"General, the flagship is calling. General Kimmel has already led the first battleship formation to us. According to the current speed, it is expected to meet us in about an hour." On the battleship 'Iowa', A staff officer reported to Lieutenant General Ingersoll.

   Lieutenant General Ingersoll was relieved when he heard the news.

  Although they are still facing the threat of 15 capital ships of the German Navy. However, with the strength of six 'Iowa-class' battleships, it is not a problem to persist for an hour.

  If the capital ships of the two capital ship formations were not damaged, and at the same time they had to guard against the torpedo boats and submarines of the German Navy, they might only need half an hour to meet.

   "General Kimmel chose to rescue us, so General Ingram can only say sorry. May God bless them!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll said.

  Indeed, Rear Admiral Ingram, commander of the 3rd Battleship Formation of the US Fleet, turned dark and frightening when he learned that the 1st Battleship Formation was rushing to rescue the 2nd Battleship Formation. Obviously, the 3rd capital ship formation has been abandoned.

"Order the fleet to continue sailing northeast. No matter what choice General Kimmel makes, if we want to survive, we must join the main force! Otherwise, we will die!" Ying Major General Graham ordered.


  Although, Major General Ingram was also very aggrieved. But he knew that Admiral Husband Kimmel had made the right choice. Compared with the third capital ship formation, the second capital ship formation is more important. The 'Iowa-class' battleships are inherently stronger than the 'South Dakota-class' battleships, especially when the second battleship formation has six battleships, while the third battleship formation has only four. If the second capital ship formation can be rescued, even if all the third capital ship formation is lost, then the loss of the US fleet will be relatively small.

   "Yes, General!" The staff officer immediately issued an order.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The capital ship formation of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet has now narrowed the distance to within 15 kilometers. Even in the night environment, the US fleet is still not visible at this distance. However, through the artillery sighting radar, they have been able to launch an attack.

  Five "Bavaria-class" battleships and three "Mackenson-class" battlecruisers began to attack the four "South Dakota-class" battleships of the third battleship formation of the US fleet. The German fleet is now fighting in a two-on-one manner, trying to get rid of the four "South Dakota-class" battleships of the American fleet as much as possible.

  The'South Dakota-class' battleships are very powerful, but the German Navy's 210mm main gun with 50 times the caliber can still pose a fatal threat to it. If hit, it can also penetrate its defensive armor.


   "Counterattack!" Major General Ingram gave the order to counterattack.

  Although, the performance of the U.S. Navy’s gun-sighting radar is slightly inferior to that of the German Navy’s gun-sighting radar. But it is also possible to provide them with approximate data. If you are lucky, hitting the capital ship of the German fleet will be no problem. Although the 410mm main gun of the "South Dakota-class" battleship is 45 times the caliber, it is also not weak. Once a hit is achieved, it will pose a great threat to the German Navy's "Bavaria-class" battleships and "Mackenson-class" battlecruisers.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The three triple-mounted 410mm main guns with 45 times the caliber of the battleship "South Dakota" began a fierce shelling. The remaining three 'South Dakota-class' battleships also followed suit and started attacking.

   All of a sudden, the sound of gunfire rumbled on the sea, and a total of 12 capital ships from both sides fought fiercely.

  In the eastern waters of Flores Island, the German Navy's home fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet also began to attack the six "Iowa-class" battleships of the US Navy's 2nd capital ship formation.


  The four "Caesar-class" battleships and four "Brandenburg-class" battlecruisers in the local fleet are all equipped with 410mm main guns with 50 times the caliber, which is powerful. These eight capital ships dealt with the four "Iowa-class" battleships of the US Navy in a two-on-one situation. The four "Helgoland-class" battleships and three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers of the Mediterranean Fleet dealt with the remaining two "Iowa-class" battleships respectively. Among them, four "Helgoland-class" battleships dealt with the "Illinois" battleship, which ranked second to last in the battle line. The three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers dealt with the battleship "Kentucky" at the end of the battle line.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Under the guidance of the gun-sighting radar, the 15 capital ships of the German Navy took the lead in launching the attack.

  According to the information obtained, they have learned that the US Navy's 1st battleship formation is on its way. Therefore, they must hurry up and damage or even sink these capital ships of the second capital ship formation of the US fleet as much as possible. Otherwise, when the five 'Montana-class' battleships of the first battleship formation of the U.S. fleet arrive, even if they have a numerical advantage, it may not be easy to defeat the U.S. fleet. After all, both the 'Iowa-class' battleships and the 'Montana-class' battleships are very powerful. Especially the "Montana-class" battleship, with its thick armor and powerful firepower, it surpassed all the capital ships of the German Navy.

   In a one-on-one duel, the German Navy does not have a first-class capital ship that can confront the US Navy's "Montana-class" battleships. The only way to defeat them may be to assemble multiple battleships to launch a siege.

Although it has a certain numerical advantage, but the numerical advantage is not too great, the German fleet can only adopt various methods of destruction to weaken the strength of the US fleet's capital ship formation as much as possible, so that it can fight against the 'Mongolia' in the end. In the duel with the class' battleship, it has a greater advantage.

   One by one shells roared past and hit the sea surface, splashing high water columns.

   Despite the guidance of the artillery radar, the hit rate is still frighteningly low. For this reason, the German fleet can only continue to shorten the distance, hoping to increase the hit rate.

  The U.S. Navy's 2nd capital ship formation, because it was dragged down by the heavily damaged capital ship, could not increase its speed, and could only watch the German fleet approaching.

   "Fight back! Let the Germans know that even if we are besieged, we are not afraid of them!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll ordered.

   "Yes, General!"

  The six "Iowa-class" battleships of the US Navy's 2nd capital ship formation immediately launched a fierce counterattack.
