"Your Excellency, Commander, the Germans are besieging the 2nd aircraft carrier formation. Their tactics are very obvious, that is to destroy the **** warships of the aircraft carrier first, and then attack the aircraft carrier at the core position. Now, the **** warships on the periphery of the aircraft carrier follow one after another. The aircraft carrier was severely damaged or sunk by the Germans, and soon the aircraft carrier will be attacked by them." Lieutenant General Halsey was worried.

  The attack of the carrier-based aircraft group of the German Navy is like a textbook. It taught the senior generals of the US Navy a good lesson. This made them discover that they looked so jerky in front of the German Navy.

  Admiral Nimitz nodded, even he felt like a primary school student in front of the German Navy. Although over the years, the U.S. Navy has grown a lot and become stronger. However, that is only in terms of armament. In this regard, there are still some gaps between the U.S. Navy and the German Navy. However, the gap does not seem to be very large. If the U.S. Navy works harder, it may be able to catch up. However, in terms of soft power, the gap between the U.S. Navy and the German Navy is still very large. The German Navy has been exploring the application of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft for many years. This makes them have summed up a set of effective tactics. Under these tactics, the German Navy was able to obtain the greatest results at the least cost. These are all places where the U.S. Navy needs to learn.

  If the U.S. Navy can have more preparation time, it may be able to further shorten the gap. But sadly, they now have to go to war. This also makes the generals of the US Navy face very big problems. One can imagine the difficulty of defeating the German navy at a disadvantage.

  Of course, as the generals of the US Navy, they have no other way. In the case that the country will perish if they fail, they can only fight to the death. Otherwise, once the war is really defeated, their country may no longer exist.

   "I hope General Fletcher and the others can hold on!" Admiral Nimitz said.

   "General, do we need to transfer warships from other aircraft carrier formations to reinforce the second aircraft carrier formation?" Lieutenant General Halsey asked.


   Now the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group is focusing on besieging the US Navy's 2nd aircraft carrier formation, and the other aircraft carrier formations have not been attacked. At the same time, because the spread is too wide. So that other battleships can't play any role at this time.

Admiral Nimitz shook his head: "This battle has just begun. The first batch of German fleets has only appeared. It is certain that there will be a lot of German carrier-based fleets that will attack us later. Yes. If the warships of other aircraft carrier formations are transferred, once the other German fleets attack, we will be exhausted and even pay a greater price!"

   Lieutenant General Halsey nodded and had no choice but to say nothing more.

  At this time, the air search radar discovered the incoming fleet again. This is the first fleet to take off from the four Deutsche-class aircraft carriers of the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet. 48 carrier-based BF-109 fighters protected 56 dive bombers and 56 torpedo attack aircraft and rushed to the battlefield.

   "Your Excellency, the second group of German aircraft has appeared. The number is more than 150 aircraft." A staff officer reported.

   Admiral Nimitz's expression became serious. Obviously, as he expected, the German fleet began to attack them continuously.


   "Let the air defense fighters rush to intercept!" Admiral Nimitz ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Commander!" Lieutenant General Halsey nodded.

   It's just that the number of air defense fighters in the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier formation is running out. After the first carrier-based aircraft group of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet launched an attack on the US Navy's 2nd aircraft carrier formation, the **** fighter jets did not participate in the attack, but chose to stay on the periphery and continue to fight against the US Navy's air defense fighter jets . Their purpose is to shoot down these U.S. Navy air defense fighters as much as possible, clearing the way for the follow-up fleet. In this way, the follow-up fleet can attack the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation without interference.

  After a fierce battle, the number of air defense fighters of the US Navy has dropped to more than seventy. The number of **** fighter jets in the German Navy is only more than forty and less than fifty. The U.S. Navy still has an absolute advantage in the number of air defense fighters. However, their advantages are constantly being lost as the battle progresses.

  After receiving the order, these U.S. Navy air defense fighters began to think of ways to get rid of the German Navy's **** fighter jets and rushed to intercept another batch of German Navy carrier-based aircraft fleets.

  However, the **** fighter jets of the German Navy have been sticking to them like psoriasis. Moreover, they are constantly looking for opportunities to shoot down these US military **** fighter jets, making their losses more and more large, and their strength is getting smaller and smaller.


  The U.S. Navy's air defense fighters numbered as high as 186 at the beginning, including 30 F4U fighters. But now, the number of these air defense fighters is only a few dozen. Moreover, most of them are still F4F fighters, and the F4U fighters have almost been lost.

   It is almost impossible to rely on these dozens of air defense fighter jets to intercept the German fleet. Not to mention that dozens of German carrier-based BF-109 fighters and carrier-based FW-190 fighters are chasing them. The first fleet of the German Mediterranean Fleet is also escorted by 48 carrier-based BF-109 fighters. . There is no problem with these carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets, the F4F fighter jets that slaughtered the US military.

   This air battle can be described as very tragic. The US Navy's air defense fighters are doing their best to keep their own aircraft carriers as much as possible.

  The heroic pilots of the U.S. Navy, driving backward fighter planes, rushed towards the advanced German carrier-based planes with jerky combat skills. Then they were shot down one by one by those old birds. Many people have returned to the sea before they even have time to skydive.

  However, these pilots of the U.S. Navy knew that they were defeated by the German Navy. But they are still going forward.

   However, the strength gap between the two sides cannot be made up by courage. The air defense fighters of the US Navy were quickly shot down in the battle. The German carrier-based aircraft group also began to besiege the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation.
