"General, the radar has detected a large number of ships approaching. According to preliminary speculation, those are all German warships. There are also capital ships, as many as 15!" A staff officer told the commander of the US Navy's 2nd capital ship formation. Lieutenant General Ingersoll reported.

   "15 capital ships? The Germans really think highly of us, and actually assembled the capital ship formations of two fleets to deal with us!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll's face became very ugly.

  During the sneak attack by the German Navy's torpedo boats and submarines just now, although the six "Iowa-class" battleships of the 2nd battleship formation were not sunk. However, three were slightly damaged, two were moderately damaged, and one was severely damaged. Although the "Iowa class" battleship is also a huge battleship with a full load displacement of 58,000 tons. But compared to the 'Montana-class' battleships, there is still some gap in defense. So much so that they paid a considerable price under the sneak attack of the high-speed torpedo boats and submarines of the German Navy.

  Now, the German Navy has dispatched a large number of battleships to deal with them. Obviously, this is to get rid of them in one fell swoop.

   "Order the fleet, turn to the northwest, and leave the coastal waters first. In addition, let the ships prepare for battle. Prepare to fight the Germans to the death!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll quickly made a decision.

   "General, the Germans are strong, why don't we evacuate." An officer suggested.

   After all, the German Navy dispatched 15 capital ships to deal with them. The U.S. Navy's second capital ship formation has only six capital ships. And each one is wounded. This will undoubtedly put them in a very disadvantageous position in the next battle.


"Evacuate? Can we still withdraw? If our six 'Iowa-class' battleships are all intact. With the advantage of speed, we may still be able to withdraw. But now, the USS 'Iowa', The maximum speed of 'New Jersey' and 'Missouri' can still be maintained at 30 knots. But the maximum speed of 'Wisconsin' and 'Kentucky' is only 24 or 5 knots. As for the 'Illinois', the speed is even lower. It has dropped below 22 knots. Facing the capital ships of the German Navy, we have no advantage in speed at all. Therefore, we cannot escape at all. Find a way to join the 1st capital ship formation, so that we can have peace The strength of the Germans against!" Lieutenant General Ingersoll said.

   As for whether it will be besieged by shore-based and carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy after dawn, it is not something that can be considered now. They have to find a way to overcome the difficulties they are facing now. Otherwise, it's hard to say whether we can persist until dawn.

   On the battleship "Montana", the flagship of the US Navy's 1st battleship formation, Admiral Haspen Kimmel was watching their bombardment of the German naval base with a gloomy expression. Although, under their fierce shelling, this naval base is turning into ruins little by little. However, General Husband Kimmel did not feel the joy of victory at all.

  Now the US fleet has paid a lot of losses. Moreover, this duel with the German Navy has just begun. No need to think about it, the German navy will definitely have endless means to deal with them in the future. Therefore, Admiral Hasben Kimmel only hopes to destroy the base of the German Navy as soon as possible, and then evacuate.

  He seems to be able to feel that the Germans have spread a big net and are enveloping him. Want to get rid of, but found it very difficult. If it is not done well, the entire capital ship formation will encounter a great crisis.

"General, something is wrong. The German battleship formation appeared. The third battleship formation encountered eight German battleships. The second battleship formation encountered 15 German battleships. A capital ship!" Rear Admiral Keviel reported in panic.


   General Husband Kimmel also changed his face suddenly.

   "Damn it, the Germans are so ruthless." Admiral Hasben Kimmel cursed.

   Obviously, he did not expect that the German Navy would specifically select two capital ship formations to attack when it dispatched torpedo boats and submarines to launch a surprise attack. This is obviously to completely eliminate their two capital ship formations! Once these two capital ship formations are resolved, even if there are still five 'Montana-class' battleships in the first capital ship formation, the situation may not be restored. No matter how powerful the "Montana-class" battleship is, if it is besieged by a large number of capital ships of the German Navy, the final result can be imagined.

   "General, what should we do now? Both the 2nd and 3rd battleship formations need rescue!" Rear Admiral Kevill asked.

   Obviously, judging from the current situation, neither the 2nd capital ship formation nor the 3rd capital ship formation has any way to compete with the German Navy's capital ship formation. The five 'Montana-class' battleships of the first battleship formation must rush to rescue. However, the 2nd Capital Ship Group was east of Flores Island, while the 3rd Capital Ship Group was west of Flores Island. The first capital ship formation located north of Flores Island can only rescue one target if it wants to rescue. Another goal, I am afraid I have to give up.

   Admiral Hasben Kimmel looked very ugly, and he was also aware of this problem. The Germans clearly chose to attack the 2nd battleship formation and the 3rd battleship formation on purpose, just to give the 1st battleship formation a dilemma.


  Based on the current situation, no matter which capital ship formation Admiral Hasben Kimmel chooses to rescue, the other capital ship formation will suffer disaster. The entire U.S. Navy capital ship formation will also suffer heavy losses as a result.

  Admiral Hasben Kimmel was silent for a few seconds, and then immediately made a choice: "Order the fleet to turn southeast!"

   "Yes, General." Major General Keweier immediately went to give the order.

  Time is urgent now, and there is no room for wasting any more time. As for the German base that has not been destroyed, it is completely ignored. Compared with destroying the German base, it is obvious that rescuing one's own capital ship formation is the most important thing.

   Admiral Hasben Kimmel chose to turn the fleet to the southeast, which means that he put the rescue of the second capital ship formation in the first place. As for the third capital ship formation, they can only be left to fend for themselves. If they can persist until the crisis of the second capital ship formation is resolved, they may be able to rescue them.

   Admiral Hasben Kimmel made such a choice not because of anything else, but because the second capital ship formation is stronger. The six 'Iowa-class' battleships are obviously more important than the four 'South Dakota-class' battleships.
