"Are the 1st and 4th aircraft carrier formations ready?" Admiral Nimitz asked.

  In a very short period of time, he has already made a decision. Although it is not yet certain whether another aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy is in their southwest. However, Admiral Nimitz's intuition told himself that there must be an aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy hidden there.

   Without definite information, Admiral Nimitz decided to take a gamble. If the bet wins, this will be a good opportunity for the U.S. Navy to turn defeat into victory.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, should we send a plane to investigate. If it is a fighter jet, we can arrive in half an hour." Lieutenant General Halsey suggested.

   In this case, it is undoubtedly safer. However, this was not what Admiral Nimitz wanted.

Admiral Nimitz shook his head: "No need, let the carrier-based planes of the 1st and 4th aircraft carrier formations take off. Divide into two waves and dispatch with all our strength. If it is found that it is indeed a German aircraft carrier, then we must Get rid of them!"

   Lieutenant General Halsey nodded, he knew that Admiral Nimitz put his hope of defeating the German Navy in this operation.


   "Okay, Your Excellency Commander. I will order the carrier-based aircraft to take off." Lieutenant General Halsey replied.

  At the last moment, Lieutenant General Halsey chose to believe in Admiral Nimitz. He also hopes that they can completely defeat the German navy with this attack, reverse the situation in one fell swoop, and win this naval battle.

After receiving the order, the four "Essex-class" aircraft carriers of the US Navy's 1st aircraft carrier formation immediately began to take off carrier-based aircraft. Originally, each "Essex-class" aircraft carrier had 36 fighter jets. . But in order to cover the capital ship formation, they have already launched 18 fighter jets from these four "Essex-class" aircraft carriers. In the end, there were only 18 F4U fighters that came back. Moreover, these fighter jets all need to refuel and add ammunition. Pilots also need a good rest.

Therefore, on the four "Essex-class" aircraft carriers of the US Navy's first aircraft carrier formation, the first batch can only take off 9 F4U fighter jets, 18 dive bombers and 9 torpedo attack aircraft. There were only 36 fighters, 72 dive bombers and 36 torpedo attack aircraft in one wave.

  The 4th aircraft carrier formation includes two "Lexington class" aircraft carriers. Each "Lexington class" aircraft carrier carries 34 fighter jets, 30 dive bombers and 18 torpedo attack aircraft. Two "Lexington-class" aircraft carriers took off half of the fighter jets in the first wave. In addition, the fourth aircraft carrier formation also includes three "Independence-class" aircraft carriers. It's just that these "Independence-class" aircraft carriers are all light aircraft carriers, each of which can only carry 24 fighter jets and 9 torpedo attack aircraft. In the first wave of attack, these "Independence-class" aircraft carriers also took off half of the carrier-based aircraft. The entire fourth aircraft carrier formation can take off a total of 60 fighter jets, 30 dive bombers and 32 torpedo attack aircraft. In the second wave, the number of fighters and dive bombers is the same, but the number of torpedo attack aircraft is one less.

  The U.S. Navy's 1st and 4th aircraft carrier formations jointly launched a joint attack. In the first wave, 96 fighter jets, 102 dive bombers, and 68 torpedo attack aircraft could be dispatched.


   This is undoubtedly a very large fleet. For any surface fleet, it can pose a huge threat.

  When the first wave of carrier-based aircraft of the US Navy's 1st and 4th aircraft carrier formations had just left, the air search radars of the destroyers on the periphery of the US Navy's aircraft carrier formations discovered a large number of light spots.


  The stern air defense sirens sounded sternly, and the entire US Navy aircraft carrier formation felt like an enemy.

   "What's going on?" Admiral Nimitz asked with an ugly face.

   "Your Excellency, a destroyer reported that a large number of enemy troops are coming in our direction." The staff officer reported.


   "How is this possible? We have been in radio silence all the time, how would the Germans know our location?" Lieutenant General Halsey looked disbelieving.

   "There is nothing impossible. The Germans must have discovered our location. Otherwise, they would not have sent so many carrier-based aircraft to attack us." Admiral Nimitz said with great certainty.

   "Your Excellency, what should we do now?" Lieutenant General Halsey asked.

"Order the fleet of the second wave and accelerate takeoff. Then, release the air defense fighters and prepare for air defense operations! This time, we must not only pray that our carrier aircraft find the German aircraft carrier formation, and then sink the German aircraft carrier formation At the same time, we have to pray that our air defense fighter jets and air defense firepower network can withstand the attack of the German carrier-based aircraft. Otherwise, the consequences will be very disastrous!" Admiral Nimitz looked serious.

   There is no doubt that for the US fleet, it is time for life and death. At this time, Admiral Nimitz also hopes to dispatch as many carrier-based aircraft as possible so that their carrier-based aircraft can sink the German Navy's aircraft carrier. In this case, even if their own aircraft carrier is sunk, they will not lose. Otherwise, it would be very uneconomical if the carrier-based aircraft did not depart and one's own aircraft carrier was sunk again.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Commander!" Lieutenant General Halsey replied.

  The aircraft carrier formation of the US fleet began to accelerate the take-off of carrier-based aircraft. The fleet of the second wave of take-off is accelerating to take off. They must fly away in the shortest possible time. Then, free up the deck for fighter jets.

  At the same time, on the six "Independence-class" aircraft carriers of the US Navy's 5th aircraft carrier formation, F4F fighter jets are also ready to take off. Once the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft approached, they would take off to face the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft. Although, these U.S. military pilots know that the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft are very powerful. Even the F4U fighter jets are not the opponents of the Germans, let alone the F4F fighter jets they are equipped with.

  However, they had no choice but to fight to the death. Otherwise, their fleet will pay a heavy price.

   With the positions of the aircraft carriers on both sides exposed, both the U.S. Navy and the German Navy seized this opportunity and dispatched the most powerful carrier-based aircraft fleet, trying to completely defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.
