Chapter 66: Cheap Imitation  


Chapter 66: Cheap Imitation  


While Yasuo can shape his Aeronen however he wants and manipulate it possibly creating something like Netero's 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva, it will still be an only surface-level imitation.

What he wants is something special, something that suits him and complements his other abilities but he needs a foundation to build it with the Aeronen as the material and the fight as an inspiration...

Netero with his eyes closed started walking towards Yasuo closing the distance, his bearing giving the illusion of a golden fire enveloping him indicating the fire he has built over the years trying to find a challenge.


A challenge he finally found allowing him to finally let go of the hellish fire burning deep in the dark abyss that is the human mind.

'Thank You for existing and lighting up the fire that has started to extinguish!' He thought in his mind.

"Now, I will attack with the intent to kill which is something I have to do considering the circumstances though you can say that a fight to the death is a selfish wish of mine so..."

Yasuo didn't pay much attention to what Netero is saying because while the latter was talking, behind him a golden statue started materializing itself shining brightly like a glowing beacon in the darkness of the night.

What manifested is a multi-armed construct that takes the form of a gigantic statue of Guanyin, the Goddess of Compassion, Mercy, and Kindness, a statue built solely for violence, for a human's selfishness, going against what it represents.

This is Netero's main ability, '100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva' in which he summons a multi-armed Nen construct behind himself which takes the form of a gigantic statue of Guanyin.


To execute an attack, Netero clasps his hands together in a fluid motion, as if in prayer, after which one of the arms on the statue strikes down upon his target in conjunction with Netero's hand motion.

The procedure is repeated before every attack, and one could easily imagine how far he pushed the ability with his attacking speed.

Yasuo observed the manifestation closely pushing his control domain to its limits sensing every small change, movement in Netero's Nen. And with that, a change started to be noticed on all the Aeronen shapes surrounding Yasuo. They all started fusing together forming into another shape, from the large thread spears to the arms and even the small threads...

All started fusing creating a shape extremely similar to Netero's Guanyin statue, the difference being is its color.

Netero's is completely golden while Yasuo's statue is dark purple and is slightly transparent, another difference is while Netero's statue is emitted making no contact with him, Yasuo's is connected to his upper back through numerous threads.

"Cheap imitation..." That is all Netero had to say noticing Yasuo's actions And as he closed his mouth and narrowed his eyes, a strange phenomenon engulfed the place.


The concept of time seemed to slow down crawling around them as if the fabric of time has no effect on them whatsoever.

Netero clasped his hands in a fluid motion, a motion that looks slow in contrast to the reality of what he really did.

After he brought his hands together as if in prayer, he performed a chopping motion and with it, the golden statue did as well striking towards Yasuo with a chop.

To Yasuo whose senses were heightened to their extreme, that particular actions seemed slow as he can clearly follow it with his domain noting something about Netero's ability...

Netero's Guanyin buddha attacks take the same amount of time to reach the target as the amount of time Netero takes to perform the motion for the statue to attack.

This means his Guanyin statue is moving at a speed much much faster than Netero's arm movements since the Guanyin statue has to cover a much larger distance in the same amount of time.

He is right, what I made is just a cheap imitation and it can't perform the same feat he does. I will need to consciously manipulate it and use my control domain to make it useable.

Moving my hands is useless since it's an empty Nen construct, a construct built with my Aeronen as a foundation and this is a benefit for me.

It's easy to control and it has the same power property as Aerogel but still not as strong as Netero's considering the limitation the latter applied on the ability and those are just the ones I can see.

Aside from the need to perform the prayer before each attack, perhaps not being able to use the four golden arms while using this ability is a condition in itself...

What Yasuo wants is laying down the limits and rules while shaping the ability to suit his taste.

He closed his eyes focusing completely on the oncoming battle as started manipulating most of the arms into blocking Netero's attack.

The sound of the impact thundered reverberating through the room, a sound that sounded only after several other attacks were made signifying just how broken the battle is.

A sound that continued for more than a minute and across it, thousands of attacks were made with Netero being the only one attacking and Yasuo being on the defensive side with a peaceful look on his face and his eyes still closed.

What could be noticed is Yasuo using most of his statue's arms to block a single attack from Netero.

But, as the previous minute passed, he started using fewer arms to defend as he perfected his statue more with the latter changing shape slowly getting rid of what he deemed useless and what doesn't suit his preference. All the arms fused together forming six large dark purple arms with three arms being on each side.

Its overall shape also started changing taking the form of Yasuo's physique though only from the waist and above it as the lower part of the statue disappeared leaving solely the upper part of the body connected to Yasuo through three dark threads that formed a triangle on Yasuo's upper back.

The dark purple Nen construct looks extremely similar to Yasuo from every small detail, from how its abs are shaped to every muscle.

The difference being it has an extra four arms though the most noticeable difference is on its face, completely empty, faceless with no eyes or mouth or anything.

The only thing that one can notice on its head is the numerous threads flowing down long enough to touch the ground acting as its hair.

Though it seems to be tied down in a long rope braid hairstyle with its forefront shaped like a spearhead gently reaching the ground.

Yet Yasuo continued to be on the defensive side trying to perfect the construct more though what changed is how easily he can defend against the attacks as only two hands became enough to block Netero's strikes.

In fact, because of the Aeronen's weightless property providing minimal resistance to his control.

With the combination of his Nen manipulation and control domain allowing him to control the construct easily pushing its arm movement speed even further.

This allowed him to block Netero's attacks using only two hands though he had to feed the construct his Aura continuously once he noticed the hands starting to crack after blocking a certain number of attacks.

Netero's face couldn't help but twitch seeing the scene play in front of him, 'He really is imitating my ability and shaping it creating an ability with it as a base...

A monster is what he really is, he just created the ability's base, and it's already this strong, I guess I need to up my game,'

As he thought of this, Netero clasped his hands together and started resting his right ankle on his left calf, joined his thumbs and index fingers together, making a sign with his hands that looks like the number ninety-nine.

The bodhisattva then started unleashing a barrage of palm strikes with all its arms, resulting in a massively powerful attack.

One where Netero does not need to "pray" in-between blows and instead maintains the pose that started the technique, this is the 'Ninety-Ninth Hand' technique.

Against this, Yasuo who is dazed in the middle of shaping the new ability with his eyes still closed didn't seem to react at all.

The Nen construct behind him did though, as it brought all its six arms enveloping Yasuo with them completely not allowing even a speck of light to pass through.

Yasuo was engulfed in darkness not allowing him to see anything even if he opened his eyes... Except he doesn't his eyes to see.

He can clearly see every movement in his domain, he can see the ninety-nine hands striking towards him as he prepared himself for the impact...
