Chapter 193: Unveiling The Mysteries I  


Chapter 193: Unveiling The Mysteries I  


Yasuo picked that purple rose as his feet touched the ground and remarked as its scent reached him, "Beautiful yet incredibly dangerous, poisonous... Interesting."

An invisible force suddenly started acting on the rose turning it into a small purple pill that Yasuo consumed.

He then collected a few more of such roses before putting them inside his conjured pot and focused his Aura into the pot all to gain even more information about the pot through Sanshi's pot.


He ate the 'cooked' roses before remarking, "Nothing too interesting. Just an extremely poisonous plant and the clan members seem to have grown a resistance to its poison so why did he leave the rose mark?"

He then slowly started floating higher and higher until the hand he lifted lightly touched the purple mark and he noticed something interesting.

However, it's wasn't from the mark, it was from what's beyond. Months passed since his transformation and he assimilated numerous valuable bloodlines since then.

His physical strength only continued to increase and so is his Aura pool. Most importantly, his control domain is becoming stronger, much stronger.

His sense within is growing and so is his domain range that already reached 5 miles radius all around him.

His domain can be stopped by no obstacle so he was easily able to see what's within the metallic platform, a beautifully made structure within a vast metallic space.


A large transparent ball completely engraved with some strange but exquisite inscriptions. The transparent ball was standing on a small thin platform similar to a tee golf platform.

The ball was filled with pure vibrant water with a large blue rock floating within that seems to send blue flashes of lighting or electricity through the water into the inscriptions that start shining in blue light.

Four large metallic poles were in direct contact with the transparent ball and the metallic ceiling transmitting electricity to the required destination and lighting up the whole city.

Yasuo teleported next to the platform and observed the rock within with interest apparent in his eyes, "The Unmanned rock. A rock that has the capacity, once submerged in water, to generate electricity... infinitely."

He gently lifted his hand opening his palm only for a small part of the wet rock to appear on it and he instantly felt the rush of electricity rushing through his body seeking to melt him to no avail.

he didn't seem fazed at all befitting of a trained Zoldyck assassin though this time, it wasn't as if he was holding any pain inside, it was just completely ineffective against him. He even deemed that the entire enormous unmanned rock will have no effect on him and that says a lot considering even a small bead can put out about 20 megawatts of power for a day.


To put it into perspective, typically in Yasuo's old world, One megawatt represents the amount needed to power 100 homes or even more!

And here we have a small bead that can put out 20 megawatts a day let alone the massive rock before him that can be judged at first glance to be thousands of times larger.

"Simple but efficient huh." Remarked Yasuo after observing Don Freecss' creation for a while. His eyes were shining in brilliant scarlet color as he again teleported outside to the beautiful purple field.

He appeared next to one of the city's massive black metallic legs. His pale right hand gently caressing the metallic form while noting a few things.

"They move around through underground tunnels. One leading directly to the Colosseum. One can safely say that what's beneath the ground of the dark continent is much more dangerous than above.

Yet Don made it as such, something very few would've done but he appears to have vast knowledge about the inscriptions, more knowledgeable than me.

He created tunnels that are extremely hard to destroy, near impossible. Simple metallic tunnels with one special thing, the inscriptions which are fueled from an infinite Nen source."

'The source is... Was he able to harvest its energy?' Thought Yasuo as he started teleporting into the depths of the planet going alone with one of the city legs which differ significantly from the others.

That particular metallic leg has a thin smooth needle-like structure spurting from it and diving into the depths through the muddy and rocky ground.

Strangely he reached a location extremely similar to the vast space he found beneath the ruins where the Botanic creatures called Brions lie.

Even stranger is the fact that the scene here is extremely similar to the point that even the transparent glossy cone-shaped form also exists here.

The form that seems to be coming from the core of the planet and what could be assumed to be a living creature or a dead one.

The tip of the needle-like structure was spurting from the rocky ceiling of the vast space nowhere near the strange transparent creature.

The poisoned creature as Yasuo's violet rose marks could be seen all over it, purple lines shining brightly making the slightly bright creature shine even more, the visible part of the creature at least.

"Just like the last location, space here seems to be rich with Aura, too rich in fact and that's only a small part of the creature yet it's releasing so much energy."

Yasuo then teleported a bit closer to the creature with a small tube that has a purple liquid within and continued noting his observations.

"Don made use of that excess energy the creature releases to power the whole city, an infinite source of energy indeed.

Every atom has Nen within, a negligible amount but it's there nonetheless. The dark continent seems to be much richer in that regard than the known world.

Yet places such as this break all common sense, they're simply incomparable. The core, you aren't exactly in any way similar to the usual normal core of planets but strangely you are the core of this world.

The foundation on which we stand and on which we have grown, on which our world was born... But why? What is it that you seek even after?" 'So many questions but so few answers... All I have is theories but that is from where everything starts.' Thought Yasuo as the purple liquid within the tube disappeared.

The same thing he has done in the previous similar location. The purple liquid was teleported into the creature within the slightly white and transparent fluid of it.

"Good luck," Said Yasuo to what's within that purple liquid, the deadliest artificial liquid in the world if a few conditions were met.

Yasuo then teleported to the surface and directly went back to the city where he started the most important thing and what really picked his interest when observing the clan's people.

The fascinating way their powers work, something he dearly needed, and he would've been able to forcefully do using his control domain in just a few years as his control grows stronger.

The red substance that appears once their eyes turn scarlet. According to Yasuo's observation, most of Nozer's clan members aren't able to use that energy as he does.

Nozer was able to manipulate the energy smoothly while it's outside of his body while some of the clan members seem to have a hard time manipulating it while it's inside.

Some can manipulate it outside but nowhere near what their leader can do as even among the previous leaders of the clans, Nozer is considered an anomaly whose power surpassed his forefathers by far.

That red substance is something Yasuo knows too well. How could he not? He has that same substance in his body, too much of such substance.

Once his scarlet eyes show themselves, the dark energy in his body becomes active as it flows and vibrates in a certain matter allowing for the scarlet eyes' miraculous functions to be possible.

Dark energy he couldn't control and Yasuo didn't like that at all but its functions were too tempting to miss.

And he believed that the only thing stopping him from having complete control over the dark energy is time and he has plenty of that.

The core of that predicted control is his control domain as he knows he can actually control that energy with it. He experienced that the day he used his debt collector ability.

And recently, he was starting to gain slight control over it as his control domain grew stronger and stronger, slight control that has also grown over time.

Yet, the thing that troubled him for so long doesn't seem to be a problem for them, they have full control over that dark energy that turns scarlet once it exits their bodies just like their eyes do.

Yasuo lightly lifted his hand as he sat on the edge of one of the many well-made roofs of the city.

In his hand is the usual test tube, among the many empty and full test tubes he has in his black backpack. The empty tube became empty no more as what looks like normal red blood.

"Normal red blood huh," Remarked Yasuo looking at the color that has become unfamiliar to his own blood.

"My blood was slightly changing even before the transformation but the obvious change was after I became what I'm today. Purple blood, something no human could have yet I do.

My body is transforming beyond human recognition and evolving as the things that form that red color evolves into something else.

Constant evolution as I assimilate more bloodlines and Auras so my blood has yet to stop changing as it actually started gaining a lighter shade seeming to head to a more grey-ish color or something similar."

Watching and experiencing his slow but significant evolution seem to be an enjoyment to Yasuo as he looked at the red liquid that'll push his evolution even further... He then drank it.
