seemed to be shrouded in flames and gunpowder smoke.

   "Good job, keep attacking!"

  German dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft once again launched an attack on the aircraft carrier "Randolph".

  Although the full-load displacement of the "Essex-class" aircraft carrier is as high as more than 36,000 tons, it is an out-and-out large fleet aircraft carrier. However, under the siege of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft, it looked very embarrassed.

  The dense anti-aircraft firepower is not enough to withstand the attack of the wolf-like German carrier-based aircraft group. Instead, he was beaten so that his whole body burst into flames.

   "Torpedo, torpedo spotted on port!"

  The sailors on the USS Randolph roared in horror.

  Eight 533mm heavy torpedoes are rushing towards the aircraft carrier from a distance of one kilometer at a speed of 40 knots.

  Some sailors even used anti-aircraft guns to straf the sea, trying to prevent these torpedoes from hitting their aircraft carrier. However, all this is in vain. It is basically impossible to hit a torpedo sailing at high speed under the water surface.

  In order to avoid these torpedoes, the USS Randolph began an emergency evasion. The hull began to turn, trying to point the bow in the direction of the torpedo attack, so as to reduce the chance of being hit by the torpedo.

   However, all this is in vain. It is simply impossible to avoid these torpedoes completely. Of the 8 heavy torpedoes, 3 scored hits.

  The powerful heavy torpedo blasted three large holes below the waterline of the aircraft carrier 'Randolph', and sea water poured into the hull frantically. Damage control personnel can do nothing about this, they can only choose to close the watertight compartment to prevent seawater from pouring into other compartments.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Intensive explosions sounded on the USS Randolph aircraft carrier, and heavy aviation armor-piercing shells hit the aircraft carrier one after another, causing a violent explosion.

  Under the fierce attack of the German carrier-based aircraft group, the aircraft carrier "Randolph" was completely powerless to fight back, and could only passively bear the blow.

  The German carrier-based aircraft group's siege of the aircraft carrier "Randolph" lasted for more than 20 minutes before it ended. The aircraft carrier suffered 12 heavy torpedoes and 27 heavy aviation armor-piercing shells. The entire hull was battered and full of loopholes. Under such circumstances, even God cannot save this aircraft carrier.

   Soon, the aircraft carrier sank into the sea, becoming the first aircraft carrier to be sunk in this naval battle. Of course, this won't be the last one. The carrier-based fleet of the German Navy has already rushed to other aircraft carriers.
