A few minutes later, while the two of them shopped together, the talkative Tacy filled Xzavier in on all he needed to know about the town.

"This town is called Sikeda and it is right on the edge of the Marshi Empire. Because it is plagued by so many races that aren't human, several hunters troop here in search of the glory, thrill and gold that comes with completing quests."

As she spoke, Xzavier couldn't help but compare it Isekai from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. As they both entered a restaurant to eat, Xzavier couldn't help but notice the stink eye that the people were giving him. Tacy nudged him.

"Don't you think it's about time you change your outfit into something more conventional? It's giving people the creeps."

Xzavier agreed wholeheartedly with her. While they ate, Tacy engaged Xzavier in a conversation.

"So what's your philosophy of life Xzavier? What are your dreams?"

Xzavier swallowed a mouthful of catfish and answered her assertively;


"I just want a simple life. I also want to live in a quiet place and live out my days with a simple woman."

"That's pretty interesting. But you're obviously powerful, why don't you think of making a bigger impact with your strength?"

Xzavier shook his head disapprovingly.

"Power is meant to be used to protect the weak. It isn't a gift to be wasted on selfish gain."

All through their rapport, it looked like Tacy had been simply trying to make conversation with Xzavier. Admittedly, she was a talkative who loved to school others and tell tales.

But this time, her intention had been to find out just what type of man Xzavier was. She had been extremely glad with the results she had gotten so far. It turned out that beneath the cold exterior of a killer, Xzavier was a thoughtful and focused young man with a sound view of life.


As the waitress cleared their plates, Tacy reminded Xzavier of their initial plan;

"I hope you haven't forgotten that we decided you are getting new clothes?"

"Wait, you mean like right now?"She rolled her eyes.

"Of course Xzavier! It has to be right now. Do you really want to keep wandering around town looking like that?"

"Well, if you say so. Where do you have in mind?"

Tacy had just the right place in mind for Xzavier's make over. She couldn't take him to the main market because she sensed he hated crowds. So, she resolved to take him somewhere more reserved.


A place where they could shop in privacy and away from the throng of people which Xzavier found repulsively annoying. With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, she announced triumphantly;

"The department store!"

Xzavier looked at her questioningly like; 'Is that supposed to mean something to me?'

"Don't worry Xzavier, I will lead you there. It is close by."

Xzavier was indifferent about the whole situation. He wasn't too hyped about going shopping for clothes. But it was a necessary change that would enable him fit better in his new world, so he indulged the young girl. He paid for the meal and the two of them set out and headed in the direction of the store.

Five minutes later, and almost halfway to their destination, both Xzavier and Tacy came upon a strange sight.

Now it was evening and the day was gradually drawing to a close, so it was still kind of bright enough to see that people were gathered and huddled together, but it wasn't completely bright enough to see the main reason for the congregation on the street.

They both shared the same worrying looks on their faces as they exchanged glances. As if in silent agreement, they both plunged into the crowd and began asking questions.

Xzavier didn't have much luck, but Tacy was a people's person. She melted through the crowd and quickly found the perfect group that were sure to be updated on the recent events.

Tacy knew more than anyone just how much elderly women loved to gossip.

So, she approached the group of elderly women politely and greeted them;

"Good evening ancient ones."

They chorused their greeting collectively in a sorrowful tone. Tacy took advantage of that and pressed on with her next question;

"Forgive my ignorance, but please can you fill me in on why you all are so gloomy?"

The shortest one in the center of the group wasted no time in taking up the opportunity to tell the tale. Clearly, she was the tale monger in the group.

The tiny woman with the long curved nose that resembled a beak began to fill her in;

"Oh it's a real tragedy!" she began enthusiastically.

"The case is a dire and sorrowful one because I personally knew the deceased."

Tacy knew how to play the game well. She asked her a question that encouraged her to go on.

"The deceased? Is someone dead?"

She nodded vehemently. As she wiped pretend tears from her clearly dry eyes. Jealous of the fact that the shorter one was hoarding all the attention, one of the elderly woman who had on an apron and smelled like freshly baked pastries took up the story from where she had left off.

"Yes. Her name was Miss Mary, and she died under the most extenuating circumstances."

"Was she murdered?"

"Not quite. She hanged herself."

Tacy was beginning to miss the short woman's narration. This one was clearly not great at reporting an incidence. Tacy turned to fully face the first woman and inquired of her directly;

"Madam please tell me what happened? Why did she hang herself?"

Glad that she was once again the center of attention, and also glad that the other woman had been shamed into silence, she began to narrate with vivid details the events that led to the death of the victim.

"You see, the poor woman was raped by a whole band of Orcs. These band of savage creatures were reported to have penetrated her both from behind and from the front till they had spilled every drop of their seed in her. It was a real mess of a situation. She bled for days on end nonstop."

She allowed the bombshell to settle for a second before she continued.

"But that wasn't all. You see, after she came home, her husband cast her aside because he thought she was no longer pure.

So, with the stigma and the possibility of an impure half breed abomination growing inside her womb, she took a rope and hanged herself publicly. Right around the corner up ahead."

Tacy absorbed the news with lightning speed. She was sure that some parts had been exaggerated but she had gotten what she needed. She quietly thanked the women and left. The second woman whom she had put down didn't answer her. Xzavier had been listening in from a close range and was horrified by the incident.
