Chapter 65: Observation  


Chapter 65: Observation  


That brought Netero out of his contemplating hearing Yasuo's words, he narrowed his eyes seeing the following scene.

Yasuo closed his eyes concentrating on all the Aeronen arms.

Slowly, eight arms started manifesting themself in a dark purple but transparent color As a few of them started changing shapes, they turned into spear shapes leaving few with their original shapes.


Yasuo observed the All the Aeronen shapes spurting from his upper back with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

'So sacrificing the invisibility property temporarily increased its power to a certain degree, huh, and getting hit by his ability allowed me to perfect my Aeronen a little bit more so that's a plus..'

Netero narrowed his eyes then again replaced the barrier using the strongest middle golden arm since he deemed Yasuo's ability dangerous enough for him to do so.

The air around them changed as an imposing surrounded them extending its clutches to the whole room.

the walls seemed to tingle in fright of the approaching storm as even the metallic reinforced walls provide no sense of security against them.

They started walking towards each other with their perception heightened to its limits. Netero manipulated two of the golden arms to spread their palm high above him, and slowly above them, two golden spheres started taking shape slowly enlarging.


Once they reached a certain size, the golden arms started performing a circle moving at an extreme speed with the spheres still being emitted close to the golden palms.

Yasuo happened to be doing the same, emitting two dark spheres while using his control domain to put pressure on them making them as dense as possible.

Their speed started increasing gradually until they completely disappeared after hurling the spheres they emitted except for the direction they sent them to being different.

Netero using the force of the circular motion to hurl the spheres at Yasuo with an earth-blowing speed with the latter sending the spheres in a random direction much to Netero's dismay. Though that didn't distract him as kept an eye on the spheres just in case while closing in on Yasuo.

Netero dispelled one of the golden arms allowing another one to become much bigger.

Then he prepared to use it to clutch to the ground noticing Yasuo's Aeronen spears already attacking towards him since their range exceeds his by far.


Yasuo crossed his arms together while closing his eyes. He didn't move at all even with the two golden spheres coming towards him though what moved is the purple transparent arms.

He manipulated them to get in the spheres' way while fusing together forming a large shield in front of him.

He attacked using the remaining Aeronen spears from several meters away as he started forming several other spears.

While he temporarily removed the invisibility property from his Aeronnen, the resilience and the lightweight properties are still there.

That allows him to manipulate it easily pushing it to an extreme speed due to its negligible weight.

With the combination with his control domain allowing him to push its speed even further surpassing Netero's middle golden arms' speed but not their power.

The impact between the Aeronen purple shield and the golden spheres produced a thunderous sound through the room with the shield dissolving due to not being able to handle the blast causing the ground all around it to disintegrate.

The ground further away was cracking, but the shield fulfilled its purpose protecting Yasuo from the aftermath of the impact.

Yasuo while still closing his eyes controlled all the spears to pierce towards Netero and continued to form more Aeronen arms, spears, and threads.

Netero frowned looking at this as he started manipulating the golden arms to attack towards the spears only managing to dissolve a few with the remaining successfully striking the golden bubble surrounding Netero.

The clanging sound reverberated through the room repeatedly as Yasuo continued his unending streak of attacks still standing in his place with his hands still crossed.

Netero also seemed to be standing in his place with a bright smile on his face, an expression unusual for someone in his situation as the only reason the attacks didn't move him from his place is the golden arm that went deep into the ground acting as the anchor to the boat keeping him in his place.

Even with all the attacks, the golden barrier is still completely intact as if it's indestructible yet that didn't faze Yasuo one bit.

He continued his barrage of attacks while Netero kept trying to close the distance for Yasuo to be within his range while also keeping an eye on the two spheres hovering at each side of the room which leads him to make a few assumptions about Yasuo's abilities.

Yasuo looked at this scene with serenity in his eyes while forming even more spears, countless large threads seem to be flowing all around him with his upper back as their source, and their forefront is shaped like spears with some as arms.

More of such threads keep spurting from his back making him look like an unstoppable diety not allowing anything to come close to him as he controlled them to continuously attack Netero from a range of more than twenty meters. The exchange continued with the sound of the impacts only sounding a while after each attack signifying just how fast Yasuo's attacks are.

"It seems I have the advantage, you won't be able to get close to me and it will only be harder as time goes on.

Also, nothing is perfect so it's only natural your golden barrier isn't as well," Yasuo didn't stop attacking while talking as his confidence could clearly be noticed.

"It's safe to assume that your barrier isn't indestructible. there is just an upper limit one need to exceed to destroy it and that limit is way higher for the middle golden arms than the upper arms which is why you decided to switch from the latter to the current middle golden arm you are using now,"

Yasuo's words didn't seem to faze Netero but what the words mean for him is something he has to consider.

"It's also safe to assume that each time the barrier blocks an attack and depending on its strength, it consumes your Aura, or at least there is a certain Aura consumption for continuously keeping the barrier active, so this is a losing game for you!"

As Yasuo finished talking, Netero furrowed his eyebrows sensing something.

Befitting someone with his experience, he acted quickly sensing the danger coming towards him.

He retracted the long golden arm he used as an anchor then as several Aeronen spears attacked him creating an impact on the barrier and the pushing force he needed to avoid the incoming danger.

Netero was sent back for more than a hundred meters though that didn't seem to be an issue for him as that allowed him to avoid the two dark spheres that were approaching at an astonishing speed under Yasuo's control until...

Netero avoiding the two spheres didn't perplex Yasuo, after all, Netero is still within his domain and so as the two spheres.

That explains why the spheres followed after Netero without a change in their speed forcing him to fuse the three remaining golden arms together and attack towards the spheres.

Netero deemed trying to redirect the spheres towards Yasuo like last time useless considering the latter can control them so he decided to dissolve them or at least make the blast far enough as to not affect the barrier.

Netero's action lead Yasuo to believe in his theory even more and decided to force him into showing his next ace card.

He controlled one of the spheres to move out of the golden arm's way and attack from Netero's side while letting the other sphere go directly towards Netero forcing the latter to either receive one of the spheres with the golden barrier or diffuse the fused three golden arms and attack both spheres except that the latter will force him to receive the aftermath of the blasts of both spheres.

And Netero chose the latter leaving the two upper golden arms fused while using the remaining middle golden arm to strike the other sphere allowing him to minimize the damage to the barrier significantly with only small cracks appearing on it.

The cracks disappeared in the span of 5 seconds as he closed his eyes as if meditating with an air of serenity surrounding him.

Yasuo didn't attack any further as he opened his eyes though he didn't retract all the purple Aerothreads since he knows what's about to come.

Time seemed to slow down as Yasuo entered a state of absolute focus observing with his domain how Netero's Nen behaves.

While Yasuo can shape his Aeronen however he wants and manipulate it possibly creating something like Netero's 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva, it will still be an only surface-level imitation.
