The 'Togakushi' aircraft carrier became the first aircraft carrier lost by the Japanese navy in this battle. Of course, this will definitely not be the last one. The other three aircraft carriers of the Island Navy's 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron are also targets of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet.

   "How much ammunition is there?" The German Navy's carrier-based aircraft commander asked.

  Some pilots who still had bombs and torpedoes reported one after another.

   "The ammunition is running out. Focus on attacking the aircraft carrier on the left! Even if it can't be sunk, it must be severely damaged. The plane without ammunition should return first!" the commander ordered.

   "Yes, boss!"

  The attack started again, but this time the target was changed to the aircraft carrier 'Hodaka'. This is an aircraft carrier with a larger displacement, with a full capacity of more than 42,000 tons.

  Because it is an aircraft carrier refitted with the hull of a capital ship, its displacement is generally much larger. But carrier-based aircraft are not as good as purpose-built fleet aircraft carriers. However, the advantage of an aircraft carrier converted from a battleship hull is that it has a stronger defense force, and therefore has a stronger survivability in naval battles.


  However, if it receives more bombs and torpedoes, it will also be sunk.


  The dive bombers of the German Navy launched an attack again. These dive bombers dived down from a high altitude, and smashed the heavy aerial bombs on the aircraft carrier 'Hodaka'. At the same time, several torpedo attack aircraft also took the opportunity to launch an attack.

  Although the "Hodaka" aircraft carrier escaped some aerial bombs and torpedoes, it was still inevitably hit.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  The sound of the explosion sounded on the aircraft carrier 'Hodaka', and large holes were blown out of the flight deck, and a raging fire ignited. At the same time, the waterline armor on the side was also penetrated by torpedoes, causing the aircraft carrier to start flooding.


   Fortunately, the German Navy's carrier fleet does not have much ammunition left. Although it caused a lot of trauma to the "Hodaka" aircraft carrier. But there was no way to sink this defensive aircraft carrier.

  After dropping all the bombs and torpedoes, the German Navy's carrier fleet had to return. They need to hurry back to the aircraft carrier, and then launch another attack.

  At the same time, the two aircraft carriers of the German Navy have dispatched the third wave of carrier-based aircraft groups to the island navy's 1st aircraft carrier fleet. Originally their goal was the capital ship fleet of the navy of the island country, but the value of the aircraft carrier is definitely greater than that of the capital ship. So the target was changed.

  In addition, the second wave of carrier-based aircraft launched by the 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron of the Japanese Navy was also discovered by the German Navy's air search radar. The aircraft fleet consisting of 56 Nine-Nine Ship Explosives and 80 Nine-Seven Ship Attacks is undoubtedly very large and possesses extremely strong attack power.

   But unfortunately, they were intercepted by the German Air Force before they could find the location of the German Navy's aircraft carrier.

   A huge fleet of hundreds of FW-190 fighter jets and BF-109 fighter jets directly attacked the carrier-based aircraft of the navies of these island countries. Without the **** of Type Zero fighters, these 99 Ship Explosions and 97 Ship Attacks, although they have certain air combat capabilities. But in front of the Air Force's specialized fighter jets, it undoubtedly looks too weak, and it can even be said that it is completely the gap between a baby and an adult.


   "Da da da! Boom boom boom!"

   Aviation machine guns and machine guns fired crazily, and one after another the carrier-based aircraft of the island nation were shot down.

   "Haha! This kind of air combat is so simple, I like it so much!"

"It's not difficult at all. Are the islanders so stupid? They don't send **** fighters for their bombers and attack planes. Or, do they think our air search radar won't find them? ?”

   "Who knows what the islanders think. Anyway, we just need to shoot them all down. In that case, we will become ace pilots in no time!"

   Obviously, the pilots of the 5th Aviation Group of the Luftwaffe regard the carrier-based aircraft of these island navies as a copy of their experience. This is undoubtedly a very safe and easy way to succeed.

   "Damn, I was bitten by the Germans, who will help me?" An island country pilot said desperately.

  However, the other island country carrier-based aircraft pilots are all overwhelmed, how can they have time to help him?

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The German fighter plane opened fire, and the shells from the cannon broke the wings of the nine-nine ship. The plane lost its balance and crashed into the sea.

   "The Germans have too many fighter planes. Without the **** of fighter jets, we can't get through at all."

   "Yeah! It's not fighting anymore, it's death. German fighter jets are killing us!"

   "We can't go on like this anymore, we have to return! Otherwise, everyone will die here."

  Under the threat of death, the pilots of the island navy no longer cared about the orders they accepted. Throwing aerial bombs or torpedoes into the sea one by one indiscriminately, and then accelerated to escape.

  Although after dropping bombs or torpedoes, their speed has increased a lot. However, in front of the fighter jets of the Luftwaffe, this speed is still as slow as a snail.

   Under the pursuit of the fighter planes of the Luftwaffe, these carrier-based aircraft of the island navy were shot down one after another, and few were able to escape.

  The only trouble is probably that the fighter jets of the Luftwaffe have a short range and insufficient endurance. After running out of fuel, I had to turn back. This left a glimmer of life for the carrier-based aircraft of the Japanese navy. A very small number of carrier-based aircraft of the island nation survived until that time before returning safely. It's just that, without bombs and torpedoes, it is impossible to launch another attack on the German Navy's aircraft carrier. Moreover, the carrier-based aircraft pilots of these island navies are not fools. They knew very well that with these carrier-based aircraft alone, it was impossible to even break through the air defense firepower of the German Navy. If they launched an attack, they would also die.

  The third wave of the German Navy's aircraft fleet caught up with the island navy's 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron, and launched an attack on them again. Without the interference of the island navy's carrier-based fighter jets, these carrier-based aircraft directly launched an attack on the island navy's surface warships. The "Hodaka" aircraft carrier, which has been severely damaged, has undoubtedly become the key target of attack.

  Even if the navy of the island country has assembled a large number of **** warships, it still cannot resist it. Although they shot down some carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy, they still did not save the sinking of the "Hodaka" aircraft carrier. At this time, the navy of the island country had already suffered a complete defeat in this naval battle.
