The naval battle in the east of Flores Island has reached its climax. As the U.S. Navy's first capital ship formation got closer to the battlefield, the German Navy's home fleet capital ship formation and the Mediterranean Fleet capital ship formation became more and more desperate.

  After the battleship 'Illinois' was sunk, the battleship 'Wisconsin' was immediately besieged by six German battleships. Shells rained down around her, and the battleship was hit in just two minutes.

  A shell hit the starboard side of the battleship "Wisconsin", and a 127mm secondary gun was blown away. At the same time, a fire was also ignited.

  The fire reflected the figure of the battleship 'Wisconsin'. This allowed the six capital ships of the German Navy to further improve the bombardment accuracy.

  In almost every round of salvo, there will be shells hitting. Moreover, sometimes more than one shell hits. This made the battleship 'Wisconsin' more and more injured.

  As for the battleship 'Kentucky', which is at the end of the battle line, the situation has become even worse. The three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy are firing at them frantically, making the battleship scarred.

  Despite the counterattack of the battleship "Kentucky", it also hit the battlecruiser "Moltke". However, the injury was not serious.


  It can be said that it was only a matter of time before the battleship "Kentucky" was sunk. Soon, this battleship will follow in the footsteps of the "Illinois" battleship and be sent to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

  Similarly, the battleship "Catherine", which is under siege by the US fleet, is also in a very dangerous situation. The American fleet assembled four battleships and laid siege to it. In the case of continuous mid-range, the battleship "Catherine" is like a torch.

   "Damn it! Go harder and sink the German battleship!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll said viciously.

  The battleship "Illinois" sank, and the battleships "Kentucky" and "Wisconsin" were in danger, which caused the US Navy's second battleship fleet to almost suffer heavy losses. If these two battleships are also sunk, the situation will be even more unfavorable to them. Even if the first capital ship formation arrives, I am afraid it will not be able to reverse the situation.

   On the battleship "Kaiser", the flagship of the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet, Lieutenant General Gerke frowned tightly. The situation of the battleship "Catherine" is very bad now, if it persists, it is very likely to be sunk.

   "General, the battleship 'Catherine' requests to withdraw from the battlefield!" Major General Rudolf reported.


  Lieutenant General Gerke hesitated for a moment, but nodded, agreeing to the request of the battleship 'Catherine' to withdraw from the battle. Although, if the battleship "Catherine" continues to stay on the battlefield, it can further attract the firepower of the US fleet and create favorable conditions for other warships to sink the capital ship of the US fleet. When several battleships of the US fleet aimed their artillery fire at the battleship 'Catherine', the other German battleships could fire almost without interference. This is very helpful for improving the hit rate of battleships. However, the fate of the battleship "Catherine" will not be much better, and it is very likely that it will be sunk.

   "Let them withdraw from the battle! Directly withdraw to the mainland for repairs!" Lieutenant General Gerke said.

  Although there is also a shipyard for repairing capital ships in Port of Heroes. But this place will soon become a battlefield. It is safer to return to the mainland for repairs.

   "Yes, General." Major General Rudolph immediately went to send a telegram.

  After receiving the order to withdraw from the battle, the battleship "Catherine" began to turn, preparing to leave the battle line, and then returned to the German mainland under the protection of the destroyer.

   "Damn it, the Germans are going to flee!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll saw this scene, and his teeth were about to be crushed.


   Compared with the American fleet, the German fleet has the advantage of local operations. Once the battleship suffers heavy damage, it can withdraw from the battle and return to the mainland for repairs. But the American fleet can't do it. Even if it withdraws from the battle, it will definitely be caught up by the German shore-based and carrier-based aircraft and sunk after dawn. This makes the battleships of the US fleet, even if they are severely damaged, they can only choose to stick to the end.

  However, the battleship "Catherine" still failed to escape in the end.

  Before the turn was completed, an earth-shattering explosion sounded on the battleship 'Catherine', and the dazzling flames almost completely enveloped the battleship 'Catherine' inside.

  Everyone was stunned by this scene. There is a thought in everyone's mind, that is, the battleship "Catherine" is probably doomed.

   "Haha! Great, God bless!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll laughed.

  Originally, they all thought that they could only watch the battleship 'Catherine' escape, but they didn't expect that at the last moment, they could sink the opponent in one fell swoop. This is really good luck.

  A 410mm artillery shell hit the No. 3 main turret on the rear deck of the "Catherine" battleship. The shell not only tore apart the turret armor, but also penetrated the ammunition depot. The shells in the ammunition depot exploded. The huge power directly blasted the rear half of the battleship 'Catherine' to pieces. A large amount of seawater poured into the hull, causing the battleship to sink into the sea very quickly.

   It's just that Lieutenant General Ingersoll didn't have time to be happy for a long time, and they tasted the bitter fruit again.

  The battleship 'Kentucky' finally couldn't hold on after being hit continuously. Because the battleship had too much water, the hull of the battleship capsized.

  After the sinking of the battleship 'Kentucky', the situation became even more unfavorable to the US fleet.

  The battleship "Wisconsin" under siege was also turned into a burning torch. Continuously, 410mm shells and 380mm shells hit the battleship. Even though this is a huge battleship with a displacement of 58,000 tons and a strong defense, this battleship can't bear it after being hit by at least thirty 410mm or 380mm shells. Soon, the battleship also sank into the sea.

   It can be said that after losing three capital ships in succession, the situation of the battle is already extremely unfavorable for the US fleet.

   Fortunately, at such an urgent juncture, the first battleship formation of the US fleet finally arrived on the battlefield.
