Chapter 135: The Three Courses Of The Meal  


Chapter 135: The Three Courses Of The Meal  


Until he stopped flying hovering high in the air. He seems to be thinking of something for a bit before turning around looking at Pouf with his emotionless eyes, Pouf who is biting his lips holding back the rage and hatred he's feeling... as well as terror, something Meruem noticed so he simply asked.

"Are you going to tell me? tell me about those emotions you started letting out a while ago? The anger and hatred I can sense from you that only got stronger... Also, what's scaring you to that degree?"

That left Youpi stunned as he turned his head looking at the blood coming down Pouf's mouth as a result of the latter biting his mouth too hard and the apparent strange expression on his face, like he's holding something inside, holding those emotions inside.


Holding the fear that has only become stronger seeking to overwhelm him, fear of the human who was able to somehow make every copy of his within the palace and several miles around blackout at the same time.

But there is that opposite feeling that managed to hold that fear from affecting him too much, the feeling of hatred and anger directed towards that human... No! Towards every human!

Pouf even with all the feelings seeking to overwhelm him completely knew he needed to speak calmly before the king and that's exactly what he did.

"An enemy, a strong enemy just did something to every copy I left near and in the royal palace. I know the copies aren't dead but I can't sense anything from them nor can I control them, it's like the connection between me and them has become vague not allowing me to do anything."

No change was noticed in Meruem's expression as he instead turned around ready to continue flying though he remarked before doing so, "An enemy that can make you afraid to this degree huh..."

That remark only worked to set Pouf's rage and hatred even further swearing to himself to let the human and every other human taste his wrath as he uses them as meat while turning the useful ones into mindless animals under his manipulation... Only, can he?


On the other hand, Yasuo remained seated in his spot just enjoying the light nice breeze pushing his dark hair and leaving a nice touch on his face.

The man didn't seem to care about the monster coming towards him not did he care about the monster's guard who has a deep hatred towards him. He appears as if he has no burden on his shoulders like he has no care in the world.

Just relaxing but while Yasuo appreciates relaxing from time to time, that doesn't mean he just relax because he can do other things at the same time especially if those things don't bother him.

Just like at this moment, while relaxing atop the building, his invisible strings are doing what he wishes for him under his perfect manipulation.

The invisible threads that set out to consume the whole Island making every inch of it within his sight.

He can create portals as long as the destination is within his vision so with all the Aeroeye threads around the large Island.


That gives him almost instant passage to anywhere in it and he happened to have set his eyes on some preys.

The last of their species aside from the King and the royal guards, of course, this is only within the known world as there could be more within the mysterious land called the dark continent.

The preys that he allowed to live previously until they grew stronger for him to harvest them, and the seeds have grown beautifully into a full-grown tree so full of the miraculous energy called Nen... Time to collect.

So all around The Island, an interesting scene was happening yet none has seen it, not even the victims of the invisible strings knew what happened.

It just that no one will ever hear about them again as they remained prisoners in the mysterious deadly maze never to leave or even wake up before hearts beat no more.

Black and white are colors Yasuo can clearly see and he can also see all the other colors and can differential which of which means something.

He can clearly see good and bad and all that comes in between but such colors don't affect his judgment at all.

What interests him, he must have it and it must be done so it's only natural he ignores the fact that there are bad Chimera Ants but there are good ones as well.

Ones with pure intentions and a good heart and ones with vile intentions and tainted hearts.

That made no difference in his eyes, the life of such people was purely dependant on his whims, and if they picked his interest and enter his line of sight so they could only consider themselves unlucky for being born in the same world as him.

They should consider themselves unlucky as Yasuo was born within their world and he happened to have the ability to hear every whisper all over the known world and his vision enveloped the whole known world as well and it's working its way to envelop the entirety of the dark continent.

Really, just how unlucky can one be? So the world noticed the disappearance of many, the disappearance of good Chimera Ants was easily noticed though not many disappeared but there was nothing anyone could do about it as no one knew what really happened... They just disappeared.

Among the Chimera Ants that disappeared, the most important ones which Yasuo value significantly are but a few as he only took the ones that are actually useful or have something that distinguishes them from the rest, names such as Leol who has an interesting ability similar to Chrollo's which allows him to borrow others' abilities although significantly less useful.

There is also one of the most important ones, a Chimera Ant who proclaimed herself as the Queen calling the previous one a failure.

She also has an interesting ability which Yasuo plans on researching thoroughly, By stinging a human, this Chimera Ant can transform them into a grotesque human-animal hybrid who becomes utterly loyal to her. Zazan, one of the squadron leaders.

And another Chimera Ant he took who could be considered one of the good ones, one of the most interesting ones, Meleoron also one of the squadron leaders, and what distinguishes him from the rest is his ability.

While holding his breath, Meleoron can use an advanced form of his invisibility, becoming completely undetectable by the sight, hearing, smell, touch, preternatural perception or En.

His presence is hidden to the point where others would simply overlook him in proximity without being consciously aware of it.

Lastly Gyro, the founder and former king of NGL. As a human, he suffered an abusive childhood at the hands of his alcoholic father, that experience lead him to have the ambition to spread evil throughout the world.

An intelligent dangerous man that happened to have experienced something interesting, experienced being reborn as a Chimera Ant after being eaten by the queen.

After being reborn as a Chimera Ant, his strength of mind and unquenchable hatred for humanity allowed him to retain his personality and memories, which prevented the Queen from controlling him, thus giving him what true power really is, the power that'll allow him to achieve his desire, destroying the world and erasing humanity from existence.

Gyro of course felt that power and knew what it could do, the possibility of achieving his dream gave birth to something foreign to him within his dark heart, hope, that bright light called hope finally lit the world he sees ablaze...

Really, how unlucky can one be? Yasuo saw him and his interest was picked...

These are abilities that interest him so he didn't shy out and took what he wants with no care of what others might think if they find out or the fact that a few people if provided with a few pieces of information can come to the conclusion he's responsible for their disappearance though only a few people can do so, one of them happened to be the vice president of the hunter's association, Pariston Hill.

Yet Yasuo just didn't care, his interest in the known world is waning as he started setting his eyes towards the dark unknown world called the dark continent where his next phase of plans will take place, where mysteries and wonders lie and he plans to unveil that curtain.

So he just waited while collecting a few more things, waiting for the last things and the most important thing he needs.

Meruem and the royal guards, everything else was but a mere appetizer, the King and the royal guards are the main course as well as the dessert, the last part of the meal.

So he waited for their arrival while doing the things that need to be done in the meantime such as getting Pitou's disfigured body which has almost been destroyed by the revenge-fueled Gon.

All specifically for their complex and superior DNA, much superior to humans, the result of the queen's natural ability giving birth to the combination of her DNA, human's, magical beasts, and normal beasts as well, not just combination but producing something much better... Evolution.
