"General, the battleship formation of the Atlantic Fleet has completed the mission. The battleship 'Baden' was severely damaged and has withdrawn from the battle. However, they have eliminated all four of the American 'South Dakota-class' battleships. It is." Major General Rudolf reported.

"The battleship formation of the Atlantic Fleet has done a good job. In addition to our results, we have killed seven American battleships this time. Now, the Americans have eight battleships left. And we deducted the There are still 19 capital ships that Shen He was injured and returned to the mainland. In terms of numbers, we still have a firm advantage." Lieutenant General Gerke said.

"Yes, General. However, the American 'Montana-class' battleships are too powerful. It may be very difficult to sink their 'Montana-class' battleships. In this way, our losses may be very heavy." Major General Rudolph said. Thinking of the power of the American "Montana-class" battleships, Major General Rudolph felt a little worried.

   Lieutenant General Gerke nodded. The powerful "Montana-class" battleships did indeed cause a great shock to the German fleet. This also makes the officers and soldiers of the capital ships of the German Navy a little regretful. Why didn't Germany build a powerful capital ship? However, such thoughts are only fleeting.

   Like the "Montana-class" battleships of the US Navy, the cost is very high. The construction of such a battleship is enough to build two "Essex-class" aircraft carriers, plus all the carrier-based aircraft. Obviously, a "Montana-class" battleship is definitely not an opponent of two "Essex-class" aircraft carriers. No matter how strong the defense is, the 200 carrier-based aircraft of the two aircraft carriers are enough to sink it.

   It is precisely because of this that the German Navy did not build battleships, but invested all limited resources in the research and development and construction of aircraft carriers. Let the aircraft carrier become the main force in this naval battle.

"The American 'Montana-class' battleships are very strong. However, I don't believe they can survive under the siege of our shore-based and carrier-based aircraft. Send a telegram to the flagships of each fleet, Our mission has been completed. Next, it is up to them. I hope that after dawn, shore-based aircraft and carrier-based aircraft can be dispatched to kill all the "Montana-class" battleships of the Americans!" Gerke said the lieutenant general.


   "The American capital ships will definitely not be able to escape this time. Even if they evacuate westward at full speed now, they cannot escape the strike radius of our carrier-based and shore-based aircraft." Rear Admiral Rudolf said.

  Although it is not possible to sink the American "Montana-class" battleship in the way of capital ship duel, it seems a little regrettable. But as long as the capital ship of the US Navy can be solved in other ways. Then, the German Navy also won in this naval battle.

   After the main fleets of both sides withdrew, the naval battle this time came to an end.

  In any case, the German Navy sank seven battleships of the U.S. Navy at the cost of sinking one battleship and damaging three battleships. This is undoubtedly a huge victory for the German Navy. You know, the capital ships of the German Navy are all old warships that have been in service for more than 20 years. And the capital ships of the U.S. Navy are all cutting-edge battleships!

   Moreover, the remaining battleships of the US Navy are not out of danger yet. Once dawn, the siege of the German Navy's shore-based aircraft and carrier-based aircraft will be a bigger test for them.

   On the aircraft carrier "Poseidon", the flagship of the German Navy's home fleet, the fleet commander, Marshal Lütjens, and the chief of staff, Lieutenant General Karl Weitzel, stayed up all night. They have been waiting for the result of the battle between their own capital ship formation and the U.S. Navy's capital ship formation.


  Although, they have already made all preparations. And it has lured the U.S. Navy's capital ship formation into a trap. However, it is still very difficult to say whether it can defeat the US Navy's capital ship formation in one fell swoop and cause it to suffer heavy casualties. After all, the strength of the US fleet is too strong. Those cutting-edge battleships all have strong defense and firepower. These are not available in the capital ship formation of the German fleet.

   "Your Excellency Marshal, Your Excellency Chief of Staff, the naval battle is over." A communications officer reported.

   "How was the result?" Marshal Lütjens asked immediately.

"We won. In this naval battle, we sank four US Navy 'South Dakota-class' battleships and three 'Iowa-class' battleships. Of our own, only one 'Caesar'-class battleship was destroyed. Sinking. In addition, three capital ships were injured. Now, the fleets of both sides have disengaged." The officer reported.

   "Great, it was able to sink seven American capital ships." Marshal Lütjens couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

   "Your Excellency, Marshal, it seems that our plan this time can be regarded as a success!" Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.


   Marshal Lütjens nodded, took the telegram from the communications officer, and read it carefully. However, after reading the telegram, the smile on his face disappeared and his face became serious.

   "The American 'Montana-class' battleships are even stronger than we expected! Our capital ships are powerless against them." Marshal Lütjens sighed.

   "Your Excellency, Marshal, the American 'Montana-class' battleships can be called the most powerful battleships in active service, right?" Lieutenant General Carl Weitzel asked.

"Almost! However, no matter how strong their 'Montana-class' battleships are, they must not let them go this time! Order the bases on the Azores to prepare for the attack. Take off after dawn Fighter planes, attack the American capital ship formation. Sink all those capital ships as much as possible!" Marshal Lütjens ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Lieutenant General Carl Witzel nodded.

   "In addition, the fleet began to move westward. After dawn, take off a group of carrier-based aircraft to assist shore-based aircraft in launching an attack." Marshal Lütjens then ordered.

   After discovering the strength of the "Montana-class" battleships of the US fleet, Marshal Lütjens has decided to get rid of them at any cost.

  At the same time, the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet already knew the results of the battle. They are also very satisfied with the capital ship formation that can defeat the US fleet. They all ordered the fleet to start preparing to send carrier-based aircraft to launch an attack after dawn, completely destroying the American capital ship formation.
