Chapter 145: Where? When? How?  


Chapter 145: Where? When? How?  


His control domain is absolute, no barrier can get in its way, the domain can appear instantly so how can a mere portal get in its way?

This was but a mere hoax he orchestrated hiding what's actually happening within that spherical portal and what's about to come, something the King simply wasn't able to react to at all...

Before the King can react, the weakness of his ability was exploited, he can move at near speed of light.


That's true but that doesn't mean that speed affects him because if so, he will start gaining more and more mass the closer he is to the speed of light, that's just how the laws of physic work.

That will continue until his mass becomes infinite which is simply impossible as he'll be dead long before that.

Light is the fastest velocity at which an object can travel in a vacuum. As an object moves, its mass also increases.

Near the speed of light, the mass is so high that it reaches infinity, and would require infinite energy to move it, thus capping how fast an object can move.

The photons are capable of moving at that speed simply because they have no mass meaning moving at that speed has no effect on them, they will always be massless allowing them to move at that speed.

However, Meruem has mass meaning he will be affected by that high speed making his mass become bigger and bigger which means he will need more and more energy to move any further and that's simply impossible.


But if the ability allows him to breach that rule and gaining all that mass without the need for the required energy then that'll make him much stronger than he is.

An object moving at the speed of light with infinite mass colliding with another object, that'll have horrendous consequences for both but that's simply impossible for Meruem.

All his ability allows him to do is move at that speed within the spherical photon without being affected by the laws of physics inside meaning he won't gain more mass.

But one thing always holds true for the ability, he needs an already existing space to move because if there is an obstacle on the way, he will need to either destroy it or change directions and that's a weakness. Imagine that from everywhere, obstacles appeared not allowing you to have any direction to through.

Darkness from everywhere with the faint shade of purple coming from the massive purple hands as well as the thing that made his sense of danger scream, scream for him to evade it at any cost.

Deception, something that has grown with humanity throughout history, they became better at it just like Yasuo has and he didn't shy out from using it to thoroughly mislead Meruem.


And no matter how cautious the latter was, he didn't escape the assassin's deception.

Even though the King predicts such a possibility, the possibility that he can actually use his domain even when he's within the spherical portal so he kept a distance of miles from Yasuo and just observed while also manipulating the countless photons to continue his attacking spree.

He kept in mind at all times that there are numerous possibilities on how Yasuo can get out of the situation.

A simple one is just teleporting from within that portal or another idea is trying to teleport him to some location through his portals so the King kept his absolute attention on the surroundings knowing full well he can react fast enough before a portal envelop him.

The possible combination of Yasuo's known abilities truly puzzled even someone like him for a bit before his continuous thinking came to some conclusions.

But he will always be limited by the amount of information he has, he can assume but he can never truly know what's hidden within Yasuo's sleeves.

Until Meruem noticed something he simply couldn't react to, not because of his reaction time because it's unrivaled, no, it's because there are very few things he can do to stop it as Yasuo noticed quite a lot of weaknesses in his photon ability.

Meruem will need to retract the photons to create new ones and he was planning to retract them again since they started running down but that's what Yasuo was waiting for as he created a phenomenon that would break anyone's common sense once seen.

Portals so big it's mind-boggling how a human can do such a thing, hundreds of miles away, that strange phenomenon taking place.

Meruem can react fast enough and move fast enough to avoid any portal being created that could entrap him because the speed of light is just that fast.

Even with how much training Yasuo has done, his portals ability still takes time to use.

It takes time for him to create portals, time that would look instantaneous for most but to Meruem, it's simply too slow.

Light can go around the Earth 7.5 times in one second and while Meruem's ability isn't really as fast as light, it's near that speed enough for him to avoid anything Yasuo can do with his level of power.

So what Yasuo chose to do is a form of deception, of cheating, preparing for the future before it happened.

And preparing for something that will take him tens of minutes to complete with his current level of power unless he activated his debt collector ability but he didn't need to since he had time to prepare.

And so hundreds of miles away, a portal so large it's able to hide the sun and the moon behind it, in fact, not just one portal appeared, six appeared which Meruem would've had time to react to if not for the way to appear.

Hundreds of miles down the ground and in the sky and every other direction, Yasuo created something Meruem wasn't able to notice.

He slowly created it across the last three minutes, he creates an extremely thin portal, basically, an unnoticeable line that went on for hundreds of miles but never any closer to the fighting location. And from that extremely thin portal, another one appeared though this one was created a long and is just teleporting through a source portal to appear here from the thin destination portal.

The portals that appeared are all strange with extremely similar shapes, they're all square and their massive size allowed them to meet up with each other instantly forming into a cube.

A dark cubic prison from which anyone can leave albeit to the destination Yasuo desires.

Meruem found himself entrapped not expecting this at all as his mind started to think of how this could happen.

He tried exiting the perimeter before the cube is fully formed but he couldn't with only ten miles distance left between him and the now fully formed cube as if everything was calculated perfectly.

The thin portals from which the other portals appeared were placed in a distance far enough for light to only reach them from the location of the fight in the amount of time needed for the cube to fully form.

The mind of Yasuo combined with his control domain allowed for such a calculation to be possible though the most important thing is time.

The time needed to calculate it and he had plenty due to his Vision Eye ability allowing him to see the future.

Meruem was somewhat surprised because according to his calculations observing how Yasuo's Nen behaves when creating portals, such a thing shouldn't be possible unless... unless Yasuo started that operation before he even got here.

That made Meruem's eyes widen understanding something, throughout the entire fight, how much of what he observed is actually true? And how much is the human hiding?

Quite a lot it seems as he turned around looking at the spherical portal far away that started dissolving showing what's inside... nothing. Was Yasuo even inside in the first place? And where is he now?

Meruem thought of all of that almost instantly before targeting the weakness of whatever plan Yasuo has.

The fact that the dark cube is but a portal and he can destroy it giving him safe passage so he started doing so before it's too late while keeping distance from it else, he will get teleported to where Yasuo wants him to.

And he needs to do so quickly because the massive dark cube is becoming smaller and smaller, shrinking seeking to consume him.

And at an incredible speed at that, to point it would take but a few seconds to consume Meruem teleporting him away.

Yasuo prepared thoroughly so of course, he has prepared for the portals' weakness, well, he didn't really need to prepare as he just waited static in the vacuum of space observing everything through the invisible eyes everywhere.

And waiting until Meruem is close to destroying parts of the cube then he creates a distorted portal behind that to stop the breach.

He also started his next sequence of action which simply consisted of creating portals everywhere within the cube to teleport most of the photons elsewhere forcefully.

Until Meruem simply gave up and allowed the dark cube to consume him teleporting him to the destined location, one he couldn't anticipate because he lost his connection with photons that went through the cube.

And because of the location's peculiarity... Allowing that however was a mistake that made Yasuo's plan go much smoother.

And so, Meruem found himself standing in the vacuum space with the moon not far below him unable to breathe...
