"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The anti-aircraft guns of the 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron of the island nation's navy fired, and the 127mm anti-aircraft guns were the first to attack.

  The shell exploded in the air, leaving clouds of black smoke. Shrapnel shoots out, attacking surrounding targets.

  The anti-aircraft shells used at this time are still time-delayed fuzes. After reaching a certain height, the shell will explode. Therefore, the power of anti-aircraft guns is naturally not as powerful as that of the invention of the proximity fuze.

  The carrier-based aircraft group of the German Navy has been dispersed. BF-109 fighter jets use aviation machine guns and cannons to straf the anti-aircraft firepower, suppress them, and create opportunities for the attack of dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft.

   "Attack the outer **** warships first, and then attack the aircraft carrier!"

   "Woo!" Four dive bombers launched an attack on a destroyer of the Fubuki class.


   "Evade! German aerial bombs!" the sailors on the destroyer 'Dawn' roared loudly.

   "Boom boom boom!" Although the anti-aircraft guns on the destroyer "Xiao" were still firing crazily, they couldn't stop the four dive bombers.

  Four heavy aerial bombs hit the destroyer 'Xiao' fiercely.

  A heavy aviation armor-piercing shell hit the rear deck of the destroyer 'Xiao'.


  The bomb exploded, almost destroying the rear half of the stern of the destroyer 'Akatsuki'. Seawater poured into the hull through the leaks. The destroyer, with a displacement of less than 2,000 tons, quickly sank into the sea.


  Under the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft, the **** warships of the Island Navy's 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron were sunk one after another.

   A small warship like a destroyer is almost completely powerless to resist. Once hit, it means sinking. Light cruisers and heavy cruisers can't last long. Both heavy aviation armor-piercing bombs and heavy aviation torpedoes pose a deadly threat to them.


  Four dive bombers launched an attack on the heavy cruiser "Chokai" of the island navy.

  A dive bomber was hit by an anti-aircraft artillery shell while diving, and fell into the sea before it could drop the bomb, and the pilot was killed on the spot.

  But the other three dive bombers dropped bombs.


  An aerial bomb hit the heavy cruiser 'Chokai', causing the heavy cruiser with a displacement of more than 10,000 tons to ignite a raging fire.

   "Baga!" Lieutenant Admiral Nagumo Chuichi was on the "Ibuki" aircraft carrier, watching his warships being severely damaged or sunk one after another, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

   Although, right now several aircraft carriers are not under attack. However, he believed that when their escorts suffered heavy losses, it would be the aircraft carriers' turn. At that time, the fate of these aircraft carriers will not be much better. Without the support of the anti-aircraft firepower of the **** warships, the huge flight deck of the aircraft carrier is just a target for the German carrier-based aircraft to attack.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, the German carrier-based planes have begun to attack the 'Togakushi'." Major General Kusakaka Ryunosuke reported in panic.

   "Damn it!" Lieutenant General Nagumo Chuichi couldn't help cursing.

  Through the binoculars, Lieutenant Admiral Chuichi Nagumo could clearly see that the aircraft carrier 'Togakushi' had fallen into the siege of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft. Swarms of carrier-based planes of the German Navy are dropping bombs and torpedoes on the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier.

  When the **** warships around the aircraft carrier "Togakushi" suffered heavy losses, the German Navy's carrier fleet focused on the aircraft carrier.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Although there are 22 twin 25mm anti-aircraft guns and 30 13.2mm anti-aircraft machine guns on the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier. But it still couldn't stop the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft.


   There was a shrill howling sound, and a total of eight dive bombers were diving and dropping bombs on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier "Togakushi".

  The aircraft carrier Togakushi, with a displacement of nearly 40,000 tons, desperately evaded, rushing left and right like a bison. However, it still couldn't be avoided.

  Eight aerial bombs hit the flight deck of the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier at an almost vertical angle. Three of the bombs fell into the sea, but the remaining five bombs hit the flight deck of the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier.

  Although the flight deck of the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier has a layer of 38 mm thick armor. However, under the attack of heavy aerial bombs, it still couldn't resist and was easily penetrated.

   After the aerial bomb penetrated the flight deck, it exploded in the hangar. The violent explosion left the entire hangar in a mess. At the same time, a raging fire was ignited.

  The damage control personnel on the aircraft carrier immediately began to think of ways to put out the fire. However, the fire is very large, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to extinguish the fire and prevent the fire from spreading.

   What's more terrible is that the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group is not over yet.

   Another eight dive bombers attacked the aircraft carrier Togakushi. At the same time, four torpedo attack aircraft also took the opportunity to cooperate with each other.

  This time, the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier only escaped four aerial bombs, and the other four aerial bombs scored hits again, which further aggravated the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier's injuries.

  Four torpedo attack aircraft also dropped four 533 mm heavy torpedoes. While evading aerial bombs, the aircraft carrier Togakushi could not evade torpedoes at the same time. As a result, three of the four aviation torpedoes scored hits. The 152 mm waterline armor of the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier was easily blasted into big holes. A large amount of seawater frantically poured into the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier.

  Under the onslaught of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft fleet, the aircraft carrier "Togakushi" was hit continuously, and soon died.

   "Your Excellency, Commander, the 'Togakushi' is too severely damaged, I'm afraid it won't last!" Major General Kusakaka Ryunosuke looked sad. This is the main aircraft carrier of the Japanese Navy! To lose one is to lose one.

   "Let the "Togakushi" aircraft carrier abandon the ship! The other **** warships should be added around the other three aircraft carriers." Lieutenant Admiral Nagumo Chuichi ordered. In doing this, he obviously wanted to preserve the other three aircraft carriers as much as possible.

  After the order to abandon the ship was issued, the aircraft carrier "Togakushi" seemed to give up resistance, allowing the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group to launch an attack. Soon, the aircraft carrier with a displacement of nearly 40,000 tons sank into the sea because of too much damage and too much water.
