Chapter 194: Unveiling The Mysteries II  


Chapter 194: Unveiling The Mysteries II  


Watching and experiencing his slow but significant evolution seem to be an enjoyment to Yasuo as he looked at the red liquid that'll push his evolution even further... He then drank it.

And he continued to drink the blood of each and every clan member. He can just teleport the blood directly to within his body but he prefers this way.

He even took some of Nozer's blood which he considers to be necessary as it appears to be special among his kind.


And it wasn't hard for Yasuo to do so as even though Nozer appears to be strong, his sense over his body doesn't seem to be as strong as he wasn't able to sense an extremely small part of his blood disappear.

Something the extremely experienced hunters of the dark expedition team will likely notice, well, just a few of them can and this is largely due to Nen.

They have an astonishing proficiency over Nen and En and their bodies are full of Aura. The disappearance of their blood signifies the disappearance of some of their Aura as the two are directly tied to each other.

It's a small, even a negligible amount of Aura but their proficiency will allow them to detect the abnormal event within their bodies, especially for Ging and Beyond that are extremely likely to notice this happening.

Nozer on the other hand and every one of his clan for that matter doesn't seem to have any control over Nen. Every creature of this strange world has Nen no matter how bizarre or small it is.

So it would only make sense for the humans of this clan to have it as well no matter how much they differ from other humans but they can't control it at all.


It's not due to them not learning how to do so or their Aura nodes being closed because that couldn't be any further from the truth.

Their Aura nodes are fully opened but their Aura seems to be stuck within their bodies unable to leave unless certain conditions were met.

That certain condition is activating their miraculous gift, the scarlet eyes. Once they do so, their Aura becomes extremely active as it's the fuel that powers the strange red substance.

But it seems that their Aura functions Automatically as it feeds the dark red substance by itself though one could argue that their control over the substance is a form of control over their Aura as well.

So once Yasuo took few samples of his blood from a distance of several miles away, Nozer noticed nothing especially since Yasuo teleported the blood in several small batches. Then Yasuo drank his blood after examining it for a bit and doing his usual 'Just in case' procedures.

He felt no change as predicted. The assimilation process usually takes a different amount of time depending on the quality and value of the bloodline.


So it's only natural a bloodline as precious as this one will take a while to fully assimilate.

Then perhaps he will gain the ability to fully control the dark energy which turns scarlet once it activates and from what Yasuo observed fighting Nozer in a future that didn't happen, its functions are simple yet monstrous.

Yasuo closed his eyes for a second sensing his genes at a much deeper level before he judged.

"It should be long before it's finished. Her ability is extremely special and one of the best so it was bound for Pakunoda's bloodline assimilation to take long."

His eyes that turned to their original silver color were gleaming in bright light as he uttered few last words, "Soon I won't have to ask questions as I can just see people's pasts at a minimal cost then I can see what I want."

Directly after which, he started teleporting into the dark sky in a certain direction and it wasn't long before he set foot on the back of his massive black dragon and gently whispered.

"Darco, slowly fly there and let me enjoy the lovely view." He whispered while pointing towards his next destination continuing his exploration journey.

The dark purple crow appearing on his shoulder signifying that his vision eye ability is being used. An ability that not only can look into the future but also into the past.

However, looking into either is Nen consuming, extremely so. He can look into the future for no more than a few days while looking into the past on the other hand is much more forgiving.

He can look years into the past and he did so many times in the past such as when he met the god of choice.

And his ability to look into the past like a tape which he can rewind and fast forward as he wishes so looking into the specific past he wants is easier.

However, it's still limited as more than three hundred years is still a bit far from what he can do so in this case, his vision eye ability is a bit useless.

The dark continent and its history are extremely ancient and so are the things he wants the see the past of. So the only other way he can so is by Pakunoda's ability which never left his sight.

The general picture of the dark continent still remains clear in his mind, how it was shaped, and an idea of what the dark continent holds.

That map is something he has been using as a guide to go to places that interest him and explore the wondrous lands that continuously manage to satiate his undying curiosity.

Now he's heading towards his next destination though taking his time doing so. He was observing what the veil of the dark continent holds beyond.

The history hidden by time and some unexplainable incidents. Yasuo can see the marks as most are too obvious but he can see more, the hidden marks left by history and time.

'Too many signs of civilizations that once inhabited the dark continent,' Thought Yasuo looking at just one of the many ruins he saw throughout the dark continent.

Just a small ruin but it's enough to judge it's an artificial structure, he saw tens of these. 'Nothing interesting, well, most of the ruins are quite normal but that normality in itself is the biggest abnormality.'

An image has started forming with Yasuo's mind, an image of the far ancient world in which he exists. He saw too many remains, nowhere as interesting as the one where the botanic creatures lie but still fragments of ancient civilizations nonetheless.

"Humanity once thrived here and perhaps ruled the entire world. They ruled the entire world yet here we are living on a dark world with something strange to be noticed."

Yasuo was deep in his contemplating state yet sound never left his mouth as if the words were merely being uttered within his mind.

He continued, "I've yet to find any human remains that date back to that veiled era, not one human skeleton or any other creature skeleton that old.

All the ones I found aren't that old, except for the Brion creatures which is a parasite that needs human bodies to live. Human bodies that date back to that era.

However, Brion creatures are too dangerous even for me so I could only study the bodies from far away, bodies that decomposed not long after.

So really, not one ancient skeleton was left throughout the entire vast spaces of the continent I've explored so far, only a few places are left..."

Yasuo then turned his head looking into the most colossal things standing on the planet and going as far as to go through the dark clouds that hang hundreds of miles above the ground.

The world tree so far away yet it looks so close, it's massive size and width which can be estimated to be in the miles to even tens of miles

'I'll leave it to last, it's the center of the continent after all and it probably has many of the answers I seek,' Thought Yasuo but many questions still bugged his mind.

'What has happened that led to the extermination of most of humanity? Is it the curse that comes along with the continuous use of the core creature's powers?

Something similar to how the civilization that worshiped the god of choice disappeared or is it something more? Or, perhaps the two are connected?'

Yasuo's silver eyes shone at the last possibility as the implications of it being the truth started surfacing in his mind.

'The dark vile Aura within and around the massive cylinder-shaped hole and the fact humanity survived through that suggests that whatever happened was stopped albeit too late.'

"The mysteries of the dark, well, solving them sound like an entertaining activity to do," Yasuo found himself even more engrossed in the mysteries which he seeks to unveil.

What the dark continent witnessed in an unwritten history, or a history which left so little of what was written, a forgotten history which has left us a language known as the mysterious inscriptions, its legacy.

"Well, this location should answer many of my doubts and confirm some of my theories," Stated Yasuo as he looked down on the strange scenery from the top of the dark creature he stands upon.

The scene of a floating object, a massive object with a width of about a mile but a height of no more than a hundred meters.

A floating metallic structure that looks like a floating spaceship of sorts.

Yasuo's destination is none other than the metallic ship before him, a structure that possibly holds more significance than what meets the eye, and that says a lot considering its already miraculous existence.

"Don Freecss huh, a simple yet complex man, what secrets do you hold and what have you achieved?" These were the soft-spoken words coming out of Yasuo's mouth as he set foot on the top of the untouchable structure.
