When the capital ship formations of the German Navy's home fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet were besieging the US Navy's 2nd capital ship formation. In the waters west of Flores Island, eight capital ships of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet are also besieging the US Navy's 3rd capital ship formation.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The five "Bavaria-class" battleships and three "Mackenson-class" battleships of the German Navy are frantically firing at the four "South Dakota-class" battleships of the US Navy. One after another, the shells slammed into the battleships of the US Navy. The two-on-one situation puts the U.S. Navy's third capital ship formation at a complete disadvantage.

  The "Bavaria-class" battleships and "Makensen-class" battleships of the German Navy are old battleships from the last World War. However, after modern modification, it still exploded with extremely powerful combat effectiveness. The 380mm main gun with 50 times the caliber is still a deadly threat to the "South Dakota-class" battleships.

  Although, the U.S. Navy's 3rd capital ship formation is also fighting back tenaciously. But they are now in a state of suppression.


  A 380mm artillery shell hit the battleship USS South Dakota, the flagship of the US Navy's 3rd battleship formation. The shell hit the Z main turret on the rear deck.


   It's just that the 380mm shells were not able to penetrate the 457mm thick frontal armor of the turret.

  Although the full-load displacement of the 'South Dakota-class' battleship is only 46,000 tons, it is much smaller than the follow-up 'Iowa-class' and 'Montana-class' battleships. However, the "South Dakota-class" battleships have strengthened their defenses. The defense of some unimportant parts was reduced as much as possible to strengthen the defense of key parts, which made the frontal armor of the turret of the "South Dakota-class" battleship as thick as 457 mm. The armor thickness of the conning tower has also reached 406mm. The thickness of the side armor is 305 mm, and the thickness of the deck armor is also 179 mm.

   "General, the Z turret was hit. However, it was not penetrated. But the sailors inside were stunned." An officer reported to Major General Ingram.

   After hearing this, Major General Ingram could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the turret armor of the "South Dakota-class" battleship is the thickest. Otherwise, once the turret is penetrated and an explosion occurs, the consequences will be disastrous. If the ammunition depot is detonated, the consequences will be even more serious.

   However, thick armor does not mean that it will not be sunk. Especially in addition to the frontal armor of the turret and the armor of the conning tower, the armor of other parts of the battleship also cannot withstand the German 380mm main gun. Once hit, it is enough to be severely damaged, or even sunk.

   "Boom! Boom!"


  The battleships on both sides opened fire frantically, trying to sink the opponent's battleship. However, at a distance of 15,000 meters, it was still at night, and it was indeed not easy to get a hit. Even with the guidance of the artillery radar, it is very difficult to hit the opponent's warship. Most of the time, it depends on luck.

  The battleship formation of the Atlantic Fleet of the German Navy has eight capital ships, and the performance of their gunpoint radar is a little more advanced than that of the US fleet. Therefore, the probability of getting a hit is naturally higher.

"General, the battle in the east is more intense. Our 15 capital ships are besieging six American capital ships. In order to sink the American capital ships as soon as possible, General Gerke even ordered the engagement distance to be shortened." We have reached 10,000 meters." Rear Admiral Laize, chief of staff of the battleship formation of the Atlantic Fleet, said.

"General Gerke is going to fight the Americans with bayonets. However, they have no choice. The Americans' 1st battleship formation is rushing to the battlefield quickly. Therefore, they must be in the American 1st battleship formation. Before arriving, severely damage the second capital ship formation of the US fleet, and sink as many American capital ships as possible. Only in this way can they gain the upper hand." Lieutenant General Wilkes, commander of the Atlantic Fleet capital ship formation, said.

"Yes, General. However, we don't use that tactic. No one will disturb our confrontation with the Americans' 3rd battleship formation for a while. Therefore, we have enough time to send these American battleships to the ground. Sink." Major General Lazer said.

  Lieutenant General Weicks nodded: "This is our advantage, we need to get rid of these four American battleships at the lowest cost!"


  The capital ship formation of the German Navy not only wants to severely damage the capital ship formation of the US Navy, but also wants to preserve its own battleships as much as possible. Although, this battle may be the last time battleships participated in the war. However, capital ships have other uses as well.

  For example, once the German Navy has gained command of the Atlantic Ocean and is preparing to launch a landing operation on the mainland of the United States, these capital ships will serve as fire support ships to provide fire support for the landing troops and destroy the shore defense capabilities of the Americans.


  A violent explosion erupted from the battleship "Alabama" of the US Navy. And, the flames soared into the sky, igniting the fire.

   This is a 380mm artillery shell that hit the rear deck of the battleship 'Alabama'. After the shell penetrated the deck armor, it exploded inside the battleship, causing a fire at the same time.

   "Very good, seize this opportunity and kill the American battleship!" Lieutenant General Weikes was shocked.

   This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for the German fleet. If a capital ship of the US fleet can be sunk, this will give the German fleet a greater advantage.

  The battlecruisers "Prince Friedrich" and "Friedrich Karl" of the German Navy began to increase their firepower output. The main guns of the two battlecruisers were firing crazily.

  With the help of the fire on the battleship "Alabama", the hit rate of the two battlecruisers of the German Navy has increased a lot.

   "Damn it!" On the battleship 'South Dakota', Rear Admiral Ingram couldn't help but become even uglier when he learned that the battleship 'Alabama' was shot and caught fire. He knew that the battleship 'Alabama' was in an even more dangerous situation. Once the battleship "Alabama" was sunk, the situation became even more unfavorable for them.

   "General, the sailors of the 'Alabama' are trying their best to put out the fire." An officer said.

   However, after it has been ignited, it is very difficult to extinguish it. The hit rate of the enemy's battleship will become higher and higher. The fire has not been extinguished, and it may be hit by shells again.
