Aboard the aircraft carrier 'Essex', Admiral Nimitz's face was dissatisfied with tiredness, but he kept gritting his teeth and holding on. The ashtray on the desk was already full of cigarette butts. The entire office was filled with smoke. Espresso and the like, and I don't know how many cups I drank.

  Since the main fleet attacked last night, he hasn't closed his eyes. Originally, he had high hopes for the capital ship formation. But I didn't expect that it ended in failure in the end. This makes the US fleet undoubtedly at a disadvantage in this naval battle. It also made Admiral Nimitz very worried that they would lose this naval battle.

   "Your Excellency, the Germans dispatched a large number of aircraft to besiege the capital ship formation. The **** fleet we sent is not an opponent of the Germans. With heavy losses, they have already retreated." Lieutenant General Halsey reported.

  Admiral Nimitz put down the document in his hand, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

   "Even our F4U fighters are not opponents of German fighters?" Admiral Nimitz asked.

"Your Excellency, Commander, according to the information received, the Germans are not dispatching BF-109 fighter jets, but FW-190 fighter jets. Our F4U fighter jets can at most compete with the German BF-109 fighter jets. And FW-190 Compared with fighter jets, there is still a certain gap. Of course, the gap is not very big. It will not be completely vulnerable like F4F fighter jets. However, there is also a certain gap between the quality of our pilots and the Germans. So , we will fail miserably." Lieutenant General Halsey explained.

   Admiral Nimitz nodded. If you lose, you lose. Even if there is a reason, you still lose. What's more, it may not be easy to bridge the gap between the US Navy's carrier-based aircraft and the German Navy's fighter jets in a short period of time. This also means that the U.S. Navy may still be at a disadvantage and lose in the next battle. For the U.S. Navy, this is unacceptable to them.


   "Is there any news about the German aircraft carrier?" Admiral Nimitz asked.

   "Your Excellency, not yet." Lieutenant General Halsey replied.

   "Are the aircraft carriers ready?" Admiral Nimitz then asked.

   "Your Excellency, our aircraft carrier is ready. Once the German aircraft carrier is found, we can immediately take off and land carrier-based aircraft to attack the German aircraft carrier!" Lieutenant General Halsey replied.

   Admiral Nimitz nodded, and now they are just about to discover the location of the German Navy's aircraft carrier. However, it was very difficult to find the aircraft carrier of the German Navy. For a long time, the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation has been in radio silence. Although they sent many reconnaissance planes to search, so far, they have not found any.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, we have discovered the location of the German aircraft carrier formation!" A staff officer suddenly broke into the office.


   "Where is it?" Admiral Nimitz asked immediately. Admiral Nimitz didn't seem to notice the officer's disrespect at all. All his attention has been put on the position of the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation.

"Your Excellency, the German aircraft carrier formation is located 600 kilometers east of our fleet. A submarine happened to discover the German aircraft carrier formation. In the entire formation, there are at least eight large aircraft carriers. However, the submarine After sending the telegram, we lost contact," the officer reported.

  Admiral Nimitz and Lieutenant General Halsey were silent. They knew that the submarine that sent the telegram was most likely sunk by the Germans. However, they were able to report the position of the German aircraft carrier formation, which is undoubtedly a great contribution to the US fleet.

"The eight aircraft carriers are either the Germans' home fleet or their Mediterranean fleet. Your Excellency, this is already the main German aircraft carrier formation. We must launch an attack immediately, and we must not let them go!" Hal General West said.

  Admiral Nimitz nodded: "Order our carrier-based aircraft to set off, deploy carrier-based aircraft from the 2nd aircraft carrier formation and the 3rd aircraft carrier formation, and attack with all our strength, we must destroy the eight German aircraft carriers!"

   "Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." The staff officer immediately went to convey the order.


  The US Navy's 2nd aircraft carrier formation also has four "Essex-class" aircraft carriers, each with 36 fighter jets, 36 dive bombers and 18 torpedo attack aircraft, and another dive bomber serving as a liaison mission. There are also nine spares.

  The third aircraft carrier formation consists of three "Yorktown-class" aircraft carriers and one "Hornet" aircraft carrier. Each of the 'Yorktown-class' aircraft carriers carried 24 fighter jets, 36 dive bombers and 18 torpedo attack aircraft. The "Wasp" aircraft carrier carried 18 fighter jets, 36 dive bombers and 18 torpedo attack aircraft.

  After receiving the order, these aircraft carriers began to take off the carrier-based aircraft. The carrier-based aircraft on the four "Essex-class" aircraft carriers of the second aircraft carrier formation departed in two waves. Each wave dispatched 18 carrier-based fighters, 18 dive bombers and 9 torpedo attack aircraft, and the four aircraft carriers dispatched a total of 72 fighter jets, 72 dive bombers and 36 torpedo attack aircraft. The four aircraft carriers of the 3rd aircraft carrier formation dispatched a total of 57 fighter jets, 72 dive bombers and 36 torpedo attack aircraft in the first batch.

  In this case, the US Navy's 2nd and 3rd aircraft carrier formations, the first batch of carrier-based aircraft to take off, include a total of 129 F4F fighter jets, 144 dive bombers and 72 torpedo attack aircraft.

After the first batch of carrier-based aircraft takes off, the second batch of carrier-based aircraft will also take off immediately. The scale is the same as the first batch, including 129 F4F fighters, 144 dive bombers and 72 torpedoes. attack aircraft.

  These two aircraft carrier formations didn't even keep air defense fighters. The air defense mission of the US Navy aircraft carrier formation is mainly completed by the 5th aircraft carrier formation. The "Independence-class" aircraft carrier equipped with this aircraft carrier formation is mainly equipped with fighter jets.

   At this time, the radar officer of the US aircraft carrier formation reported that they had heard a radio signal, which was suspected to be the German aircraft carrier formation.

  When the news was sent to Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Nimitz couldn't help but frowned.

   "Is this also a German aircraft carrier formation?" Lieutenant General Halsey asked.

"Very likely! Our submarines only found eight German aircraft carriers before, which should be the German home fleet. What appeared to the southwest of us should be the German Atlantic Fleet." Admiral Nimitz Said.
