Chapter 134: Did You Just Whisper?  


Chapter 134: Did You Just Whisper?  


The previously shining smile turned to a calm one as if expressionless as talked to himself in what appears to be whispering, "I had to hold back a lot... Just for this day, I didn't want many things to change and some people to die just for this day, so I can be as strong as possible and fulfill my goal... I did so what's stopping me now from doing what want... From harvesting the seeds that have grown enough."

He directly added before disappearing, "Now, I just need to get the key specimens as well as some side ones and do some research before starting the transformation..."

Not long after, near the royal palace of the republic of east Gorteau, what looked like a small bug could be seen flying around but a beg is further than what it actually is.


The flying creature couldn't be just a simple bug, if observed up close, one would easily notice the clear human features and clothes on it as well as the beautiful rainbow butterfly wings, Pouf, one of the royal guards.

He is in the process of doing something extremely important to him, something that will set the future of the King even if it's against the latter's wishes.

However, he doesn't consider this a betrayal at all, he truly believes this is for the King, his loyalty is what drove him to this, lead him to have that deep desire to kill Komugi.

To kill that bright light within the King's heart, the light that changed him from what a King should be.

From the high state he sees the King in so he decided for the good of the King, he decided to eliminate that bright light which he is currently looking for.

The circumstances seem to be on his side as his King had a memory loss after surviving the explosion.


Barely surviving with memory loss served Pouf right as the King has forgotten about her, about that bright light, and Pouf planned to exploit that.

Albeit the King noticed his hidden intention, the king that has fought death and came back stronger than ever with his ability to read emotions.

This is what makes Meruem terrifying if given enough time, his ability which allows him to gain the abilities of anyone he consumes and use them better, much better. And he gained Youpi and Pouf's abilities with an astonishing improvement over how he and Youpi were using their ability and through the emotion sensing ability.

He was able to sense the change in Pouf and Youpi and they would've been dead If not for the loyalty they had shown and is sensing in them.

So he gave them a chance they plan on taking specifically Pouf with his ability to split into countless smaller copies of himself and he happened to have left a few back in the royal palace but he knows he needs to be careful as that small copy is quite fragile especially considering how weak he has become after feeding the King his own power.

And he spent a while looking for her yet he made no progress like something is stopping him from doing so but he persisted until he noticed someone casually sitting at top of one of the buildings.


The man seems to be closing his eyes with no care in the world paying no attention to what's around him.

Pouf knows this man, the one with the dangerous ability that could threaten their entire race.

The one whose emotions were hard to read but he was able to anyway. Now however, Pouf wasn't able to sense anything.

Not because he's weakened no, the man before him just appeared to have no emotions.

Completely blank like he isn't allowing anyone to read what's below the cover. That brought a question to Pouf's mind, the emotions he read before, the emotions that clearly allowed him to know he isn't lying, were they a lie?

The implication of such a thing horrified even Pouf, a human who can control his emotions, that's something even his King can do.

And even if it was an ability of the human, it still scares him to imagine what other abilities he could have aside from the portals one.

Yet even with the danger the human can present, Pouf chose to ignore it, for now, when his King gets here, he'll take care of him.

Now he has a more important goal and he knows he can't do anything against the human with his current state.

While Pouf has more important things to do, there was always the option of simply killing the human who looks weak yet strong in a short amount of time... If he was confident in doing so of course.

He was scared, so scared in fact the only time he has been more scared than this is when he saw the poor man's rose not knowing whether his King is alive within that bright darkness or not.

He found himself scared of the unknown variable before him. When Pouf looks at Yasuo, all he sees is nothing but a harmless weak human.

Yasuo's lean appearance doesn't do much to discredit that and his handsome emotionless expression and facials features don't as well.

However, deep within, just looking at the absentminded human sitting casually on the roof brings terror to his bones, the human that looks completely different than how he looked before almost like his previous appearance was but a facade...

A facade he used to make him take a specific course of action and that horrified him.

So pouf decided to change directions and go look elsewhere until he gets his power back, his eyes darkened as he started flying away, not because of the darkness of the night or a shadow casting its spell on him, but on hatred.

The hatred directed towards the punny human that made him feel this way, which made him feel like a bug. A feeling someone of his stature shouldn't feel, after all, how can he calls himself the royal guard of the King if he felt this way so he flew away muttering to himself, "Such... offense to the King can't be allowed. If I feel like a punny bug then does the King have a bug as his guard, No!! Mark my word! I will definitely Kill y.... Eh!??"

The muttering seems to turn to screams as he got far away enough for no one to hear him like he's scared of the human hearing his words of hatred only...

He was whispering and only Yasuo is allowed to whisper so when someone breaks that rule, one needs to be cautious as no whisper could escape his strange eyes.

And so Pouf found himself in an entirely different location before he could react, well, the truth of the matter is that there was nothing to react to.

He has no idea what actually happened, he was just flying then he found himself in this place.

It seems this day isn't his lucky day and as he'll come to find out, it's his unluckiest day facing Yasuo that no longer has a leach.

The leach Yasuo placed on himself is no longer necessary, his goal is already fulfilled and his next goals don't need him to do much.

He just needs time, a lot of time so his next plan is simply to make that time shorter while exploring the dark continent.

And to explore such a dangerous place, he needs preparation, he needs to be stronger as someone as cautious as he wouldn't go otherwise.

And he happened to have finished most of his preparations except one. He just needs to collect the last pieces, the key pieces of the puzzle before doing some research then become something else...

Pouf was simply stunned then horrified looking at the man next to him then pure horror noticing he can't move.

His eyes moved around noticing that its the exact same building he saw the human on and the latter didn't change his position at all, his eyes remained closed with an emotionless expression on his face.

"You hate me huh. Well, you're right, I just can't help but see you like a bug, a smart yet dumb bug.

It wouldn't have mattered but you really let your emotions of hatred go like you want everyone to know and notice. This is something that could be considered a disadvantage, emotions if not controlled and you seem to suck at it which is an embarrassment considering your ability to sense emotions."

Yasuo muttered calmly without missing a bit and Pouf heard that strange whispers clearly, the whisper that almost made him lose his cool, lose his usually calm composure but terror overwhelmed him as he noticed something in Yasuo's words, "How do you know? About that ability?!"

"Just sleep..." Uttered Yasuo and before Pouf can say anything, he blacked out, well, only this copy as well as all the other copies within the royal palace lost consciousness leaving the original form who is far away.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Meruem is flying at an incredible speed with a small Pouf and Youpi hanging to him.

In their weakened state, it would've taken much more time to reach the palace which is their destination so Meruem took the job flying at a speed much faster than they could ever do.

Until he stopped flying hovering high in the air.

He seems to be thinking of something for a bit before turning around looking at Pouf with his emotionless eyes, Pouf who is biting his lips holding back the rage and hatred he's feeling... as well as terror, something Meruem noticed so he simply asked...
