In a sea area more than 600 kilometers away from the western waters of the Azores, the main force of the US fleet is cruising in this sea area. They arrived here before dark. However, the fleet did not go any further.

  If you continue to move forward, I am afraid that you will enter the strike radius of the shore-based aircraft of the German Navy on the Azores. Although the US fleet's aircraft carrier formation has a total of 24 capital ships, there are more than 1,500 large and small carrier-based aircraft. However, it would undoubtedly be very uneconomical to compete with the German Navy's shore-based aircraft on the Azores. No matter how much the shore-based aircraft of the German Navy lose, they can be quickly replenished.

   After all, from the islands in the east of the Azores to Europe, it is only more than 1,600 kilometers. Both fighters and bombers can fly directly from Europe to the Azores. This also means that as long as the airports on the islands are not destroyed, the German navy can continuously mobilize reinforcements from the country to reinforce the Azores. The U.S. Navy does not. Once the carrier-based aircraft loses too much, there is no aircraft carrier in the sky, and it will not be able to exert much combat effectiveness. Only after returning to the homeland and replenishing the carrier-based aircraft can the combat effectiveness be restored.

   Not to mention that the three major fleets of the German Navy still have a full twenty aircraft carriers watching. Once these aircraft carriers also start to take off carrier-based aircraft to attack the US Navy's aircraft carrier formation, the situation will become even more dangerous to the US Navy.

  After nightfall, Admiral Nimitz, the commander of the fleet, did not go to rest, but stayed in his office, drinking coffee one after another, trying to keep himself awake.

   Admiral Nimitz is very concerned about this main fleet operation. If Admiral Hasben Kimmel can lead the capital ship formation to destroy the German Navy's airports on Flores Island and Corvo Island in one fell swoop, then the US fleet's activities in the waters west of the Azores will be relatively easy. It's safe to say. The carrier-based aircraft taking off from the central and eastern islands of the Azores cannot pose any threat to them. The enemies they have to face are only the three major fleets of the German Navy.

   But Admiral Nimitz was worried again, what should we do if the capital ship formation fails, or even fails? In that case, the US fleet will be in a more disadvantaged position in this naval battle.


   "Your Excellency, it's late now, go and rest first. I will keep an eye on the capital ship formation." Lieutenant General Halsey walked into the office.

Lieutenant General Halsey is the commander of the 1st aircraft carrier formation. After Admiral Nimitz also established the fleet headquarters on the USS Essex, Lieutenant General Halsey even played the role of Nimi This is the position of Chief of Staff of the Admiral.

  Admiral Nimitz shook his head: "It's okay, I don't want to sleep yet. Although I am old, staying up late occasionally will not have any effect."

"Commander, are you worried about General Kimmel and their side? I believe that General Kimmel will succeed. The fleet he leads is the most powerful main fleet in the world. Even if it is against the Germans, The decisive battle of the main fleet will definitely win. In particular, our five 'Montana-class' battleships have powerful firepower and defense. The Germans have no battleship that can compete with our 'Montana-class' battleships Yes," Lieutenant General Halsey said.

   This is not just to comfort Admiral Nimitz, but Lieutenant General Halsey really has great confidence in the capital ship formation of the US fleet. They all know the performance of the 'Montana-class' battleship very well, and they also believe that this is definitely the most powerful battleship in the world.

Admiral Nimitz nodded: "Our main fleet is indeed very strong, and the 'Montana-class' battleships are definitely the most powerful battleships in the world. But, never underestimate our opponents. The Germans can The British took down the throne of maritime supremacy, and after so many years of development, their background is also very strong."


   "Yes, Your Excellency Commander!" Lieutenant General Halsey replied.

   "Are our carrier-based aircraft and pilots ready? They will have to start at dawn tomorrow." Admiral Nimitz asked.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, you are ready. Now the pilots are resting. At 5 o'clock in the morning, they will get up and start preparing for takeoff." Lieutenant General Halsey replied.

   "I hope this time our F4U fighter can live up to expectations!" Admiral Nimitz said.

  According to the agreement, when the capital ship formation returns, the aircraft carrier formation will take off a group of F4U fighter jets to **** them. And this is also the most advanced carrier-based aircraft of the US Navy to deal with the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. The U.S. Navy hopes that the F4U fighter jets, which they have high hopes for, will perform well in combat. Among other things, they must at least be able to withstand the German carrier-based fighter jets. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for the U.S. Navy to confront the German Navy.

"The performance of the F4U fighter is much better than that of the F4F fighter. According to the assessment, it should be able to deal with the German carrier-based BF-109 fighter. However, there may be a certain gap in the quality of the pilots. This is our disadvantage. But after the battle with the Germans, our pilots will grow up soon." Lieutenant General Halsey said.


  Admiral Nimitz nodded, this is exactly where he felt helpless. Although the United States has begun to strengthen its armaments since the beginning of the economic crisis. However, compared with Germany, which has become the world's hegemon, they still have a big gap in this regard. Over the years, the United States has been playing catch-up. The results are also impressive. Whether it is on a battleship or an aircraft carrier, the United States has become a powerful maritime power second only to Germany. But it is a pity that because of the poor foundation, the United States still has a big gap compared with Germany in many aspects. The performance of carrier-based aircraft is one aspect, and the quality of pilots is another aspect. The gap between these two aspects is likely to affect the outcome of the war.

   Fortunately, the United States is a big country, and one or two defeats will not hurt them. Even, it will make them stronger and stronger in the war. Admiral Nimitz also hoped that the pilots of the U.S. Navy would become stronger through the battle with the German Navy. At the same time, American engineers can also develop advanced aircraft for them that can catch up with the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. In that case, they will have the confidence to confront the German navy.
