Chapter 146: You Lost... No, You Never Had A Chance  


Chapter 146: You Lost... No, You Never Had A Chance  


Until Meruem simply gave up and allowed the dark cube to consume him teleporting him to the destined location.

A destination he couldn't anticipate because he lost his connection with photons that went through the cube and because of the location's peculiarity... Allowing that however was a mistake that made Yasuo's plan go much smoother.

And so, Meruem found himself standing in the vacuum space with the moon not far below him unable to breathe.


However, that wasn't much of an obstacle for the current King, he judged the moment he arrived here that he could survive without oxygen for few hours easily so he really didn't consider it a disadvantage being here.

In fact, he considers it an advantage as light shines best in the vacuum of space but that doesn't mean he actually has an advantage.

He is basically in the enemy's land, the land Yasuo summoned him to so it's only natural he prepared accordingly.

The good thing about the portal ability is that while creating portals takes time, closing them is actually instantaneous so the moment Meruem appeared from the portal in the middle of space is the moment the portal closed instantly.

"Just... What? How?" Speechlessly questioned the King looking at the abnormal scene before him and realizing a mistake he made or a mistake he was forced to make as per Yasuo's scheming.

Only a small portion of the photons has followed him here while the other ones remained back in their previous fight location and some were teleported somewhere by Yasuo, this is the mistake he made.


To create new photons, he has to retract all the other ones before he can create new ones but there is something about his ability that's interesting.

The empty photons can go through physical objects without a problem, and even though he lost his connection with the photons because of the extremely long distance, once he decided to retract them, they'll come to him themself. However, now they're standing on the grey land of the moon far from the insanely massive planet so naturally, light will take some time to reach the moon as in Yasuo's previous world, it takes about 1.3 seconds while on this world, light will take about 6 seconds to do so.

That's enough time for Yasuo to do whatever he wants, the things he has been preparing are for these few seconds.

For Yasuo, they make a huge difference and so Meruem was stunned looking at the Vision construct high in the air with the same purple bubble surrounding them as well as something else that can send chills through the observer's skin.

The purple spheres with what looked like black lightning flying around each of them, tens of such massive orbs hovering all around Yasuo's domain.

Though the ones that seem to be the most dangerous are the ones placed on the construct's six hands while the other ones are just hovering around it.


"You lost... No, you never had a chance." Simply remarked Yasuo in the void of space except sound can't travel in the vacuum of space.

There is just no matter in which sound can travel and needs to travel so all that actually happened is Yasuo saying those words but no sound came out.

However, Meruem understood what Yasuo wanted to say clearly, his perception in his current state allows him to process things at light speed so reading Yasuo's lips movement was too easy of a task for him.

And the same could be said for Yasuo who can do that even without his domain so he also understood Meruem's previous words clearly.

Meruem slowly turned his head looking behind him at the vastness of space knowing that if he just spread the small number of photons with him currently, there is a chance he can escape.

But he also questioned himself, how can the cunning man before him not take that into account especially considering his strange space bending ability.

He frowned noticing the fact that Yasuo is actually driving him to give up himself, to admit his loss as doubts started to appear within the King's mind, can he even win even in his current state?

His mind was still at peace with the fact he's dying started but he at least wants to win this fight yet even his current mind can't think of a way to do so.

Just how can he fight the ability to see the future which would've been useless against him in the hands of anyone else but not in Yasuo's, his arsenal of abilities complements it forming an unbreakable shield.

So all Meruem could try is one last thing as he instantly cut one of his arms and legs with two photons appearing enveloping them before those two loaded photons with his limbs started moving around using the empty photons around.

However, Meruem knew deep in his heart his chances of winning at this point are negligible.

'I'm losing, aren't I? I can see ways to win but those ways are unavailable to me simply because of the sacrifice I made, I can't create any other ability.

My current ability is strong, too strong in fact but It was faced by its nemesis.

His ability which ignores space able to travel large distances instantly combined with his future sight makes anything I can do useless even if I continue to change my course of actions continuously, that change could also be seen. An ability that could make anyone feel despair failed to affect the human before me, unlucky it seems.

The thousands of ways I can win are completely unavailable to me but even if they were, who's to say that's all Yasuo has in hand, what if there are more abilities hidden he didn't need to use yet... I'm doubting myself and I don't like it...'

He knew he lost seeing the scene before him, at that moment, he got a general idea of how Yasuo's future sight works, and it's astonishing, to say the least.

He saw the future of how the battle will go and changed the future knowing exactly how everything will go.

Yasuo saw through his new photon ability before it was even created and prepared for it, prepared for this exact moment before the fight even started.

And he possibly prepared for everything he can ever do especially considering he has the qualifications to do so, Yasuo is smart and strong enough to prepare for anything Meruem can do.

So what can he do that wasn't already seen and prepared for? his photon ability is monstrous almost impossible to counter to the point one can only wonder how such an ability is possible to exist.

He is powerful and is called the King for a reason so he definitely has the ability to create such ability.

However, even for someone like him, it will take a while to do so yet he was able to create it in less than an hour which is only possible because of the sacrifices he made.

One of such sacrifices is quite simple but detrimental for someone of his stature and level of power as he could've done so much more but he didn't have time so he was comfortable with making such a sacrifice.

He will never be able to create any other ability again or gain any other ability again. A simple sacrifice not as hefty as the other sacrifice he made but a detrimental one nonetheless as it will limit his future except he doesn't have a future so he considered it as exploiting a hole in the rules of Nen to create the ability quickly and the same could be said for his other sacrifice.

That made it so he can't create any other ability he might need in the future or absorb any ability from anyone else by using his Aura synthesis ability so he was left stranded against Yasuo who has an arsenal of varying abilities suitable for every situation possible.

There is nothing he can do against him but try one last thing but even that has a low chance of success, after all, how can he expect that someone who can face the speed of light to exist.

So using the ability he absorbed from Youpi called Metamorphosis which allows him to transform including gaining wings to fly.

That's exactly what he did gaining extremely long wings that enveloped him completely seeking to protect him from any harm remaining with the spherical photon that started moving around at the speed of light specifically heading outside of Yasuo's domain.

However, he didn't have time as suddenly, tens of explosive orbs appeared everywhere around him without even a small hole from which he can pass through. They appeared under Yasuo's space control creating a tight barrier around him with the six strongest orbs seeking to destroy even the entire celestial body beneath their feet.

Meruem already predicted this nothing there is no possibility of escaping so he decided to instead tank the dangerous glowing orbs pushing his unrivaled body to its absolute limits and using all of his Aura to defend against them.

Yasuo can say with certainty that Silva's ability is the most destructive ability of its kind he ever saw and that's why he needed it dearly previously and in his hands, it shined brilliantly reaching unrivaled heights.

This is just the second time he used it and its power this time is nowhere near the previous time but is still significant nonetheless to the point its light could be seen from the face of the planet...
